Aw Nits!

Found a few sample brightness specs (approximate values depending on spec/test source):
(1 nit = 1 cd/m2 = 1 candela per square meter)

Dynon Skyview EFIS (10 inch): 1350 nits*

AFS 4500 EFIS (8.4 inch): 1200+ nits*

Anywhere Map Septa (Windows Tablet): 1,000 nits*; **

Garmin 696: 600 nits*

iPhone 4: 500 nits

iPad2 (iOS Tablet): 410 nits

Motorola Xoom (Android Tablet): 410 nits

* Highest brightness setting
** No external GPS antenna connection (No Bluetooth or direct connect)

For my friend Gary Sobek: Paper charts? . . . Old Billy don?t use no stinkin? paper charts! . . . except when I get lost :eek:. (. . . sent from Starbucks via my Toshiba laptop.)

Bill Palmer :)
Sorry--if I knew it I would have posted..Like most folks--you buy it, install it and throw the packaging away. Here's an example (2 for $5.45 with free shipping)
I ordered these and will report when they arrive.
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iPro Aviator kneeboard *does not* fit the iPad 2

For those of us looking to use an iPad on a kneeboard, there are not too many choices and they are not cheap. I bought the iPro Aviator for use with my iPad 2. The marketing materials said it is designed for both the iPad 1 and 2. It is not. In addition to all the little filler strips and rubber feet you must add, you need more than comes in the package.

If, like me, you really want the form factor of the iPro Aviator, and you have an iPad 2, you will want to make some modifications. Here is what I did ...
For those of us looking to use an iPad on a kneeboard, there are not too many choices and they are not cheap. I bought the iPro Aviator for use with my iPad 2. The marketing materials said it is designed for both the iPad 1 and 2. It is not. In addition to all the little filler strips and rubber feet you must add, you need more than comes in the package.

If, like me, you really want the form factor of the iPro Aviator, and you have an iPad 2, you will want to make some modifications. Here is what I did ...

I purchased one of these from Aircraft Spruce and like it. It works with my iPad 2. It is nothing but elastic material and velcro with two rubber clips.


I have always flound these dirt cheap ones to not be worth the package they come in. Tried some with my Iphone and was very disappointed.

If you just do a search on ebay "ipad2 anti-glare screen protector"--you'll get 503 items with a huge range in price. Vast majority are under 10 bucks but I saw some as high as $199. IMO, we are experimenters by nature. Buy a few different types that are less expensive and try them out. You're right that some of the 3 dollar types might wind up in the trash. The one I wound up being very happy with was under 10 bucks. Beats experimenting at Best Buy with 50 dollar ones.
P.S. if one of us on the forum who experiments would keep the packaging on one they find that works well and post the info, we'd be one step ahead. In hindsight, I'm sorry I didn't think to do that.
Sorry--if I knew it I would have posted..Like most folks--you buy it, install it and throw the packaging away. Here's an example (2 for $5.45 with free shipping)

The link seems to be missing. Any chance you might be willing to try reposting the link?


The link seems to be missing. Any chance you might be willing to try reposting the link?



The link was removed because it links to EBay, not allowed on VAF posts!
You can go to EBay and type in IPad accessories and look all you want.
The link was removed because it links to EBay, not allowed on VAF posts!
You can go to EBay and type in IPad accessories and look all you want.

Ah, I didn't realize that. Plenty of links get posted on here and I did not know that Ebay in particular was banned.

I was hoping to get the same exact one that he had ordered that seems to work well, rather than play roulette and pick one at random.

Is there any way, staying within the VAF rules, that we can post a link or somehow pass along enough detailed information so that we can order the same thing that he did?


I just tried a new anti-glare

on my iPad 2 --- based on a recommendation from one of the earlier posters, I bought the Plex by Incipio ---- 2-pack for about $22.00. Just tried it on a Warrior I was conducting a Flight Review in ------ works great, even with sun at my back.

I am using Foreflight, WingX and Skycharts and all seemed to work fine, and the sectional charts were clear and very readable.

I have worked out a trial mounting for the iPad in the -8A and -10 and will try them out soon.

Ah, I didn't realize that. Plenty of links get posted on here and I did not know that Ebay in particular was banned.

Is there any way, staying within the VAF rules, that we can post a link or somehow pass along enough detailed information so that we can order the same thing that he did?


See post by RONSIM right after your query.
iPads in an -8A

I just flew my 8A fm IYK (CA) to GLO at Northwest Regional (52F) in TX. First extended trip - and first use if iPad with Foreflight. The information provided by Foreflight was superb - however, the human factors aspects of an iPad: big left handed guy driving, and a pretty bumpy ride presented some challenges. I had a hard time keeping my left arm off of the screen - and really had a hard time in turbulence. Kept being transferred to modes of the iPad I didn't know existed.

I used a Sporty's iPad kneeboard but still had problems with fit. Tried putting it on my right leg, but felt uncomfortable with its very close proximity to the ignition toogle switches in turbulance. Finally settled on the left leg, but still wrestled with fit. Had the Moxia (sp?) bubble-free cover and only had trouble with vis in the afternoon with the sun directly over my shoulder.

I'll experiment a lot more when I get the plane back from GLO (yes - there is such a thing as RV separation anxiety).
RV6 Flyer - I considered a similar kneeboard design but I still need to write stuff down so the righting space was critical. Other than the poor implementation, I like the iPro's concept especially with ForeFlight. It turns out the flight plan drop down remains visible even when the writing pad is in place. I know that wad not what iPro intended but it works for me.

On the "anti-glare" topic, I just installs the Speck ShieldView. It's working very well. The screen feel is different from the raw glass but sunlight readability is dramatically improved!

As other have said, you need to be anal about having a PERFECTLY CLEAN screen before you start. In wasted the first attempt.
Sun screen

To improve viewability of the ipad and to cool the canopy i tried putting an 80% blocking sunscreen on the top of my canopy. I used the peal off kind in case I didn't like it. Well, it worked for both purposes. I was able to sit in the airplane with the canopy closed in the sun for several (10-15)minutes with the engine off. Normally, I would have had to open it after a couple minutes.
And the iapd was much easier to read. I bought the stuff in a 24 x 78 inch sheet at an autoparts store for about $14. It went on easy but I did have to make some slits to allow it to fit the curved parts. I basicly covered 30 inches X 40 inches of the slider. You can see through it but reduced of course.
I installed and have been using my Iphone and Ipad with the Power Support HD Anti Glare protector and so far it is superior to anything I have tried. I managed to get both of them on with no dust or bubbles.

I have played around with them outside in the Sun and it appears that this protector is light years ahead of where the Moshi iVisor is as far as usability in the Sun.

This product also does not impact the clarity of the screen as bad as most of the other anti glare ones I have tried. It is hardly noticable.

I will let you know out it turns out in the airplane. I am encouraged at this point.
I'm on tour right now but playing with my new Ipad 2. This morning I was sitting in a coffee shop with the rising Spanish sun beating in the window, so I was wearing my polarized sunglasses while reading the ipad with a Moshi anti glare screen. I had been reading it just fine in the horizontal mode and was wondering what all the fuss was about. I was updating the charts in foreflight and had occaision to turn it vertically. BIG DIFFERENCE!!!:eek: Marginally readable vertically, no problem horizontally. I would guesstimate the difference was about the same as turning the brightness control down to about 60 percent.

I know this has to do with the polarized sunglasses, but just more info to go into the decision as to where in the cockpit, and what orientation, to mount the ipad.

Jeremy Constant

P.S. tonight will be our first experience playing a concert that STARTS at 10:30PM:eek:
Missing it

I don't really understand, I think everyone is missing the point.

Fly at night.

Screen should be bright enough, DA is lower, you won't sweat as much, won't get skin cancer, and best of all...

You won't be able to see what you have been missing on the ground by staring at the iPad!:rolleyes:

I have spent way too many hours on instruments (over 200 actual) to ignore the beautiful countryside. I ENJOY the good old DR and terrain association navigation. Study the charts prior to the flight, pre-fold them, learn the route and get it memorized to know what you are looking for along the entire route...ohhh and by the way

I use an iPad 1 with foreflight and find it hard to read:p
I ENJOY the good old DR and terrain association navigation. Study the charts prior to the flight, pre-fold them, learn the route and get it memorized to know what you are looking for along the entire route...:p

I have iPad 1 with Foreflight but have never used it in flight. I use the best kind of moving map display for my charts during cross country flights but, unfortunately for many of you, it is not for sale anywhere. It is my wife holding paper charts on her lap and she has a great voice activated feature. I would not replace her for anything electronic. She loves to follow along with her finger on the chart and answer the continous question "So where are we now?"
I ordered these and will report when they arrive.
I bought a set of cheap one from e-bay and I got my $$$ worth of anti-glare. The anti-glare actually worked pretty good but not much else could be read, it made the text almost hard to read, so it got pulled off 5 minutes after the installation.
How does Power Support HD compare in clarity and distortion of the video quality?
Best I have seen....
Can you share where you bought it from and if IPAD and IPAD2 are comapitable? I have been searching for it and their website has been down and have not found any source for the original IPAD.

Google says they are available from Amazon or Apple Store
$40 for a small sheet of plastic though. Sheesh.

Can you share where you bought it from and if IPAD and IPAD2 are comapitable? I have been searching for it and their website has been down and have not found any source for the original IPAD.


From what I have seen, the IPad 2 difference is there is a little circle cut out for the camera that the IPad 1 doesn't have. Dimensions are the same otherwise.

I bought Foreflight and it keeps the ipad on until you turn off the program. No problems there. Also, I don't use a screen cover and can see the screen fine in the Arizona afternoon sun. Have you checked out your ipad settings for brightness?
Over Heating

I'm not sure if this has been addressed, approximately 56 minutes in flight my Ipad shut down due to over heating. I use mine as a knee pad and it was in direct sunlight. The glass was hot to the touch, I had to put it in the shade for approximately 5 minutes to get it to come back on. This is the first time its happened to me but its just starting to heat up here in Texas.
Foreflight question

I was surprised on a recent flight with ipad and ForeFlight that the nonstandard Right hand patterns were not shown on the airport map. Anyone know if it is burried in one of the sub menus? I looked in flight and could not easily find it. I'd like to see them make the Too small airplane indicator bigger and red. The blue blends in with many map features making it hard to find with a quick glance.
I was surprised on a recent flight with ipad and ForeFlight that the nonstandard Right hand patterns were not shown on the airport map. Anyone know if it is burried in one of the sub menus? I looked in flight and could not easily find it. I'd like to see them make the Too small airplane indicator bigger and red. The blue blends in with many map features making it hard to find with a quick glance.

Pattern information can be found on the Airports tab, either under Runways or on the A/FD page. The location marker can also be changed from the Settings page, although there aren't any previews of the various markers, which I think is subpar. I'd like to be able to preview the markers on the ground and pick one I like. Also, I suspect they'll all be the same blue color.
Pattern information can be found on the Airports tab, either under Runways or on the A/FD page. The location marker can also be changed from the Settings page, although there aren't any previews of the various markers, which I think is subpar. I'd like to be able to preview the markers on the ground and pick one I like. Also, I suspect they'll all be the same blue color.

Thanks, I just found the pattern under Runways. I was looking at the maps expecting arrows like in FlightGuide books. Still a great app,hopefully improvements will continue to flow.
I have the DTC DUAT app on my iPad but it is only an iPhone app so it is "half screen". To be honest, most of the same data comes thru on ForeFlight so I get it that way.
Finally got my bluetooth GPS, the XGPS150. Took 3 weeks from Amazon, but on the positive side it works great! Went for a test flight Friday, and IMHO WingX is far superior to Foreflight for one simple reason, I hate the VFR sectional background and find it way too "busy" to easily find information. I've gotten used to the Garmin 295 which has the digitized display of airspace, rivers and roads which is more intuitive. WingX is the only software on the iPad that I've found so far that does the same thing.

I like it so much I'm going to replace the Garmin 295 with the iPad, rather than add the iPad as a second unit. The only thing I have found that is missing that I really like on the 295 is the HSI display. I have flown for 11 years with the 295 in split screen mode, where about 70 percent of the screen, left side, is the moving map display, and the right side is the compass with HSI indicating your track information.

If WingX added the HSI option, and obstacle database it would be perfect! :) I haven't used the later models of Garmin (496 and newer), so I can't do a direct comparison, but it should easily replace the older 295 feature-wise, and then some.

My first impressions

When we flew from TX to NH two weeks ago we tried the iPad 2 for the first time in our rv7a. I was surprised at how well it worked and we really liked foreflight. I was surprised because the anti glare screen had not arrived yet so were naked. Some glare but useable. I will add the anti glare when we get home.

We are getting ready to fly out IFR this morning so check out our spot tracking link below. In prep for today's flight, I was setting up an IFR flight plan in foreflight and was pleased to find it took the route with vector airways which we always get flying out of NE. Real nice!!

In the APP Store, is "inflight" by BB Flight gives you AI, HI, Altitude and groundspeed, as well as terrain and nearby airports ---- $4.99 plus $2.99 for the North America data --

(iPad2 with all WFi and GPS)

I tried it in the airplane --- great emergency instrument panel.

Fly Safe!

I started EFB with the big Kindle 3G. I decided to give Flight Guide a chance, after they announced the end of the little books. (Yes, I complained too)
I like the sunlight readability, but the Kindle takes a bit of practice to operate. It has the airport directory and 'Pilot Plates', I combined that with WAC charts and the spiral bound Chart Book for sectionals.
It's been a good combination with old Garmin GX55 and 295.
Our son Peter bought the cheap ipad1 with Foreflight. It was fantastic on the ground but was marginal in flight, so last week he added the Bad Elf GPS.
We flew together to the Bellanca West Coast Fly In (Cruisemasters :D) and the ipad combo was a big hit. The Wife announced that we are going to get an ipad.
Bellanca Cruisemasters and Vikings are kind of like a "pre" RV-10, and so they have 'shade' in the cockpit.
I'm going with the ipad and make it work for the RV-8 when I get it flying...OR upgrade to the next product if it takes me too long.:rolleyes:
You guys have offered enough info on mounts, knee boards, shades, UV tinting and screen protectors; something has to work.
In the APP Store, is "inflight" by BB Flight gives you AI, HI, Altitude and groundspeed, as well as terrain and nearby airports ---- $4.99 plus $2.99 for the North America data --

(iPad2 with all WFi and GPS)

I tried it in the airplane --- great emergency instrument panel.

Fly Safe!


Looked this up and it says it's not for the IPad. My experience with IPhone apps loaded on the IPad results in very poor resolution when you hit the 2X button to make them fill the IPad screen. I guess it would still be a good emergency backup for instruments but hopefully they will develop it in HD for the IPad soon.
It does work on iPad

Have it on my iphone and iPad ---- fine print somewhere in the ad ---- works very well in the airplane.

Today was the big day.
After some work on one of the planes, I drove Marilyn to the Apple Store, and she bought a iPad2 3G 32GB.
She decided to forego the Verison contract, but immediatly downloaded the Foreflight ap.
She is a CFII, and she just sits there saying "WOW!" at the dinner table where she is 413 ft altitude and 0 KTS with no heading. :rolleyes:
I can tell this is going to be great.
Foreflight pirep

We used our new iPad 2 on our IFR flight out of Nashua, NH on Monday. One of the features that most impressed me was the ability to enter the IFR clearance directly into the flight plan. If you want to try an example, our flight was from KASH to KDUJ. Our clearance was "EEN V93 SASHA V292 V408 LHY V58 FQM V226 ETG." The route is displayed on the low ifr charts. The iPad with Foreflight is a very useful tool in our RV7a. And my co-pilot and spousal unit really likes the iPad. This trip sold us on the value of it.

A few comments about our trip home. Check out the SPOT track in the signature lines below. I filed for 8k via vector airways similar to the clearance because we always get vector airways in NE for routing. At 8k, our RV7a trued out at 170 kts at 8 gal/hr rich of peak. We had a headwind of 20-30 kts from NW. It was 46 degrees which we enjoyed because we knew TX was hot. We broke out on top at 6k and never saw the ground until 30 east of Dubois, PA where we had lunch and refueled. The next leg was VFR on top at 10.5k over to Frankfort, KY where we spent the night. We took off early Tuesday morning because of the storms and rain that were moving into our route from the north. We got through just ahead of the storms and made it back to Granbury, TX about 2:30 Tuesday afternoon. These RVs are truly great cross country machines.
We used our new iPad 2 on our IFR flight out of Nashua, NH on Monday. One of the features that most impressed me was the ability to enter the IFR clearance directly into the flight plan. If you want to try an example, our flight was from KASH to KDUJ. Our clearance was "EEN V93 SASHA V292 V408 LHY V58 FQM V226 ETG." The route is displayed on the low ifr charts. The iPad with Foreflight is a very useful tool in our RV7a. And my co-pilot and spousal unit really likes the iPad. This trip sold us on the value of it.

Another nice feature is to put SID or STAR in flight plan in Foreflight. I have used the published SID and it works great, giving you another reference for situational awareness.

Is there a way to put in the procedure without entering each individual waypoint. That would way cool.
3G data plan

I didn't plan to use the data plan with Foreflight, but found too many instances of not having access to wifi. Like especially at the airport. Last week I flew 1,000 miles to CA and back and interestingly, discovered that even at 12,500 ft, the 3G signal hit often enough that it typically updated weather every hr or so. Turned out to be especially helpful when returning to OR with rain around the route of flight as the radar feature was current. Obviously not always dependable this way, but at least it can work while airborne.
IPad lockup

Of note, occasionally I've seen my iPad2 lockup, or features like sound, stop working. Down powering the unit then rebooting always fixes it. I would highly recommend doing this to your iPad before flight to make sure it will be reliable.
Is there a way to put in the procedure without entering each individual waypoint. That would way cool.
Absolutely, just put the name of the SID as part of your flight plan.

Here is an example for Monterey, CA (KMRY) using Munso two SID.
Can you share where you bought it from and if IPAD and IPAD2 are comapitable? I have been searching for it and their website has been down and have not found any source for the original IPAD.


I just ordered one from Amazon - will report on how i like it (Power Support HD Anti-Glare Film for iPad 2 (60-152120101))
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Yep, I use mine in the car and it works fine as well. The roof sure does help!

What app are you using in the car (I assume for GPS navigation)? I got one called GPS Drive HD, but while the GPS seems to know where I am, it apparently needs to be online to get the map info.

I have used Foreflight in the car just messing around with it and also the built in Maps app. Works better than a Garmin GPS since the maps are more up to date. I have the 3G model with a data plan but it won't work without a data connection.

An app like Foreflight that would allow you to download map data and use it offline as a GPS would be cool. There may be one out there but I have not taken the time to look for one.

Foreflight does not seem to have a way to download base road map info in advance.
Garmin and TomTom both have paid iphone/ipad apps that will store the maps for use without a internet connection. They will give voice turn-by-turn directions.

Mapquest and Skobbler, and MotionX GPSLite are free ones (first 2 giving turn-by-turn directions but not voice) that also cache the maps so you don't need internet in the car.
Not with SkychartsPro.

Sweet. Thanks.

I couldn't get my SkychartsPro to do that departure with those entries.

I used KAGS KAOLN.3 KAOLN KDBN...from Augusta, Ga to Dublin, Ga. It showed the route but with the KAOLN3. KAOLN entered, it said "invalid entry".

What app are you using in the car (I assume for GPS navigation)? I got one called GPS Drive HD, but while the GPS seems to know where I am, it apparently needs to be online to get the map info.
After installing the power support HD, much of glare is gone but also the brightness of the screen. Yesterday I used it for the first time since adding the glare cover and noticed how not so bright the screen was, even though the brightness was to the max.