Skyhawk promo video

Hello all,
Seeing as how were running amok,
I?ve got an A-4 question RE: the FS promo video.

Anyone recognize the gray-blue camo scheme on the A-4 that starts at time 1:13 on the video, it's the one with a red "14" on the nose. Don't know if it was just a common camo pattern or not... Any old Navy salts out there with the answer??? :D


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Yeah, I recognize it. It's an "aggressor" squadron bird. Not sure if they used it in Top Gun, but the Navy had many aggressor squadrons in different locations. While stationed at NAS Oceana in Virginia Beach VA in the early '90's, I rememer they had a small aggressor det that flew A-4's and F-16's (yeah, the Navy owned F-16's) and they were painted like the one you saw in the video. I believe the now-disestablished Navy Det in Puerto Rico had the same type of scheme on some of their A-4's as well.

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greylingr said:
Nah drop the yourself a big screen......

I have been out of the computer loop about 3 years now and am not sure which way to go with the "Big screen". My card has S-video out. Whats the best bang for the buck, spend the money on a 1) Big screen TV 2) Big screen HDTV? 3) Large Flat panel computer monitor? Benefits? Resolution? Color? Which will/won't hook up to my computer? Where are we going in the next couple of year?...............It's RV related isn't it?
Add Ons

I wanted to ask what add ons you guys use in your MSFS2004? 2005 Traffic?

Matt Berry
Round Rock, TX
mgberry said:
I wanted to ask what add ons you guys use in your MSFS2004? 2005 Traffic?

Matt Berry
Round Rock, TX

Exactly... if it is 'worthwhile' to spend time using MsFS.. and if I'm starting from scratch... what components do I need [hardware and software].


After looking around the MSFS2004 discussion boards, I installed 3 add-on packages which made a huge difference in the realism of the scenery:

Ultimate Terrain USA: gives more accurate coastlines and roads

FSGenesis 38.2m Terrain: which gives accurate renditions of the mountains and hills in my part of the country

Flight Environment: allows for beautifully created and realistic clouds

Hope that helps

Paint - or in this case repaint

There are numerous How-to's or FAQ on the process of "reskinning" or "repainting" and aircaft in FS2004. I've found none of them *easy*. Google for FS2004 repaint should get you started.

Repaint Guidance

if you go to then click on RV-7/RV-7A in the products section, there will be a button "Paintkit"

Download that, it contains Photoshop type layered files of the original paintjob.
Then you need DXTbmp from

that's how we did our repaint:

if anybody has a better idea for the wheelpants, it's appreciated ;-)

ok and a couple of tips
  • For a repaint, you only have to touch the rv1_t, rv2_t, rvleftwing_t and rvrightwing_t files...
  • take care to correctly work with layers.
  • to help with the layout make the lowest layer visible temporarily, it contains a "wireframe" of all the parts skinned.
  • to preserve original reflections, open the default rv1_t.bmp and rv2_t.bmp in DXTbmp and save their alpha channel as a separate bmp temporarily. It's the little greyscale box on the upper right side.

When you're done repainting in photoshop, photoshop elements, paintshop pro or whatever graphics tool you use that supports native psd files:
  1. save the flattened texture as a standard windows bmp.
  2. open DXTbmp, import the repainted bmp
  3. load the corresponding alpha channel bitmap into the top right box again (only needed for rv1_t and rv2_t, wings do not require)
  4. Save As -> Extended Bitmap -> name it like the original file rv1_t etc... and select DXT3 from the list of filetypes.
  5. go to the flightsim -> aircraft -> FFS Vans RV7A directory on your hard drive
  6. copy the folder "texture.classic" and rename the copy to "texture.custom" or another name that makes sense to you.
  7. go into the texture.custom directory and replace rv1_t.bmp, rv2_t.bmp, rvleftwing_t.bmp and rvrightwing_t.bmp with your DXT3 textures.
  8. go up one directory and open the file "aircraft.cfg with a text editor
  9. scroll down and look up the last
  10. make a copy of that section and insert it right after.
  11. increase the number in the
    tag by one.
  12. edit the following sections:
    title=Van's RV-7A Custom paint
    (needs to be the same naming as for the texture.custom folder)
    (how you want it to show up when selecting the rv7a in flightsim)
  13. save aircraft.cfg
  14. open flightsim and enjoy!

kind regards, bernie

P.S. should long be riveting by now ;-)
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It's too bad someone doesn't offer a service to do this for others. I'd like to get my color scheme on my flying RV-7A in FS2004...

Well I splurged on an early B-Day present and got the TrackIR set up that Rudi talked about. No more keystrokes for me to look left, right, up and down!

Let me just say that the first few times around the pattern in that snazzy RV-7A I downloaded it was pretty disorienting because the device amplifies the movement your head....drastically. One second I was looking at the rudder pedals and the next I was seeing clouds! Glad I found the virtual 3D airsick bag :eek:

All kidding aside, once I get the settings figured out and get used to the sensitivity I think it will be awesome!

It definately takes a few to days to let TrackIR burn in to your synapses!

One thing you realize is how much you move your head while looking at a fixed monitor. :D
Flight Simulator Hardware

Any recommendations on control sticks, throttle/prop/mixture quadrants, rudder pedals to go along with the MSFS 2004?

Scott Diffenbaugh
RV-7A almost ready to fly
Scott Diffenbaugh said:
Any recommendations on control sticks, throttle/prop/mixture quadrants, rudder pedals to go along with the MSFS 2004?

I use a Saitek X45 joystick which has been replaced with the X-52. I actually clipped a few spring windings off, as the stick took a bit more force than I wanted.

The stick has a good feel of mass to it, unlike some other lightweights. It also has a seperate throttle control, and plenty of buttons and knobs for anything. I use a four way button on the throttle for prop and mixture.

I do use this stick with the right hand, and throttle in my left (fighter style). But for whatever reason, in my 6A, the stick is more comfortable in my left hand, and I have the usual center mounted throttle, prop, and mixture.

Personally, I do prefer MS2004 over the others listed, but use the payware RealAir SF260 as my favorite sliding canopy aircraft.

edit: I also use rudder pedals, but mine are the old Thrustmaster Pro variety.
RV-10 Model

First off Danny WOW!!!!! That is some amazing detail looks spectacular. Have you finished it yet.
Second does anybody know where to get the RV-10 Model I have the 7 but really want to "fly" the 10.

Previously I've been screwed on MSFS because I use Macs. But recently, I purchase a new laptop, a MacBook Pro, which can boot either MacOS X and Windows XP. So I just installed FS9 on my computer. I NEED to know what I need to do to get some decent scenary for the Socal area, and maybe Norcal and Vegas too. The airplanes are the no-brainer, but the scenery is killing me. I currently use a thrustmaster joystick because it was cheap, and I'm a student trying to build an RV, but the auto-POV stuff really caught my eye, also could get into the ATC side of it.
For an awsome site where you can download new aircraft, including RV's, scenery and misc other things go to It's a free site but if you join, the fee is small, but download speeds increase and other areas become available.
registering the FSS RV-7

Ok, I got the download, looked thru all the instructions, but cannot find a link to register the product, so I still have black holes for gages. Help!
Chappyd said:
Ok, I got the download, looked thru all the instructions, but cannot find a link to register the product, so I still have black holes for gages. Help!
Page 6 of the Pilot's Operating Handbook, which can be downloaded for free from the Van's RV-7 page on the Flight Factory Simulations website...

Quick summary...

From the pull-down menus in Microsoft Flight Simulator:

Aircraft --> Flight Factory --> Register

Enter buyer's name, email, and registration number. Click OK. Thank you message pops up. Close Flight Simulator, and then re-start. Then your gauges will work.
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I've been a member of for over 7 years... which says a lot since I'm only 20... On the other hand, it's still a bitch to find decent scenary for Socal. Anyone?
From the pull-down menus in Microsoft Flight Simulator:

Aircraft --> Flight Factory --> Register

Enter buyer's name, email, and registration number. Click OK. Thank you message pops up. Close Flight Simulator, and then re-start. Then your gauges will work.[/QUOTE]

Does anybody that has used FS2004 prefer X-Plane? The June 2006 edition of EEA's Sport Pilot magazine has an article on computer flight simulators titled, 'Train for the Sport Pilot Checkride'. In it, it goes indepth about FS2004 vs X-Plane saying, "...any particular aircraft may fly just as well in normal circumstances on either flight simulator, but flight in unusual attitudes works much better in X-Plane." Also X-Plane has recieved FAA approval for training towards Airline Transport Certificate, saying, "This is the first time ANY consumer-priced software has EVER gotten this certification".

I have not tried X-Plane but it sounds pretty impressive, as does the info on their website. Check it out.
X-Plane is nice, but it is a little less than visually pleasing to me. My personal favorite is Fly!2K, but once I got the 38m grid and Ultimate USA Scenery for Socal, FS2004 is OK.
Thanks, is the flight modeling the same? Seems as though FS2004 is more for eye candy and X-Plane is more technical. Anyhoo, FSX should be great.
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Mike Armstrong said:
Thanks, is the flight modeling the same? Seems as though FS2004 is more for eye candy and X-Plane is more technical. Anyhoo, FSX should be great.
X-plane is easier for aircraft builders to make a realistic model with because it calculates how the airplane will fly based on how you build the model. Therefore, if you build an accurate representation of an RV-9 and a RV-7 they will have the same differences as in real life.
Building a panel on MSFS

I've downloaded the 7/7A and Dynon EFIS and engine moniter to go with MSFS. I've got the two instruments overlaid on the existing panel, but it looks just like that, simply overlaid. Anybody got some tips on how to build your own panel in MS Flight Sim. I know I will not be able to get exactly what is in my panel, but would like to have something like it's configuration.

PC and SubLogic FS - Hi Performance!

jbDC9 said:
Double ditto! Now that's funny, I started with the exact same setup, only it was around 1980-1... so it's been 24+ years. Man, I feel so old.

And, as others have said regarding Danny's -7A model, I have to add another Wow! to the list. Beautiful, perfect work.

Edit: just found this Flight Sim History website... check out the old screen shots! It's amazing to see just how far FS has come since those primitive old days.

I loved the way you could roll the 182 inverted, stall it and 'fall' to 30000 feet. Roll out and FEEL THE RIDE!

I actually downloaded the RV-9A model that exists for X-Plane. Unfortunately it was created for an older version of X-Plane and won't open in the current version. When I get around to it, I'm going to try opening the model in the new version of planemaker, and re-exporting it and see if that works.
BlackRV7 said:
Anybody tried X yet?

Yep. It's a resource hog, big time.

I have a Intel Dual Core 3Ghz, 1GB of RAM, 256mb video card and I can barely make it run with all the graphics settings on 'high'. I have to put the quality settings near the middle to get a respectable frame rate.

Unfortunately it appears that Microsoft has chosen to go the route of eye candy over improving the flight model and functionality. In more populated areas they are using aerial photos to enhance the ground scenery. It's kind of cool to be able to fly over your neighborhood in that thing and see your ACTUAL house.

The G-1000 stuff is pretty well done. I've only flown a G-1000 172 twice so my exposure to the G-1000 is limited, but it appears that MS got most of the functionality right. There are several things missing in FSX (i.e. the detailed engine page, changing map settings, etc), but overall it's fairly well done. BTW: The G-1000 is only available in the FSX Deluxe version.

Now, contradicting what I said about the flight model -- it does appear that MS has tweaked the flight model somewhat. Aerobatics in the Extra 300 was it was almost impossible to make that thing spin. It seems more natural now to get it into a spin and do other maneuvers.

As far as the engine sounds: I spoke with one of the MS guys at Oshkosh and he said that they actually went around and recorded the engine noises from authentic airplanes for FSX. The engine sounds do seem to be much better -- particularly the Extra. There is a noticeable difference in sound.

I also like the fact that they've added tow-plane functionality for the gliders. The glider stuff is a very neat learning experience. They have a glider introduction that teaches you about thermals, ridge soaring, etc. The glider in FSX has a variometer which is neat and makes the experience very real. I've only tried the soaring introduction so I'm not sure how well it simulates thermals in other areas.

They've also added flour bombing capability and you can even try to land a Cub on the top of a moving bus a la Oshkosh.

Overall I think it's a decent purchase and is great for cold rainy days.

Almost all of the guys on the MS Flight Simulator team are pilots and fly regularly. It's neat to see what these guys are doing -- although I still think that X-plane is a better all around simulator (so does the FAA...given X-plane's certification for flight training in certain installations).
Love X-plane

Been with X-plane since the mid-90's. A couple of times I've used it to drive 3d animation software. What I like about it is the customization. When we used it for "Stealth" (apologies all around, but I didn't write the script), we built a VTOL, nearly hypersonic fighter to try to get the performance that the director wanted, and we nearly hit it, most of the time. It didn't turn out to be practical for day-to-day animation work, but it was good R&D and helped visualize a lot of stuff.

I downloaded V 8.5demo and I have the full version on order, primarily because there's a very nice model of an RV-7A on that you can download. I'll be able to crack it open in PlaneMaker and convert it to an RV-7. The Cozy Mk4 has the BMA EFIS/One, which you can stick in the RV, once you learn PlaneMaker a bit. Greg Richter of BMA helped with the EFIS, and it's pretty cool in the Cozy. And having it up on the projector in the living room is way too much fun. This is about all the RV flying I'm going to get for a while, so I'm going to make the best of it.

Jamie said:
Yep. It's a resource hog, big time.

You are definitely right. 2gb corsair xms memory, dual core AMD and two FireGL 512mb PCIe cards and I still get low framerates with the graphics turned all the way up.

It does look nice though :)
I've been a flight sim nut since the old SubLogic days on my Apple IIE, and have owned every version of MSFS, plus most others.

I've finally switched to X-Plane. I just can't seem to wrap my mind around Microsoft's flight model. Everytime you tap the rudder, the plane oscillates back and forth like a pendulum. Drives me batty :)

X-plane's flight model is the best I've flown but they don't have the eye-candy of Microsoft's.

I haven't tried MSFS X. I'm most interested if they've finally gotten a flight model that behaves a little more realistically? If they have, I might give it a try because I like everything about MSFS.
jcoloccia said:
I'm most interested if they've finally gotten a flight model that behaves a little more realistically? If they have, I might give it a try because I like everything about MSFS.

I think you'll be disappointed. It still seems very hard for me to control pitch in FS, and the one are where FS has always been inferior to X-Plane is still just as bad: instrument response. Glass smoooth in X-Plane, herky-jerky in FS(X).

Well, I did the Deluxe Edition for Flight Sim X. I'm running it on my laptop, with all the settings on low high it runs fine. The graphics are rather spectacular.

I downloaded the Flight Factory RV-7s for my FS2004. I still have the files in zip form. You computer guys: how do I put those zipped files in X to see if they will work? Any help is appreciated.
jcoloccia said:
I've been a flight sim nut since the old SubLogic days on my Apple IIE, and have owned every version of MSFS, plus most others.

I've finally switched to X-Plane. I just can't seem to wrap my mind around Microsoft's flight model. Everytime you tap the rudder, the plane oscillates back and forth like a pendulum. Drives me batty :)

X-plane's flight model is the best I've flown but they don't have the eye-candy of Microsoft's.

I haven't tried MSFS X. I'm most interested if they've finally gotten a flight model that behaves a little more realistically? If they have, I might give it a try because I like everything about MSFS.

I now feel like this is a flight sim forum, where what's supposeably best is debated daily--

But no, I don't feel X-Planes flight model is the best. Some 3rd party payware add-ons for MSFS have gone beyond X-Plane.

As to FSX, I like it, some don't. I also have X-Plane V8

Flight Factory

mashy said:
anyone no of a rv that can fly in the new floght simulator x?

I did some playing around with MS-X this morning and installed my previously downloaded RV-7 and RV-7A files into the folder housing the MS-X airplane folder. I just flew the 7 and it seemed to fly just fine. Add to it the great graphics of MS and it is pretty darn nice. I don't have the guages turned on yet but the airplane flies just fine.
As far as choppy gauges are concerned I am not seeing this problem. My guages all work very smoothly. I am just guessing that it may be something with your hardware such as processor speed or total memory.

The solution for 'choppy' instruments can be found here:

The instruments on the left are part of a package of drop-in replacements for the standard Microsoft versions:

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More MS Flight Sim Models

I found this link: which has a large assortment of freeware/shareware aircraft for MS Flight Simulator.

If anyone comes across a good RV-9A flight model, please let me know!

magaref "at"
x-plane rv-10

I could have sworn I saw someone mention there was an X-Plane model of the rv10 somewhere? Anyone know or was I hallucinating?
pboyce said:
I've got a couple hundred hours on my RV-7A and can't get enough of it. So I purchased Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 to "fly" on those days when I'm at home. It turns out that there is a company that will sell you an RV-7/7A for the simulator for $8. Add some Dynon instruments for another $22 and it's like flying in my own plane! The feel is very realistic and there is all sorts of ways to configure your plane. Here are some sample outside shots:





I've had this sim for a couple years, but got an email from them a month ago saying they were going out of business... Anyone know the scoop?

Would someone post link to download this sim? I have Microsoft Flight Sim X, is it compatable with it?