I think it's more that people don't like change. Especially major change. It's big and scary and too hard. Even if it makes more sense in the longer term.
. . .
But, as I said earlier, ya gotta be at least bilingual to get by these days! :D

Mental change is not so bad, if it is consistent. One this the other that, partial - just a lot of confusion. It's all theory and equal except for the standards, testing, materials, availability of ready replacements, machine tool set ups, forging dies, and lots of other capital machinery.

Dealing with a ba$tard units GM (and others) car that mixed imperial and metric fasteners hoses etc was a nightmare after Carter (along with the other nightmares).

Or getting fuel across borders - Boeing 767 glider

Me - I am going all knots.
Ya, I use both now, knots and mph. One thing though, as to the mph of the past, I remember my primary instructor (Luscombe, 1970) would ask me for current ground speed. I would time our progress over the section lines in the Colorado plains and solve with my trusty E6B. The section lines remain statute miles, so far as I can tell! It was fun, too.