Montana First Flight N164HM

N164HM took to the air this morning in a stiff wind, with no unexpected squawks. Test Pilot and VAF supporter Noel Simmons reported that the prop was "very smooth". We have a short list of items to work though before the next flight.
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Stopped by to see your RV today. I should have called ahead, everyone was gone to lunch or something. looked good through the window.:D

To be fair I didn't stick around long as I knew I had to battle 35mph headwinds going back in the Citibria. I did manage to snap this pic of ShowDown Ski area(I was a ski patroller before flying bug bit) on the way back.

Too bad I was at 10500 to get out of the turb.

Brian, I haven't really sorted out the performance numbers yet, but I will tell you that the most I have seen in level flight is 174 knots indicated.

When I took it to Aerotronics to have the pitot static system certified, my (brand new) transponder needed an update from Garmin, and the autopilot had an internal air leak, so right now the plane has neither.

I just chased down two leaks in the pitot system, and I am waiting on the right combination of work and weather to get back to BIL. The pitot leaks may mean that my airspeed has been reading low.

The last time I flew I had the #2 EGT go 200 degrees low all of a sudden, so I blew out the injector, but I haven't run it since.

I am having trouble with CO in the cockpit while taxiing and slow flight, so I put on the aileron booties, seal up some wing root stuff. But the biggest leak was the gap right in the center rear of the canopy, between the canopy and the rail. Shoots cold air right onto the back of your neck. I couldn't figure out the "Bob Awesome" solution, so I put some improvised mold release compound (Boeshield) down on the rail and rear deck, locked the canopy down, and shot the gap full of silicone which I kept from running out with a piece of tape.

Well, I don't yet know how this is going to work, because after three days it still isn't cured enough for me to be comfortable opening the canopy! I put a 40 watt bulb on it last night, so hopefully that will speed up the curing process. Of course by the time I get it done it will probably be raining again.

I am not sure where I am at time wise, maybe 27 hours? It took be about 35 minutes to go from Bozeman to Billings BTW, that was nice!

Phase I Complete!

Sunday I had the pleasure of taking my nine year old son Maxwell for his first ride in our plane. The picture is not great but I was more focused on making sure we were safe.


Maxwell Conser flying N164HM


Another shot showing some panel and terrain. The GRTs are a lot brighter in real life vs. this picture.
That is so cool Hans! I really envy you. My son Gabriel was just born 2 weeks ago. Maybe by the time he is 9 he can help me finish my RV-8.