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The real question...why did the builder accept it as good enough? What drove his decision?

IMHO, there are seveal factors that drive that decision. First is a lack of knowledge. That also has several levels. Builder may not understand it is wrong or may not know the different levels that exist between perfect and horrific. If you don't comprehend how horrific impacts things, it is easier to accept it. Some may even think it is the perfect standard, as they simply have never seen an example. They may also simply not understand the reasons why in some cases near perfection is required and in some cases it is not. In your example, the builder may have thought that the tape was cosmetic (just to hide the threads from view), like fairing compound and didn't realize that the thread holds the skin together and must be protected from the elements and UV degradation to continue doing it's job over the years.

These types of problems can often be resolved with TC's and forums like VAF.

Second, some simply don't care to achieve acceptable workmanship and are either too stubborn to admit this could cause safety issues or too proud to ask for help. Not a lot we can do with this group. I have seen a LOT of poor workmanship in many different industries and it is often habitual and often repeated. I am not a Psychologist so can't really point a finger at why some folks repeatedly underperform to a quality standard. Suspect many factors are in play.

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"...Yes Mickey, I constantly come across RVs that have firewall penetrations made with nylon snap bushings covered with a blob of "high temperature" red RTV such as Permatex Silicon Gasket Maker or similar. This is crazy..."

I guess you ought to address this with Vans. Referring to RV-10 plans, section OP37-2 figure 1, electrical harness, Vans says drill a 1/2" hole for firewall penetration of the battery cable and use a SB500-6 snap bushing...

It may not be what YOU consider airworthy, quality, or whatever you want to call it but it is spelled out in the plans that way. Someone with little or no experience in this hobby is going to follow the plans...

Just saying...
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