What he said... <BG>

I think the notion that the -4 is some kind of icon that is somehow purified by doing so and so is completely false and serves no good. The -4 is designed as a tandem two-seater, +- 6g, 150 to 180++ HP, MTOW 1500++ lbs. It can be built light and simple and cheap (O-320 FP prop), it can be built like an aerobatic machine (simple with injected/Ellison 180++ HP and CS prop), it can be built like a cruiser (IFR, autopilot etc etc), it can take you round the world several times, it can be used as a bush plane, or it can do everything in between.

But, no matter how it is built, you will always end up with high performance aircraft that also has the distinct iconic looks of a high performance aircraft. No other RV has this. It is like a Porsche 911, there simply is nothing else like it.
Short Race...


I bought my -4 tail kit in 1989 simply based on a picture in a magazine of a -4 with Van's "total performance" moniker beside it. I thought it looked cool and would be my 180 mph super cub. 1500 hours and 20 years later I still feel that way. It all depends on what you want, can afford or need. All the RV's are compromise airplanes, great compromise, but good at several things, not just one. If I could afford an Extra 300, that's what I would own, it's perfect for what I do. The Rocket gives me some of the Extra's capability at alot less cost. You have the luxury of alot of inputs to help you decide, for me, like everything, I dove in head first...:)


The F16 with no external stores will do 800 knots on the deck, no worries. Been there done that. Racing from a dead start is another story...check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmdbIhtmDfk
Thank you again everyone who gave inputs, they have all been very helpful.

I think I have re-adjusted thoughts over to the O-320 for the previous weight savings and the fact that it is less abusive on airframes and props vibration-wise.

Prop, I still really like the idea of a CS composite. All research so far has strongly convinced me that I should look pretty hard at the MT two blade setups. They are light, and they have a pretty solid history with composite props. I'd probably sill go with MT or a Catto if I change my mind towards a FP.

Avionics - I'm leaning towards a Dynon D10A on top with their D10 for engine monitoring. I also considered the single boxes that do both, that is also always an option, something like their D180 perhaps, although for similar price and weight the two smaller boxes give slightly better redundancy.

Radio and transponder will be something stolen from the glider community, likely Becker.