How many readers here are:

  • Active Duty

    Votes: 38 11.5%
  • Retired Military

    Votes: 46 13.9%
  • Formerly Served

    Votes: 148 44.7%
  • Has a family member serving.

    Votes: 59 17.8%
  • None of the above.

    Votes: 64 19.3%

  • Total voters
1st of the 509th

Airborne, All The Way. 1972 to 1975. Sergeant E-5. Southern European Task Force, stationed primarily in Verona, Italy. Many, many parachute jumps amd tons of great memories.
4th Gen

Grandfather - WW2 US Army 1st Cav - Pacific from Australia to Japan
7 Uncles WW2 all branches, all theatres - lost a cousin Italy

Father - USN Korea
StepDad - US Army WW2 Nuremburg trials

Me - USN 76-79 Aviation machinists mate, aircrew, plane captain VT23 Kingsville, TX

Daughter - US Army Officer active duty

Got an old black and white of one of my ancestors in uniform in the Greek Army! Not sure how far back but before 1900.

We live but to serve:cool:

Thanks to all our fellow comrades in arms and those we don't have with us anymore.

I just want to say thanks to all the vets and those currently in uniform. Especially the Blackhawk guys that pulled me out of New Orleans during Katrina..
U. S. Naval Aviation

18 years U. S. Navy and U. S. Naval Reserve. Retired from the reserves (early thanks to Pres. Clinton) with the rank of Commander. Got to fly the T-2, TA-4, T-39 and S-3A. I helped win the 'Cold War'!

BTW, that was a great travel piece by Doug. Pensacola is the cradle of Naval Aviation (and a great beach) and the sights there are dear to my heart. After reading Doug's piece, I'm planning a trip there myself. Anybody in the DC area care to join me?
Great Uncle # 1: WWI and WWII retired Col

Great Uncle # 2: WWI and WWII retired Col

Cousin: Col, VietNam, F-105 driver, KIA over North VietNam 4 Nov 66.

Brother: US Coast Guard, 1979-1983

Me: U.S. Air Force, MSgt (ret), 1981-2005, 462x0 (2W1x1 in today speak) Bomb Loader, B-52G, A/OA-10, F-16C/D, F-15C/D/E.

My Dad: USA Retired, 101st, Silver Stars, Purple Hearts, +++
My Brother: USA 81-84
Father-in-Law: USN WWII & Korea
Me: USMC 81-89, F-4s
Long Line of Military Service

Grandfather: Navy Captain (O6)-retired
Father: Navy Captain (O6)-retired
Nephew: Air Force 2nd Lieutenant - active
Sons: NROTC @ UF
Me: Navy Lieutenant Commander (O4)-retired

God Bless all those who wear/have worn the uniform defending our freedoms.
30 years this year! Took an 8 year break in the 80's but reenlisted again in '89. Good Lord willing, 24 months to go and then it's RV-9A construction time!
Interesting thread, but please let's not forget the important difference between Memorial Day and Veteran's Day.

I'm pretty sure that those we are/should be honoring on Memorial Day are not posting here.

Your Suggestion?

Interesting thread, but please let's not forget the important difference between Memorial Day and Veteran's Day.

I'm pretty sure that those we are/should be honoring on Memorial Day are not posting here.


Is your suggestion to change the poll question, change the topic identification or start another topic?
US Army, Radio Teletype Operator (31C), Mannheim, Germany 84-86.

Hey!! A fellow RATT RIG operator....

Well, actually I was a 25C and was taught RATT by my Team Chiefs.
23 Years U.S. Army Signal Corps, LTC (Ret), Ranger, Master Parachutist, Restore Hope (Somalia), Joint Endeavor (Bosnia) OEF (Afghanistan).

Father, 30 Year U.S. Army Infantry, COL (Ret), Ranger, Master Parachutist, 2 tours Viet Nam (4th Inf, 1st Inf), 2 purples hearts 7 Bronze Stars (5 w/V device). We laid dad to rest in Arlington in January. Just a few rows away from one of his buddies.

It was an incredible ceremony.
If you want to call it a suggestion (that was not my point/intention)....

I'm simply pointing out there is a difference between Memorial Day and Veteran's Day.

The thread was suggested as a result of it being Memorial Day...seems a list of military accomplishments/resumes is irrelevant.

A thread regarding family members, loved ones, friends and colleagues lost in service to their country would be more appropriate for Memorial Day.

Memorial Day is for the Cemetery, Veteran's Day is for the Parade Ground.

Memorial Day is CERTAINLY NOT for making up snow days at school, nor for breaking out the jet skis or cases beer.


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Is your suggestion to change the poll question, change the topic identification or start another topic?

I have to agree with Joe and GEICO on this.

Memorial day is a day to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

While well intentioned the thread has wandered from the concept of memorial.

I honor anyone who is serving, has served or will serve but I revere and worship as heroes those who are no longer with us as a result of service to this nation. Any contribution I could have or did make pales in comparison and is irrelevant to Memorial Day..
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Hey, we can debate the differences between Memorial Day and Veteran's Day, or we could also take opportunities to share some common military experiences amongst the group. We have quite a few members who are on active duty, and I'd rather hear from them now rather than hear about them next Memorial Day, if that should occur.

Right on, Vic.
Joe, your point is well taken, but this was the way DR started the thread.

"Seeing as this is Memorial Day, I was wondering if you might put a poll out there to see how many members are active duty, retired, formerly served, or family memeber serving? Might be interesting."

Most, if not all, of the responses were right in line.
God Bless you Chad and all our men and women in uniform, I read Marcus's book simply amazing what they did.
All My Best to you
Military history

Starting with myself:

10 years in the North Dakota Air Guard. 119th FIG/FG/FW as an F-16 Crew Chief. I was a Seven Level SSGT.

Dad retired with 30 years as an O-6. He was at Takhli AB, Thailand in 1968-9The balance was done at Kelly AFB in the Fuels area. He worked with B-52s; F-105s and F-111s, along with KC-135s.

An Uncle was a pharmacist in the Army/ Army Reserve.

One Grandpa was a Command Pilot and a bombardier instructor. He was a Gooney Bird pilot in the Berlin Airlift. He flew P-51s, B-24s, 25s and B-17s, C-46s; F-86s and F-89s.

My other grandpa was in McAurthors Army in the Philipeans.
USAF 66-70

A solemn post-Memorial Day salute to the fallen and kind thoughts for their families.

Like so many hereabouts, I'm from a family that wears the uniform.

  • Great Grandfather- Cival war vet
  • Grandfathers - Spanish American War and WWI vets
  • Uncles - USN dentist and Army Air Corps (B17 pilot), both WWII
  • Dad-WWII Army physician
  • Me - USAF Electronic Warfare Viet Nam (but never "in country" and cold wars
  • Brothers -USAF, cold war
  • Daughters- USNA grads, both serving presently... Marines (ground) and Navy (Navy flight school)
  • Son-in-law - USNA grad, Marines, currently in Afghanistan
  • Nephew- West Point Grad (3 days ago!)
Interestingly, none has ever re-upped (so far).

Nice thread, but the memory of the fallen is the principal focus of Memorial Day. It is, however, nice to read about how so many of us are currently serving or are vets.

Cold war Air Force Russian Linguist. XX203.

The right side of the canopy on my 9A reads: "In memory of TSGT Myron Kelly & Capt Bill Burkett". Myron was my father, WWII Army Air Force. Dad was in charge of the destruction of 3200 of the finest aircraft ever to put air beneath their wings, the planes left in England after the war. This is the subject of a book that went to press yesterday. Bill was a best friend and O2 pilot shot down in Viet Nam. Just my way of showing a small part of the honor these men, and all like them, deserve. Memorial Day is special. Thanks for remembering, Doug.

Bob Kelly