How many readers here are:

  • Active Duty

    Votes: 38 11.5%
  • Retired Military

    Votes: 46 13.9%
  • Formerly Served

    Votes: 148 44.7%
  • Has a family member serving.

    Votes: 59 17.8%
  • None of the above.

    Votes: 64 19.3%

  • Total voters


doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
...suggested to me by Vic Syracuse:

Seeing as this is Memorial Day, I was wondering if you might put a poll out there to see how many members are active duty, retired, formerly served, or family memeber serving? Might be interesting.
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by the time i realized i should have put a couple years in of fighting, i was nearly to old and had to many other commitments to join. excuses, excuses.

so i've never been in the military.
Let's take a moment to reflect on the significance of the day, to remember and raise a toast to all those who have given their lives in the service of our country. They sacrificed their tomorrows, so that we could enjoy ours.

Let's also toast those who are currently in harms way serving this country.

Pvt. Jake Carroll
82nd Airborne currently somewhere in safe my son

USN '79-'87
I was the last age group that had to register for the draft even as it had ended. Viet Nam ended two years before I graduated from high school and I never served.

I regretted it ever since I became mature enough to think about those things.

I do have a nephew serving in The Navy who just got back from deployment where they mixed it up with some Somali pirates.
self:USAF 83-89 RF -4C, 38TRS Zweibrucken, GE 84-87,45TRTS Bergstrom AFB, TX 87-89
Father: Army, WWII, CBI Theater, India
Never Forget

me: former LCDR (MC), USNR - 4 years active duty, 4 reserve

Dad: former corporal, USA (paratrooper, 17th Airborne Division, WWII) - Bronze Star, Purple Heart in 3 years active duty in Europe
Air Force

I spent 4 years in the AF, 1974-1978. I was in the last group to actually be recognized as Vietnam Veterans. Worked Avionics on C-130's, U-2's, UH-1's, CH-3's, primarily at Davis Monthan AFB, Utapao AB (Thailand) and Osan AB, South Korea.
Made goo dus of the GI Bill while I was in, taking advantage of the old Bell and Howell (DeVry Institute of Technology, and learned to fly at the Aero Club. Got out with my Commercial, CFI, ASMEL, Instrument Airplane. On the GI bill the club T-34A cost me $1.80 per hour WET. Those were the days!

"Formally Served" deserves the title of "Veteran", it is a legal status that is earned.

But this is not Vereran's Day, it is Memorial Day, a day to remember those who made the ultimate sacrafice.
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Don't forget the reservists

...suggested to me by Vic Syracuse:

Seeing as this is Memorial Day, I was wondering if you might put a poll out there to see how many members are active duty, retired, formerly served, or family memeber serving? Might be interesting.

Don't forget the active reserve. 7 years active duty Air Force and 12 years active reserve. I'll miss it but I'll retire next year. Maybe I can spend more time with my airplane :)
Air Force

67 - 71 SSgt George AFB California (now Socal) J32570A - Automatic Flight control systems F4-C, D, E. 434th Tactical Fighter Squadron - Pilot Training and Mobility alert.

Thanks to all who did, all who are and all who will serve!

Three generations that I can count

Starting with:

My grandfather was in WWI serving as one of 398 flying instructors stationed at Kelly Field, San Antonio, TX, in the Army Air Service (1917-1918).

My father was in WWII, in the 154th Field Artillery, with Patton's 3rd Army, earning four battle stars, including the Ardennes, the Battle of the Bulge, Northern France and Rhineland in 13 months of combat (1944-1945).

My uncle was the nose gunner in WWII on a B-24 Liberator with the 487th Bombardment Group, 8th Air Force, US Army Air Corps, stationed at Lavenham in England (1944)

Finally, I served 1971-1977 in the Kansas National Guard with the 169th Spt. Bn., of the 69th Inf. Bde.
24 and counting...

24 years 9 months and still going.
12 Air Force Active Duty, AF Reserve and now Texas Air Guard. F-4's, C17's and F-16's. Someday when I have time I'll be able to add an RV-4 Fastback to the list...
My Grandfather served in the U.S. Army in WW1 and WW2.

My father was a Radioman in the U.S. Navy in WW2

I was a helicopter pilot in the U.S. Army in Vietnam.

My son has served two tours in Iraq with the U.S. Army 1st Cavalry Division and is currently stationed in Japan.
Father WWII wounded

Parents who are WWII-Korea-Vietnam veterans...

Dad has passed on but was a Canadian officer loaned to the British (Operation Canloan) and was wounded near Caen after landing at Normandy. My father was shot at (machine gun) and hit 11 times!! (You cannot believe the number of people who say "and he lived?" hello, he was my father! ) How many people can say they know someone who had been shot let alone 11 bullets. He never spoke of the specifics surrounding his wounding but fortunately there was a book written about the Canloan and includes a story of his wounding. I just wished he had lived long enough to see the RV fly.

Mark Mercier
Vancouver, BC

Grandfather: Army Air Corp

Father: U.S.Air Force,Security Police, 10th Air Force Emergency Service Team

Mother: U.S.Air Force, Aircraft Maintenance, Grissom AFB, A37 and A10's

Father inlaw: Army Air Corp, WWII B-17 Navigator

Me: U.S.Air Force, Jet Engine Mech. C-141 and C-17, Crew Chief C-141, Charleston, AFB, Desert Storm
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Army Veteran

Oct 1986 - Dec 1991
Gieblestadt Germany , and a few other not so fun places. UH-60 Black Hawk crew chief.
Retarded?? (That's what my Wife says!)

Great Grandfather: Civil War. Father and several Uncles: WWII. Me: Active duty 1960-1981. Documentary Filmaker/Combat Cameraman. What a ride!!!!!!!!!!:eek: Son: US Army.
My Father U.S Army Air Corp 1940-1972 One of the First Chief Master Sgt.s made in first round. "Charter Chief", retired as Chief of Maintenance, Randolph Field. Am I proud of him? "Yes, I am."

Me: Ssgt USAF, 1968-1972, Randolph Field. Best thing I ever did.

I wonder what my dad would think about my RV6, (he didn't like to fly, said he used all his luck up island hopping in South Pacific.) I bet he would like it.
UH-60L crewchief

US ARMY UH-60L crewchief, doorgunner, mechanic etc, plus some interesting schools....... 8 yrs, 3 tours of Bosnia... wouldn't trade it for the world. 8 million landmines in a country the size of NJ. Lots of kids over there with no arms or legs... etc... Most beautiful country when viewed from 4k feet... but under 4k was terrible. Honored to Serve. Honored to be here. We lost 7 Special Forces guys over there while I was there as far as I know... and then we lost a full crew at Drum... what a shame... the crewchiefs both had new baby daughters... Lost a crewchief in a run up accident from my AIT school, lost another one somewhere else.... had a SF guy jump out too high out of one of our birds before it landed... lost him too. My AIT instructor said look to your left and look to your right... somebody won't be here in a few years.... haunting words.... :( He was right....
Brian Wallis
UH-60L 9026268
Hanau Germany 1st AD and Ft. Drum NY 10th Mtn

Mom's side of the family included mechanics that worked on B-25's, T-6's, etc.....
Here is to all the Men and Women that gave... and to those that gave all.
When someone becomes a GI (Govt, Issue), they know that they may not make it back. They know that their next X years may include unspeakable things that nobody could even imagine. They place their lives in the hands of those who have been chosen to lead for our freedom and they give willingly. You don't appreciate what you have until it's taken away. Then when you come back... the world takes on a whole new feel. I love walking through grass... sounds funny.. but when you cannot do that because of landmines in another country for a year and a half... you come back and appreciate the small things....
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Go Navy!

U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1990. Medical discharge in Dec. 1991.

Santa Rosa Police Dept. 1992 - present
Glad to have the chance...

Always been a guard pilot: UH-60 Air Assault, UH-60 MEDEVAC, UH-1 Air Assault, C-12 VIP transport.

Currently serving a tour in Afghanistan (a very small group of us were relocated from Iraq to here recently to serve out the rest of our tour) as a MEDEVAC pilot instructor pilot on the Hawk...great mission and you should be proud of your troops. I see these guys on the worst of days and their commitment and courage makes me proud to serve them - not just our country but all the NATO troops. The Assies, the Brits, the Canadians....they all do a tough job.

Scott Roberts
Minneapolis Area, MN
RV-7A?still dreaming and planning
You all give me great inspiration; thanks!
Army Air Corps

My dad was a MATS pilot in WWII during his time with Braniff.

Two Uncles, both 51 pilots in WWII.

Two Brothers, both Army,

Myself, Army Crew Chief/Door gunner UH-1 Huey, then OCS and commissioned and assigned as XO of infantry company.
Better to fly than walk so..
Transferred to USAF. Flight school and then C-130 pilot, aircraft commander and instructor pilot. 11 years total and loved every minute of it.
Air Force

15 years of combined active duty and reserve duty.....and still counting. Started as an Air Traffic Controller at Davis-Monthan AFB, Tucson, Arizona (1988-1992). Currently at Grissom ARB, Indiana. KC-135R crew-chief for 6 years, now a boom-operator on same airframe. LUV IT!!!
24 years between active duty and reserve. 5000 hours in the C-130 along with a few other odds and ends. Over 400 hours of combat time -- had three hits from ground fire. The first was in west Tennessee.
29 years total between active duty and reserve. C-141 maintenance for 4 years active duty and 25 years Flight Engineer for the rest of the time. Mostly at McGuire and Charleston.

Son is in the Missouri Air Guard, two tours to Afganistan, Iraq coming up in November.

My Dad was Army, WWII in the PI, South Pacific. Lots of "uncles" with many hours of USAAF and USN time between them. Several uncles still not home........
Myself, AD2 USN, 7 1/2 yrs, Viet Nam. 2 sons, both SSGT USMC currently active. Father PO3, USN, WW2, Uncle, Brig Gen USAR, WW2. Great, Great Grandfather, Pvt, Confederate Army, POW.
US Navy

Data Processing Technician -- DP2(SW)
Active Duty
1986-1990: USS D.D. Eisenhower, CVN-69
1990-1993: Atlantic Intelligence Command, NorVA

1993-1994: Joint Intelligence Command Pacific, Dallas, TX
1994-1995: TX Army National Guard, 1/149th Aviation Battalion, Houston, TX
1995-1997: Atlantic Intelligence Command, New Orleans, LA
1997-1998: Atlantic Intelligence Command, NorVA

Intelligence Officer -- Line Officer, Special Duty (1635)
1999-2000: Central Command, Jacksonville, FL
2000-2001: Defense Intelligence Command, Rome, NY

Active Duty
2001-2003: Defense Intelligence Command, Washington, DC
Deployed - Afghanistan and other places.

2003-2004: Defense Intelligence Command, Pentagon, Arlington, VA
2004-2007: VP-62, Patrol and Recon Squadron, JAX, FL
2007-Current: US Special Operations Command, Tampa, FL

Active Duty
01 June 2009 - ??: US Special Operations Command, Location TBD

From E-2 to O-4, 23 years of combined active and reserve service. Still wearing that red cape, trying to save the world.

Gig'em Aggies!!!
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US Navy 77 - 81
PO2 Data Processing Technician

Boot Camp - Great Lakes
A School - San Diego

USS Sperry AS-12
USS Saratoga CV-60

Two Med Cruises - Saratoga

Father served in Navy during WWII.
A Memorial Day salute to all those that we remember on this holiday! And a shout out to all the vets (past and present) here on the forum!

Dad was Army (Korea).
An uncle was Airborne (WWII/D-Day).
I'm a squid...Active Duty 1981-1988 (F-14A/TA-4J); Reserves 1988-present (Tactical and Operational Level Air & Maritime Command and Control, recalled for OIF in '03, now a FEMA Liaison for Disaster Relief Ops).

Thanks to all who serve(d) and to all who support!

I was 35M MOS

From 1966-1969, stationed at Ft. Gordon, Ga. teaching avionics theory and repair...VOR receivers and transmitters, ILS, Marker beacon, etc.

USN Submarines
I was a Nuke engine room mechanic

Both son and daughter-in-law active duty Marines.

And, I agree: Formerly served = VETERAN
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Joined the Air Force in Aug of 77 Retired officially (gotta love terminal leave and early retirement) 1 Jan 1996. Was a 2W1x1 in the current career field format. Aircraft Armament Technician. Nice way of saying I loaded bombs for a living. Spent time with F-4's, F-15's, F-16's and B-1's.
My time in service group was offered early retirement about the same time as I was finishing my A+P license, I already had a part time job working for American Eagle in Abilene, Tx, so I took the money and ran!
Well, once a year it's show and tell. :)

USAF 1957-1967.

After attending a high school graduation ceremony this week end, came away thinking compulsory military duty for all would do this country some good. Seems like kids are most consumed with Ipods, cell phones and not much else. Out of 87 graduates, one is enlisting in the military. Most are going no farther than a local community college, probably not even leaving home. A few academic achievers are off to a serious college, none are off to a military academy which would be my first choice. Times sure have changed. I could not wait to get out of HS to join the real world. Remaining at home was unthinkable.

My hat is off to the young people who ARE volunteering where ever they come from. We do not have enough of them.
I agree with David

I agree with David. I have 9 siblings and of us 10 only 3 of us went in the service. My oldest sister was a Navy ROTC nurse, and my younger brother didn't make it out of Navy basic training. He chose to get out when the Navy career guru's refused to honor the contract he signed for avionics technician training. I alone made a career of the military.

Now with our kids, of the 22 nephews and nieces I have 3 nephews who are Army. One is a National Guard type who just signed on for a second 6 year hitch. This even after having a tour in Iraq. One is a diesel mechanic who just returned to Germany after a year in Iraq. And the 3rd is on a full ride Army ROTC scholarship to Northern Michigan University.

My wife and I (she by the way is a first Gulf War Vet) couldn't be any prouder of the 3 of them.
It's in the family

4 years Navy SWG.

My dad and both brothers Navy.

My daughters husband, just finished his advanced training in the Marines.


Didn't see any other Marines here.
'69 to '71 Vietnam HAMS-13, CH-46, CH-53
T-58 mechanic, gunner, mess hall.
This is in rememberance of all the friends that didn't see their 20th birthday.
When you think about it, seems like a lifetime ago.
Service to our country

Grandfather: US Army WWI
Father: US Navy WWII
Younger Brother: Retired USAF, Vietnam
Younger Brother: US Navy, Vietnam
Me: Retired USAF Lt. Col., Vietnam, Pilot AC47 Gunship
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Memorial Day Poll

29 years USAF. I flew the T-41 (OTS), T-37, T-38 (UPT), KC-135, and the KC-10. I tell people I flew Uncle's airplanes and he bought the gas. Dan.