K factor change?

Larry, I know it is an old thread, but I was rereading it and I am curious. When your Dynon was recalibrated, did it change the fuel flow numbers you were seeing, namely 3.2 gph at 97 mph?

If so, people might need to be cautious about putting too much trust in their fuel consumption numbers when it comes to knowing how much fuel they have left!
Max Range / Fuel Economy data

I think I found the answer to my original question about the fuel burn and conditions for the 614 maximum range stated by Van's for the RV-12. Page 5-6 of the POH provides the following information:
7500 feet, 5000 RPM, 101 kts (116 mph) 3.7 gph 27.4 mpg 5:17 h/min 534 nm (614 miles)
Perhaps others will find this chart helpful for other conditions as well.