This was happening to me 2 days ago when on my iphone, but all better now.

That's not the site, there is no code or mechanism that would log you out in the middle of typing a post.

Also, it doesn't seem like anyone else is having this issue.

Try following the steps (in order) in my previous post anyway and see if that helps.

Happens to me frequently. Logged in, typing a PM or a response to a post - hit submit, get sent to you are not logged in screen.

Have any of you checked to see if you have “private browsing” set up in your browser settings? What you are describing is what will happen if that is set in your browser controls. The time out for inactivity typically is set for 15 minutes and then the browser will log out of any site it was logged into but it could be as little as 5 minutes.
Less than 40 seconds

I’m getting kicked out and re-logging twice a minute!

This is bad..

Not private browsing


Since the above post, I haven’t been ejected a single time.

iPad ios 17.2.1


An interesting thing that I noticed recently is that about half the time when I click on the link to go to the first unread post in a thread, it takes me to the beginning of the thread and not the first unread. I started noticing it as the Chapter 11 threads started growing, I would frequently get dropped on the first page, and have to wade through to figure out where the new posts started.

It's not consistent though, on many of the threads I do jump straight to unread content. This one for example worked fine.

No idea if it's related, but having an idea how cookies are stored I started wondering if the login info and thread info were related somehow.
An interesting thing that I noticed recently is that about half the time when I click on the link to go to the first unread post in a thread, it takes me to the beginning of the thread and not the first unread. I started noticing it as the Chapter 11 threads started growing, I would frequently get dropped on the first page, and have to wade through to figure out where the new posts started.

It's not consistent though, on many of the threads I do jump straight to unread content. This one for example worked fine.

No idea if it's related, but having an idea how cookies are stored I started wondering if the login info and thread info were related somehow.

I have often wondered why people continually navigate to a specific forum to view new posts in any particular thread. To see any new post in EVERY forum at any given time, one only has to click on the TODAY’S POST link at the top left of every page. Doing so will show you every new post since you last viewed the site.
See post #44

Want to see updates and improvements? Donations pave the way.

I've donated regularly every year. I noticed though that paid up numbers are declining slightly year by year. Why is that, I've wondered? It's a bit concerning.

What is the cost estimate to update the software? I expect that it will have to be done at some stage when the software may not work at all.
Stats down likely due to all the other places to share, collaborate about RVs and all things. Just a guess.
I've donated regularly every year. I noticed though that paid up numbers are declining slightly year by year. Why is that, I've wondered? It's a bit concerning.

What is the cost estimate to update the software? I expect that it will have to be done at some stage when the software may not work at all.

Yet traffic is increasing 25-35% each year..

It’s substantial and you’re not wrong, donations pave the way!
I have often wondered why people continually navigate to a specific forum to view new posts in any particular thread. To see any new post in EVERY forum at any given time, one only has to click on the TODAY’S POST link at the top left of every page. Doing so will show you every new post since you last viewed the site.

By the same token, i'm not really sure what the "Today's Posts" link is best for, other than when you accidentally walk away before reading everything and the site resets your "last visited" status. I always start with the "New Posts" link in the blue bar at the top, that gives you everything that's new since your last visit... Today's Posts only gives you new posts today, which will miss things unless your last visit was at midnight the night before...
It showed one time about a week ago.... and said, Enjoy your first 30 days free.

My first thought was, It's about time.
By the same token, i'm not really sure what the "Today's Posts" link is best for, other than when you accidentally walk away before reading everything and the site resets your "last visited" status. I always start with the "New Posts" link in the blue bar at the top, that gives you everything that's new since your last visit... Today's Posts only gives you new posts today, which will miss things unless your last visit was at midnight the night before...

Rod, the manner you view works well when you do not view the site for days on end. I am viewing it pretty much every day. Some days multiple times per day. So, the TODAY’S POSTS works well in that scenario. Plus, I don’t have to log into multiple forums to see each forum’s new posts.
Bill, you say that "donations pave the way"..OK, how much? It might help (if it hasn't been posted somewhere else) if people knew where the goal line is.
That's not the site, there is no code or mechanism that would log you out in the middle of typing a post.

Also, it doesn't seem like anyone else is having this issue.

Try following the steps (in order) in my previous post anyway and see if that helps.

I have had the issue as well, finally gave up. I use a VPN and Ghostery Dawn browser.

I assumed it was either or both of those that caused the issue, didn’t have time to ferret out the problem.
I normally use Chrome as my browser. If the click-through logo is present, when I click on continue, I go to the main daily news page. But if I click on anything to move on, I get bounced back to the click-through logo, and then can't go anywhere. Stuck.

If I change my browser to Microsoft Edge, everything works normally.

This is repeatable every time it occurs. Hope this helps......
Add me to the group who got burned by this change. I spent a fair amount of time writing a reply to a PM and when I hit send, got the click through screen. After clicking continue I just got a blank screen. My reply did not send and I could not recover it. Not a fan. :(
Add me to the group who got burned by this change. I spent a fair amount of time writing a reply to a PM and when I hit send, got the click through screen. After clicking continue I just got a blank screen. My reply did not send and I could not recover it. Not a fan. :(

There was no group burnt by any change, see post #44.

Please make sure your browser has cookies enabled for the site and you are clicking the "Remember Me" when you sign in. Do not let your browser sign in for you or you'll run into issues like this when the session times out.

We need to upgrade the forum software to overcome limitations in this 20 year old version. We want to do it and are ready, just need to cover the conversion with donations, there is no direct upgrade path, it's a project.

The "click through" as you guys are calling it is currently required to combat ongoing DDOS attacks. It basically just verifies the visitor is human. We can remove it when we upgrade the forum software as the newer tech has newer capabilities.

Donations pave the way. We're ready, just need your help and support.
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The "remember me" tick box seems to resolve the issue for now, though I never used to tick it in the past. If I forget to tick it then can get kicked back to the logon screen when submitting a post, uploading an image, previewing a response. The increase in failures may be due to recent increases in traffic.

Anyway it would be great if the forum software could be updated for ease of support and so that search will work properly again. If there was a way to help accelerate an upgrade I'd be "in". Have already donated this round, but maybe we need a special project fund?
While it sits within an ultra modern "cloud", the version of vBulletin being used is 20 years old. It needs updated, however, there is no upgrade path from this version to the current version. The effort to get it updated is significant, time consuming, and very expensive. We explored this in June of 2021 when we moved the site to the cloud. We want and need to do this, donations pave the way.

What does "very expensive" mean? Is the cost in the software or the labor to perform the upgrade?

Share the plan and the cost and the community might surprise you.

People don't like to donate to an unknown or poorly defined cause.
What does "very expensive" mean? Is the cost in the software or the labor to perform the upgrade?

Share the plan and the cost and the community might surprise you.

People don't like to donate to an unknown or poorly defined cause.

Absolutely agree with this! Make a separate account, let us know the target and what that covers and I bet you would be surprised.

Additionally I suspect the cost is in the labor and any temporary staging servers to accommodate the migration. Why not engage the community for help, I bet you would find some very qualified individuals who are willing to chip in and donate time to make sure the site is setup for the future. I can't imagine a forum having any IP or trade secrets but you could setup NDAs if that was really a concern.

All this to say, VAF should be actively trying to upgrade if it wants to survive long term. Everyday the age of an average builder is getting younger and having an outdated site with broken features (search for example) is going to be a barrier to entry.
Any funny enough I got bounced out when I posted that comment... I can promise you this is something in the servers config. This issue is not caused by a client setting. Really feels like a token issue.
Absolutely agree with this! Make a separate account, let us know the target and what that covers and I bet you would be surprised.

Doug is still recovering from two massive DDOS attacks and the related expenses. There's some bad actors out there, can't share any additional details about that (sorry).

Additionally I suspect the cost is in the labor and any temporary staging servers to accommodate the migration. Why not engage the community for help, I bet you would find some very qualified individuals who are willing to chip in and donate time to make sure the site is setup for the future. I can't imagine a forum having any IP or trade secrets but you could setup NDAs if that was really a concern.

We already have it covered, have a working plan, and know exactly what to do and what it will cost. We don't need too many chefs in the kitchen.

All this to say, VAF should be actively trying to upgrade if it wants to survive long term. Everyday the age of an average builder is getting younger and having an outdated site with broken features (search for example) is going to be a barrier to entry.

100% agree.

I can't speak for Doug but I think he's weighing all the options.
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Any funny enough I got bounced out when I posted that comment... I can promise you this is something in the servers config. This issue is not caused by a client setting. Really feels like a token issue.

It's not, but we aren't going to get into any technical details publicly.

See post #44 and make sure you have "Remember Me" checked when you sign in, turn off your browser's autofill, make sure cookies are enabled.
All this to say, VAF should be actively trying to upgrade if it wants to survive long term. Everyday the age of an average builder is getting younger and having an outdated site with broken features (search for example) is going to be a barrier to entry.

To help, the best thing you can do is have your name on "the List of who has donated."........;)