
My deepest condolences on the loss of your wife. Such sad, sad, news. Praying for healing in the love of your family.
All our wonderful friends

… I can't thank everyone enough for the outpouring of kind words, concern, and prayers in this trying time of our lives. Please believe me when I tell you it has helped us immensely and we will not forget this support and kindness ever. The funeral services were yesterday, 2/25/20 with about 150 of our family and close friends in attendance. It was truly a beautiful thing, with the only really sadness being she couldn't enjoy everyone there expressing there love and respect for her as well. My Lisa loved flowers and she received an entire truck load, from virtually all corners of the world, a truly beautiful thing to behold. Again I want to say "THANK YOU" to all of you and please know we appreciate you so much! Regards all, Aubree, Niles & Allan..:)

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So sorry to hear this news, Allan. Clearly Lisa was dearly loved, and I'm sure she knew that. That's really all any of us can ask. Take care.
I called tech support today and really didn't expect to get Allan on the phone. But sure enough, he was there on the phone giving his legendary kind advice. What a truly class act gentleman. Allan I am so sorry for your loss. You have hundreds of us pulling for you.
Corona Holdup!

... We are finely able to get the headstone in process, as it has been held-up
with all the virus actions in place. Fortunately this process is new to me and I am
quite sure I have made many errors along the way. At any rate I think it is as
good as I can design and now I have it being created. Thanks all, Allan..:)
WOW, Allan----I had no idea Lisa was gone. We were off on vacation at the time and missed your initial post.

So very sorry to hear about her passing.
To busy

We are so sorry about your wife. Unfortunately it seems like we have had our heads buried in projects and have not even been on the forum hardly at all in 4 months

Our condolences to you, your family. Our prayers for strength and Live to guide you.
Jack and Anita Hunt