I will not "TAKE A KNEE" for anything I have not done just because someone has tarnished my image. We are all not guilty of having done something. It is not my place to stop a pilot and say hey dude you know your giving us a bad image,
BS, he is giving himself a bad image not me.

I'm pretty much there as well. I try hard to be courteous, but will not avoid flying my aircraft throughout the entirety of it's performance envelope simply because of the misgivings of the timid.
I'm pretty much there as well. I try hard to be courteous, but will not avoid flying my aircraft throughout the entirety of it's performance envelope simply because of the misgivings of the timid.

Says the guy who gave me an entirely appropriate talking to (by email) because I landed in a fierce crosswind with a passenger way back when. ;)

Ima just gonna sit back and wait for the next thread whining about some city closing an airport from people who think they don't think the way they fly carries a responsibility for the greater good.
I don't fly in any way to offend anyone with intent.
Airports close for vastly different reasons and least of which is noise or safely,
Come on now let's be civil.
Says the guy who gave me an entirely appropriate talking to (by email) because I landed in a fierce crosswind with a passenger way back when. ;)

I did? Wow, I'm getting old - I believe you and I don't remember it all at the same time :eek:

Ima just gonna sit back and wait for the next thread whining about some city closing an airport from people who think they don't think the way they fly carries a responsibility for the greater good.

Don't get me wrong - as I mentioned, being courteous is righteous and incumbent upon all of us. As an example, I know from personal experience that rotating at 1.2 Vso, climbing to 500' at Vx, then to pattern altitude at Vy can draw complaints from some. I know that flying IFR in a homebuilt (or single engine, or something with less than two turbines) will draw the criticism and rebuke from others. Neither of those cases will cause an airport to be closed, and in such cases I be like Tommy:


I should add that I was neutral about the article - my experience is more around listening to the airport regulars.
For Pete's Sake; Everyone, Please Take a Deep Breath.

If the shoe fits--wear it. You Know Who You Are..!!
If it doesn't fit: Then don't wear it & get your dander all up.
It's been a worthy conversation to have. Maybe save someone's life.
It's really simple.
Aviate, Navigate, Communicate.
Be Professional.
Be Courteous.

Oregon RV6
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Lauren Paine article

While I will confess to being rather obtuse at times, I didn't perceive an anti-RV slant to the Sport Aviation article. I think his points are well taken. While I don't remember doing anything as stupid as noted in his article, I remember coming in to land at a non-towered airport in Tampa, announcing my position constantly when, on short final, a non-RV Cessna took the runway. I was anticipating this bone-headed maneuver as I was watching him all along and he gave no radio calls. The rules work if we obey them and show courtesy. Jerks abound in the world but I take no offense when columnists like Lauren Payne give us a refresher course in manners.
While I will confess to being rather obtuse at times, I didn't perceive an anti-RV slant to the Sport Aviation article. I think his points are well taken. While I don't remember doing anything as stupid as noted in his article, I remember coming in to land at a non-towered airport in Tampa, announcing my position constantly when, on short final, a non-RV Cessna took the runway. I was anticipating this bone-headed maneuver as I was watching him all along and he gave no radio calls. The rules work if we obey them and show courtesy. Jerks abound in the world but I take no offense when columnists like Lauren Payne give us a refresher course in manners.
Those **** Cessna drivers. They are the bane of society!!! :rolleyes:

Ok, seriously. Why is this hitting a nerve with so many? That question goes out to everyone, and yes, that question also includes you too Bob!

To all of you taking offense from either side of this discussion: "Me thinks thou dost protest too much!"

Everyone take a chill pill. It is very unlikely that the letter writer in the article, whoever he is, will ever change his mind about stereotyping a certain group of aircraft pilots. However, I would hope that those of us on this forum reading his letter, Lauren Paine's article, and all of the reactionary posts here can take something positive from the information and make decisions that will ultimately make us better pilots regardless of what type of airplane we fly.

Well, I have said more than I intended so I just need to say:

Live Long and Prosper!
Grouping groups

My only exception to saying "they're all like that is"

Up here in the twisty mountain roads of north GA. if we get behnd a car with FL. plates on it we all go..."they're all like that".

Smile a bit..
the gloves are off.....

I have a patient who winters in Florida and summers in NC. He says the locals call folks from Florida "Floridiots" or "Florons". He does indicate, however, that nobody has refused to take his money. :)