
I was expecting there might be some discussion here about the laser cut parts email from Vans this week. Since I don’t see it I will ask the dumb questions.
I am told I have defective parts, replacement recommended, in every component I’ve built except the HS. VS, rudder,elevators, flaps, ailerons, aft fuse bulkheads, wing root ribs. All finished and looking good. However the included engineering analysis says these parts are not at risk of failure with normal use. Of course I can’t get anyone’s attention at the mothership right now so I was wondering what the assembled wisdom here would make of this situation. Thanks for any insight and encouragement to talk me off the ledge. My wife has removed all the sharp instruments from the garage.

Greg Beckner
N357MD reserved
As Brian pointed out, lots of other threads, but I’m happy to discuss if you want, pm me.
Yeah, I didn't really offer an opinion here because there are so many different views on what can be done. I've read every post in every thread dealing with laser cut parts and I would guess the majority of folks don't want any laser cut parts in their airplanes. A few are OK with "blue" and "green" parts but most want nothing to do with laser cut parts in their airplanes for a variety of reasons.
Ok I get an F in using the search function. Thank you for the help.
I will post questions in an existing thread.

Greg Beckner