Thanks for the link. I’ll add them to my Christmas list.

The Pan American link is the same product..... from the cost it looks like they're importing them from a UK vendor. You don't need the 1" throw ones, 0.5" is enough for almost all needs.

They're not a panacea though. I use both them and clecos and would not want to be without either. There are different situations where one or the other is more useful.

Skin pins fill a hole more completely and centre better, so generally give more precise alignment when assembling. They also allow you to set an infinitely variable level of clamping force, ranging from very loose to much tighter than a cleco can achieve. I also find that they don't beat up the finish on primed parts anywhere near as much.

On the downside, because they fill the hole more completely they are harder to get in than a cleco and there is consequently less wiggle room with parts that aren't mating well together. You will find some holes where you just can't get a skin pin to go in and need to use a cleco.

If left in a high humidity environment they do tend to acquire surface rust and thus the locking nuts become stiff on the threads. A little work with a wire brush and some oil solves it, but can be tedious with a large box of them. Learning from last winter, I now bring my boxes of skin pins into the house between work sessions during the damper months.
Data might be nice, but I prefer to see the physical evidence in front of my eyes and that's what I've done. I'm also not sure what you mean about 'engineering data' in the context of whether a hole is cracked or not - if you can see a crack then it's cracked, and no engineering analysis is necessary to support the simple assertion that it is cracked.

I have a big pile of LCPs here. Some 'good' and some 'bad' according to Van's, but mostly 'good'. In any laser-cut #42 hole you can run a #40 reamer through, deburr and then dimple, and nearly all of them crack. You may need magnification to see it depending on how sharp your close-up vision is.

Many builders report similar and I've not yet seen any builders on here reporting that none of their LCPs crack, or that it's just the odd hole here and there. I have no reason to suspect that the parts I've received are in any way unique, and Van's has not produced any 'engineering data' on the frequency of cracks or which sorts of holes crack.

What have you observed?

"We choose truth over facts" !!
"We choose truth over facts" !!

Not being in the US the political reference was lost on me until I looked it up, but are you saying it isn't a fact that these parts crack?

The engineering question is whether or not the cracks matter. Regardless of the engineering answer, much of the builder community appears to take the position that they won't use cracked parts in a new build - particularly if the cracks are widespread. Why would you, if you don't have to?
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Hello - I was wondering if theres been an update from Vans as its now December and I was under the impression that they would provide one last week - any updates please :)