Since the thread has been hijacked already........:D

I am no pro, but after doing the 3rd panel redo, I have a few comments on ways to group the wires together. Your preference may vary.

"Snake skin" type tubing does better on wires you will not likely change, and that go from one location to the other without needing to branch off wires. Things like AP servos or magnetometers. Of course add a length of heat shrink to each end or it will fray on you. But keep in mind, it is a total ***** to add a wire to this type of grouping. It can be done, but not my favorite thing to do. This is my choice for long runs of wire.

The plastic spiral stuff works well when you may need to add/subtract/reroute some wires. I used this to group the wires at the fuse block because I may change or pull these at some future time. I could use lacing cord here but the spiral wrap adds some abrasion resistance. And is very easy to put on/off.

As a tip: I used very short pieces of spiral wrap to temporally hold the wires together for route planning, and to help hold the wires together for the lacing cord install.

Zip ties are okay and I have used a lot of them in the past. But once you use lacing cord it is totally addictive and you may never go back to zip ties. Lacing cord looks good, won't cut your hands like zip ties. It also holds the wire together without cutting into the shielding. Another advantage is when cutting lacing off it is easier than zip ties, and you can be assured you did not cut a wire because the sound and feel is completely different. (Don't ask me how I know :))

One last variation, I have used heat shrink tube with some silicon in each end when routing the wires to my p-mags. Easy to clean and keeps the wires together.

Well, that is my two cents. :) would love to hear other ideas.