First, I want to thank everyone planning on coming to the fly-in at Carthage, NC (5NC3) on Saturday (17 Jan 15). The last time I checked, it looked like at least 14 RV's are coming. I'm excited to see all the planes up close! I'm also going to see if I can get a photographer to take photos of the event.

Unfortunately, my wife got scheduled to work on Saturday morning. With that in mind, I'm wondering if the following "rough" schedule works for everyone?

0900 - Airfield attended
1000-1130 - Aircraft arrival.
1130-1330 - Lunch and social
1330-until - Aircraft Show and Tell. If it is ok, I'd like to give my wife the chance to see each type. This is also when I'll tell the photographer to show up.

Please post your thoughts and comments. By no means is this intended to be restrictive. I got a few questions about a timeline, so I thought I would throw a mark on the wall.

See you Saturday!


Our ETA is 11.
And like Bill said earlier, bring cash. They will also take a personal check, but NO CREDIT CARDS.
And like Bill said earlier, bring cash. They will also take a personal check, but NO CREDIT CARDS.

Last time I was there about 2 months ago they had an ATM machine by the front register. I will be flying in with my AA1 to have a look around as well.
Looking forward to it


Trying out my picture-inserting-foo. Fingers crossed there will be an image...
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I can take a extra person from CLT or pick someone up within a reasonable distance if anyone needs a ride!
Weather is holding well. I exchanged 32 gallons of "Vlad go juice" for a lawn roller and pressed the runway at 53VG.

I'll have the Devastator configured as a long range bomber for anyone interested.

With a little luck, ETA is 11:15am.
Have fun tomorrow report here

Weather is holding well. I exchanged 32 gallons of "Vlad go juice" for a lawn roller and pressed the runway at 53VG.

I'll have the Devastator configured as a long range bomber for anyone interested.

With a little luck, ETA is 11:15am.

:eek: To save that gallonage I would come and do the "runway ironing" manually with sickle and hammer. Those were my Xmas ruts btw :D

FYI - for the uninitiated, one of those odd looking airplanes use to be based as a very nice little grass strip (5TN4). While the plane has moved on, the airstrip is rumored to be filled with the screams of an RV-14 being born.

Reno Red will arrive about 11, after lunch our formation team will be practicing at TTA and will try a pass over the PIG...looking for a good crowd and chance to meet Matt.:)
We are departing SC86 at 10 AM and should be at 5NC3 a few minutes after 11. It all depends on if we can go through CLT's Class Bravo or not.

For those of you coming from the west, they often let you go through east/west at 4500', if you are talking to them.
Can't wait to meet everyone! I'll wear my bright yellow long sleeve shirt so I'm easy to spot. I'll also have a little something for each pilot that made the effort to fly in, so please say hello!
Can't wait to meet everyone! I'll wear my bright yellow long sleeve shirt so I'm easy to spot. I'll also have a little something for each pilot that made the effort to fly in, so please say hello!

No need, unless it is brown liquid and comes in a bottle!
This looks like a great crowd! Everyone fly safe and keep eyes active - the airspace will be busy!

I'm looking forward to seeing the "more southern" Mid Atlantic VAFers.

If you have not been to the PicNPig before its has excellent pulled pork. The brisket however can also be fantastic. As I mentioned before don't skip the coke cake for desert!
Thumbs up!

WX looking good; all we need is Vlad.

I'm targeting 11:15-11:30 arrival.

We will be listening on "Button One" (122.85), the unofficial SERV/TeamRV (those were the days, eh?) in-flight ship-to-ship freq, and 122.9 when we near the target.

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That was a nice time

Glad for the chance to meet Matt, Steve and their wives, and reconnect with Reno and 'Pucci.

Nice turnout, and clear/smooth as a baby's butt until back in the mountains. To my surprise and disappointment I neglected to take a single picture of this fine gaggle of aviators and their beautiful planes. Someone else will post for Vlad's benefit.

It's not too early to think about the summer fly-in season, although that's hard to imagine as I sit here in the sunshine shivering in this stuff breeze... It's making my cigar ash fall off prematurely :eek:

I'll float a few dates in a new thread and we will see which would work best for the gang. So many are going to be tied up doing formation practice and flying airshows, but we will try for a date that works for most.

To summer! And God bless you, my friends.

Matt, to answer your wife's question - cockpit width of the tandems.

The RV-4 is about 24" front and 25" back (give or take a little depending on side panels) while the rv-8 is 33" front and 27" back (once you drop down into the seat below the gunnels).
Thank you to everyone for the fantastic turn-out! Although not all us, there was a record of over 60 planes today!

RV decision step one made today also. Looks like my wife wants to ride tandem! Thank you to Bill (Casper) for giving her a flight! She is still wearing the RV grin!



Matt, to answer your wife's question - cockpit width of the tandems.

The RV-4 is about 24" front and 25" back (give or take a little depending on side panels) while the rv-8 is 33" front and 27" back (once you drop down into the seat below the gunnels).

Thank you Glen for your time today and all of the information!
Thanks everyone, we had a great time catching up with most of you. I was kind of bummed I couldn't meet everyone but we had to get back home.

It was a smooth flight out and bumpy as all get out on the way west at 4500'.

CTL was helpful going and coming, which was much appreciated!

Thanks for the gift Stroh21, not needed but appreciated.
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Great time !

Today was a blast, and Matt really got a good gathering together. We enjoyed meeting all the guys and gals, and hopefully got the RV blood flowing in those who came to see what the RV Grin is all about. As can be seen in the video posted by Humptybump, The low pass can be a slooow pass..took us hours to get home in the choo-choo! Sheryl took many pictures, and we will get them posted soon.
Sorry we didn't get there

Sorry we didn't get to make it. Mechanical issues kept us grounded. We were looking forward to seeing everyone and eating some great BBQ.:mad:

Thanks Matt for including this freeloader. And my Giles 202. It was a last minute decition for me to fly w my hangar mate Reno Red. I had a great time meeting some of you in person and finally put names and faces together! You all have a great bunch of people! So whats the veredict for an aircraft Matt? Thanks again!
Hi all,

Angie and I had a great time and enjoyed meeting all of you. I was motivated to get some work done on the empennage when I got home even after the 2 hour drive.
Thanks Matt for pulling this all together. Had a great time meeting everybody and the NC BBQ is always a treat we can't get in GA. Hate I had to leave early but the kitchen pass ran out at 3:00 and 20 knots on the nose all the way back to ATL was forecasted.

Thanks for the card, it was way too much....
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I'm ecstatic everyone had a good time! The event was a success for Garnett and I. She decided she liked the RV-4. Casper did a great job! She is still talking about it. Looks like the next step is to get a tail dragger certification.
The RV-4 is a great machine! You two are "the right size" for a 4 ... compared to us, older, wider flyers :eek:

An RV-4 was the first RV I ever saw and planted the seed.