
Well Known Member
Happy New Years VAF!

My wife and I are trying to figure out which type of RV we want to make our first. To help solve this issue, we thought we would host a fly-in at KSOP at Moore County, NC on Saturday, January 17th. We would at the very least provide lunch, fuel is 3.95, and there is plenty of parking. Ideally, we would like one of each RV to drool over. Maybe you'll also make a few new friends! Please let me know if there is any interest and food requests!

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Casper coming (RV-4)

We will be there with Casper, and I will see if the 8A7 gang can all make it. To any one whom has not met Matt..he is a class act and had the nickel tour of RV's..ready now for the GRIN!
If anyone is flying past KCHA, KFGU, KRZR or any other southest TN airport and needing someone to fill a seat I will happily volunteer :)

I'll be more than happy to pay my FAA allowed pro-rata share of the trip.

I am still on the fence between a RV-7, RV-14 or RV-9 and would love to make it to a fly-in to talk with you folks.
Hmm it looks like a great event is in the brew if Casper is coming. I wish CubedRoot lived in Maryland :D
KSOP is really close to the PICNPIG (5NC3). Perhaps we should all meet there for a great lunch!
That will work too. I haven't been to Carthage, so I didn't know how much space they had for guest aircraft.
That will work too. I haven't been to Carthage, so I didn't know how much space they had for guest aircraft.

In a word: plenty.

They have so much parking at Carthage, I may have to come down and occupy some of it myself. Count Stormy in on this one ;)
KSOP (Moore County) looks doable!

Id like a PIREP from any of the Carthage locals. Grass parking has been compromised at some fields due to repeated rain, freeze, thaw cycles this season.

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I was there last week. No problem parking 30 plus aircraft. Seating might be a issue and if you decide to go that route certainly give them a call. The owner loves RV's and flybys!
We hit the PiknPig regularly (Carthage/ Gilliam-McConell), and its a great little airport. As others have said, the parking is no problem, and the food is great. There is no fuel there. Arrival and departure smoke passes preferred, but not required :D Where ever Matt chooses..we plan to be there.
We will plan on hosting at Carthage with Moore County as a weather alternate. I'll post a final decision a day or two before the event.

Let me know if this attendance list is correct:
1. Bill E. (Casper) - RV-4
2. Bill Boyd (Stormy)- RV-6A
3. Glen - RV-8
4. Stamp - RV-7A
5. Matt - RV Hopeful
6. Tom - RV Hopeful
7. Bill R. - RV-9
8. George - RV-6
9. RC and Moonpie - RV-7
10. Noel - RV-6A
11. Clayton - RV-6
12. Stapler - RV-?
13. Reno Red - RV-8 Fastback
14. Ravi - RV-9

Maybe attend:
1. Vlad?

Can't wait!
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Count me in at either place! RV6
Definently call them a few days before once you have a idea on the weather and give them a heads up.

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Fly in

I'm new to the RV world so sounds like a great way to meet new friends. Schedule and weather permitting I'll be there.
Reno Red will be there in his new fastback 8, recently painted. Let's hope Wx isnt 'Stormy', so Stormy can make it. 5nc3 ( Carthage) is a great choice, but wherever we go, there we are!!!:)
I will be there by car. Plane still far from done, but this event sounds like a great way to meet some fellow NC RVers. Looking forward to it.
Happy New Years VAF!

My wife and I are trying to figure out which type of RV we want to make our first. To help solve this issue, we thought we would host a fly-in at KSOP at Moore County, NC on Saturday, January 17th. We would at the very least provide lunch, fuel is 3.95, and there is plenty of parking. Ideally, we would like one of each RV to drool over. Maybe you'll also make a few new friends! Please let me know if there is any interest and food requests!


Hi Matt, Looks like your wife wants to fly with you. If that's the case, I've noticed the girls seem to prefer the side by side models. If she doesn't want to fly so much and/or there's a lot of fighter pilot in you, you might like the tandem seated RV 8 or RV 4 instead. Just my 2 cents worth.:D
Here is the current list of attendance. Who else wants to come?!?!

1. Bill E. (Casper) - RV-4
2. Bill Boyd (Stormy)- RV-6A
3. Glen - RV-8
4. Stamp - RV-7A
5. Matt - RV Hopeful
6. Tom - RV Hopeful
7. Bill R. - RV-9
8. George - RV-6
9. RC and Moonpie - RV-7
10. Noel - RV-6A
11. Clayton - RV-6
12. Stapler - RV-?
13. Reno Red - RV-8 Fastback
14. Ravi - RV-9
15. Dave - RV Builder
16. Bob - Champ and RV Builder
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A couple of comments about flying into 5NC3:
1. Although a private field, no permission is needed, if going to the restaurant.
2. 122.9 is the frequency used there. (It is not listed anywhere but the Pick-n-Pig website.)
3. Check your GPS before departure. The airport is not (was not?) listed on many 430's but is included on my 496. Go figure.
4. CASH ONLY, unless you like doing dishes.
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I'll join you guys in a yellow Champ. I just purchased the tail and wing kit for an RV-8 after talking to Bill R., so I'm in the "networking" phase of the build.

I'm in the "RV Hopeful" category and very new to all this, but I'm hoping to join you all and get a better feel for all the different models that can make the fly-in. My Thanks to Matt in advance for hosting this event. I can fully appreciate this gathering as a prospective builder and owner.

I'm planning to drive at this point (3 hours ETE), and curious what the showtime might be? Would be great to be there for the fly-in!

Look forward to meeting you all!
Taxi for big iron

Maybe I or someone close can pick you up and give you a full on RV experience.
PM me and we can figure it out.
Well, my prayers are answered and the 10 day forecast indicates 46*, mostly sunny, and light winds out of the WNW! Even better, Friday should also be sunny and give the field a chance to dry. Should be a fantastic day for a fly-in!

I'd like to start co-ordinating land times so we don't jam the pattern. If your name is already on the list below, please send me a message to let me know approximately what time you plan on showing up so I can help deconflict the pattern.

1. Bill E. (Casper) - RV-4
2. Bill Boyd (Stormy)- RV-6A
3. Glen - RV-8
4. Stamp - RV-7A
5. Bill R. - RV-9
6. George - RV-6
7. RC and Moonpie - RV-7
8. Noel - RV-6A
9. Clayton - RV-6
10. Schapler - RV-?
11. Reno Red - RV-8 Fastback
12. Ravi - RV-9
13. Bob - Champ and RV Builder
14. Andy - RV-9

RV Hopefuls attending:
Matt, Tom, Dave, Rich
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My ETA is Saturday, before lunch.

As for a low smoking pass, remember your FAR's and that there are a lot of other airplanes that will be inbound, if the weather is good, and many of them will not have radios.

Safe flights, see you next Saturday!
Casper RV-4

I will likely come a bit earlier, and get in about 1100. I will hopefully have 2 or 3 ship with an RV6A and possibly an RV8. Smoke passes saved for departure! We will be coming in from the West on a heading of 130. For those who haven't been there this year, all the trees on the West side (13 approach) have been cleared..about 40 acres worth, so its wide open now. We will monitor 122.9 well in advance. I often arrive at 3K or so and make a circuit around to look for NORADS if its a busy day there. If its your first time in, and RWY 31 is favored, keep it slow as its over some trees and slight down hill. Departing aircraft for 31 have a short back taxi to the end and wont see anyone on base.
I will make an attempt to attend also. So, my guess from reading the posts is the fly-in will be at Carthage and not at SOP? Sounds like fun to me.

Walterboro, SC

Will let you know my ETA in a couple days. Meanwhile, just want to let you'll know that if I make a low smoking pass it's because I'm on fire -- no :)

Looking forward to meeting everyone.
if I make a low smoking pass it's because I'm on fire -- no :)

low pass with smoke really means "inspect the runway conditions while deploying crosswind indication medium"

My schedule favors an arrival on the front end of the schedule. I'll flight plan for an 11:15AM (local time) arrival.
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Wx source?

Where do you find forecasts 10 days out?

I used to enjoy the graphic depictions on wxjoe/animator, but it stopped working for me a year or more ago and now with new Macbook, neither Chrome nor Safari shows anything but blank frames when I run the animation. is only good for a nominal 48 hour forecast, and the 36 and 48 hour progs are usually the same image, anyway :(

I guess I'm not doing the internet right.

Looks like I picked up a ride from Bob in the Champ. I'm a ten builder with the fuse on order. Looking forward to the flight and meeting some good folks over BBQ.
Looks like I picked up a ride from Bob in the Champ. I'm a ten builder with the fuse on order. Looking forward to the flight and meeting some good folks over BBQ.

If that's the Bob I'm thinking of, you will enjoy the ride.

I have a friend in Rock Hill who might bring his -10 out to join us, if all the stars align.
Is that Thane with the 10? He took me up last year and I haven't caught up with him lately. His airplane is a marvel with a really really nice engine. Great guy.
Is that Thane with the 10? He took me up last year and I haven't caught up with him lately. His airplane is a marvel with a really really nice engine. Great guy.

Yep, that would be Thane. We spoke (Text'ed) yesterday and if he is not working, he hopes to load up the kids and join us.

Your right, he did a really nice job on his -10.

Are you coming up with Bob Allen in the Champ?
Bob McCarter from Ansell county. He's building an 8 and I just met (spoke to him on the phone) tonight about getting together and showing him my build and shop as he starts putting his together.
Hi Bill,

I'm the other Bob with a Champ, the random guy who called you early November asking for advice on RVs. You told me to join EAA 309, consider P-Mags, and get a 2x and 3x rivet gun.

Since then I joined EAA, went to dinners and build night, spent an hour with Bob Allen talking two and three-point landings, and picked up some pieces for an RV-8 project.

Looking forward to catching up with you.

Bob McCarter
Hi Bill,

I'm the other Bob with a Champ, the random guy who called you early November asking for advice on RVs. You told me to join EAA 309, consider P-Mags, and get a 2x and 3x rivet gun.

Since then I joined EAA, went to dinners and build night, spent an hour with Bob Allen talking two and three-point landings, and picked up some pieces for an RV-8 project.

Looking forward to catching up with you.

Bob McCarter

It sounds like you are making progress Bob. I look forward to meeting you and the rest of the gang face-to-face next Saturday.

Pik-N-Pig/Carthage Pirep


Sheryl and I took Casper to Pik-N-Pig today for lunch. We gave Rolland Gilliam (owner) the heads up for next Saturday that its looking he may be busy with a bunch of us RV's. Last year, he had 54 planes parked with no problem for a similar gathering. He said ..bring em on!
Show Time

First, I want to thank everyone planning on coming to the fly-in at Carthage, NC (5NC3) on Saturday (17 Jan 15). The last time I checked, it looked like at least 14 RV's are coming. I'm excited to see all the planes up close! I'm also going to see if I can get a photographer to take photos of the event.

Unfortunately, my wife got scheduled to work on Saturday morning. With that in mind, I'm wondering if the following "rough" schedule works for everyone?

0900 - Airfield attended
1000-1130 - Aircraft arrival.
1130-1330 - Lunch and social
1330-until - Aircraft Show and Tell. If it is ok, I'd like to give my wife the chance to see each type. This is also when I'll tell the photographer to show up.

Please post your thoughts and comments. By no means is this intended to be restrictive. I got a few questions about a timeline, so I thought I would throw a mark on the wall.

See you Saturday!
