Well, I made two bone-headed mistakes that are costing me some time.

First: The instructions for cutting the hinge could have made it more clear that when cutting the hinge to length always start with a full eyelet. I know, I know... there's a note in the plans that say that but something that critical should be highlighted in some way. Red ink of bold or something to draw your attention to the fact that the hinge will be cut to length in what is a counter intuitive manner. I ordered another length of hinge.

Second: The instructions for fabricating the tail skid bracket leave something to be desired. It's true that all the information is there but why present it in a way that forces the builder to figure out what the plans are saying? Try as I might, I can't find any mention of the huge chamfer at the top of the extrusion you fabricate the part from. I see it in the picture but there is no mention of it on the plans (unless I missed it). And it doesn't help that in many places the plans show multiple views of the same part but don't appear to follow the convention for view orientation. I've always used the salad bowl method. Place the part flat on the bottom of a salad bowl and then present the various view as the part would appear if you slid it up the sides of the bowl.

I should have paid more attention when fabricating the tail skid bracket. The plans show two views of the part but the second view reversed the up and down. My fault for not paying enough attention but I'm just not used to seeing plans drawn that way. I'm not complaining... I'm just sayin. :)

On a more positive note... I'm both pleased and surprised at how well everything fits together, and if anything doesn't fit right you can be sure you did something wrong. The kit is great... the plans could be clearer... but the kit is great.