GPS Altitude 20,674' LOL! How do they say "It's easier to get forgiveness than permission" in Russian?

you will begin to get goofy over 20K and start to think about going higher and grinning. it's a strange feeling in a carb'd 320 9.
Hi Vlad

Reminiscent of my return home from Oregon to Georgia in 2013 in the RV1.
I stopped the first night in Bakersfield where I was lucky enough to meet John Harmon on the ramp. Then on to Deming by way of General Fox to stay out of restricted AS. Sped by the Organs just north of El Paso on way to fuel stop to
Skyview Ranch. Was 110 F on ground at every location until 3rd night in Athens Tx. Would like to fly the border someday just for the view;only in cooler months.
I really enjoy your trip writing, keep it going.

I wish I had known you were coming. I'm just south of EDN at 33J.

Those are all stage fields for Ft. Rucker in Enterprise. They are used for helicopter training that occurs 24/7 at Ft. Rucker. Never landed on one and don't know the procedure if any.

Willyeyeball of IAC fame is based at EDN and could fill you in more.
Possible problem

For those of you who believe the NASA report is a "get out of jail free card" there is another consideration. One of the instances the immunity is not automatically granted is an intentional violation of an FAR. There are times when your better option might be to contact ATC and declare an emergency. Declaration of an emergency allows you to deviate from FARs as necessary for the safety of the aircraft. Contacting ATC allows/requires them to provide any help to you they can and clear airspace if need be. Any traffic in the Class A entered in this case would have been vectored away. Vlad was smart to contact ATC. Do not be afraid to declare an emergency if you need to do so. Even if the FAA wants to ask why you took the actions leading to the declaration of an emergency, that conversation will only take place after you are safely on the ground. Food for thought.
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Nothing certifiable...

Heart pounding reading this. Are you instrument rated but the plane isn't IFR "certified" so you don't file? I would like to know what you end up going through with the FAA after this? If anything?

This subject has been whipped like the proverbial dead horse over the years on this site. Instrument Flight Rules vs Visual Flight Rules...
Suffice to say after 20,000 hours flying in the military and for a major airline, much of it IFR and another 25 years flying my RV's around the country, I've found IFR is a grey area for Experimentals (and many other types!).

Myth 1: "Certified IFR" applies to anything flying with Experimental on the canopy rail.
Myth 2: You have to be on an IFR flight plan or rated to be "VFR on top"

1. First, even Doug Reeves amazingly equipped RV6 "Flying Garmin advertisement" is not IFR certified. However comma, it does comply with the FAR/AIM requirements for operating an aircraft in IMC:
It's had the pitot static system tested and encoding altimeter checked and documented in the aircraft's logbook and when operating in such capacity is on an IFR flight plan or IFR in controlled airspace with ATC compliance and squawking accordingly while complying with and properly rated for Instrument Flight Rules.

An FAA guy on my 737 Jumpseat recently told me that Certified and Experimental are two different categories, one can't be part of the other, ever.

2. Second, yes, even today you can operate "VFR on top" of a solid overcast legally using "VFR on Top" cloud separation and clearing requirements and not IFR rated. Is it smart? F16 Weapons school answer: it depends... You have to utilize that rarest form of knowledge, common sense...and pilotage.

Bottom line in Aviation and written on page one in every professional flight manual is rule one: Common sense and discretion override any other priorities in this manual.
And from my F16 days: Only Squawks get violated...

PS: Vlad: what, no trip to Northern TX to touch base at 52F and have lunch with DR (and me)? Dos ve Danya!
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Only one thing to add Smokey: Above a pressure altitude of 18000 (no more VFR allowed at that altitude) you must be on a IFR flight plan......
IFR rules...

Only one thing to add Smokey: Above a pressure altitude of 18000 (no more VFR allowed at that altitude) you must be on a IFR flight plan......

Above 18k is more what I was referring to more than VFR on top. Although I seem to remember you should have contact with the ground (holes in the clouds).

I have not had my plane above 12.5K. Have had a few instances where I would have preferred to climb instead of go around. Just recently purchased and oxygen system that will give me more options.

I am gathering gear to equip my plane with "certified" Nav gear so I can file IFR when needed. I have total confidence in shooting an approach with the gear I have that is not "certified". I have shot many approaches under the hood with a safety pilot on VFR days to minimums and the runway is always where it is supposed to be...

Sure does cost a lot for gear with paperwork that says "certified" WAAS...
Day 17. Seeking Sun in Shiny State

Today is all Florida. I love this state. I've been here multiple times through the years it never gets old. I was dropped off at the airport and told to come back.
Passed an impressive piece of Tampa real estate, it took 5 minutes for a kid at work to figure out who lives there. How long it would take you the baseball lovers?

Off Pitonite to a top secret location.

A lot of nontranspondent traffic up to 3,000 feet. ATC wouldn't be of much help here. You are on your own buddy.

The first destination is a citrus farm. Never visited one never saw an orange tree. Now I have a chance. BTW how many runway can you see here? I see at least six but only one is suitable.

Wohoo you don't even need the brakes the grass will slow you to full stop just fine. I knew they cut it top short.

I walked the rows of citrus trees. They were all lemons all green. An airboat roared through the nearest channel but we couldn't see each other. The citrus farm is in the books, a Navy WW2 abandoned strip is next. I was told to watch out.

I made several passes some low some slow and one in ground effect. As soon as I touched down there was a lot of vibration on the wheels I suspect it was the old metal runway hidden under tall grass. I will come here again after I do more research.

It was hot without sunshine. I landed at Okeechobee and had a brunch at an airport cafe.

Day 17. Still Seeking Sunshine.

There is an airport in Florida called Bent Willies. That airport "collects" types of airplanes landed. It never had an RV9A there. The identifier is 52FA and the owner is Bill Whidden. A quick request from the air yields this.

I skimmed Lake Kissimmee under the floor of R2901E and followed Bill's instructions.

Made a pass to shoo Bill's cows off the runway and touched down. Look at the difference between Bill's runway and the citrus farm.

There is a pond nearby it was very hot I walked toward it and took a dip. Nice! There is also a repair station in case you broke down.

Excuse me did you just poop on my tail?

No?! It's them? :D

Little I knew that Big Fred lives in that pond too. Bill later told me that and send this picture. I guess I was too bony and stinky for a good goulash. That's why the cows and cranes were so puzzled.

Bill also told me that his cousin is a local Sheriff and can get me a bunk bed at the county jail if I ever need a free place to stay.
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Day 17. Sunshine Finally Found.

Then I landed at La Belle X14 just to wait over a popup T-storm. A Cessna was finishing his 23rd Touch and Go for the day. Two commercially rated Chinese pilots were building flight time in the rental. We had a great talk while storm was passing. I was amazed at the amount of knowledge and erudition these foreign young adults have. I just made two great friends from an ancient royal dynasty. And they just learned that they can easily fly to Dry Tortuga and back. The daytime was almost up and I was told the only sunshine I can found is in Naples. I didn't come back to Tampa I ended up in Naples.

My good friend Ivan who recently fled from Little Siberia to Florida gave me a great tour.

Ivan is the greatest instructor of all times. In 30 minutes I was toggling between cockpit iPads like a pro. If he can teach a stewardess how to land a Falcon he could teach a dumb Russki how to run preflight checks. Thank you John much appreciated.

Then there were tacos and beer. Polished with a nice port. I have two more days left from my vacation and I am spending one tomorrow... :D
Some Willie bent facts!

Vlad, Wish I'd known you were coming earlier, I'd like to have met you.

Bent Willies is home to the "Ridge Barnstormers", the local Polk county RC flying club. I invited them in 6 years ago and they are a great tenant. They pay me 10.00 per year, have a 2.5 million dollar insurance policy and keep all 2300' mowed. Once our youngest graduates high school next year my wife and I will be building house and moving there permanently. We live an hour away, by car, in Orlando. BTW, the emergency repair kit is for RC's not RV's.

The Tax man insisted I let the cows graze the whole property or lose my Ag exemption. This would take my taxes from 125.00 per year to over 5,000.

I choose to let cows eat and fertilize the runway till we move there😀
This is why I ask people to call prior to landing. Want to make sure everyone has been duly informed prior to touchdown that cows may be sharing runway.

When Vlad emailed that he wanted to traverse the Willie , I gladly granted permission and forewarned him....about the cows. That crazy ruski!! I had no idea he was gonna go skinny dipping and peeing in my pond! Little did he know that Big Fred spends about half his time there. The pic of Fred is him running from my zero turn mower while moving between my ponds. He hasn't eaten any of my cows yet but they will be dropping calves soon so I may be eating some "tastes like chicken" very soon.

Smokey Ray was the first to leave tire marks at willies and there has been many since.

Here's the deal: if you are an RVer, you are welcome, just call first. I have an artesian well to drink out of, a BBQ grill, plenty of firewood and a porta potty. Bring your tent and enjoy! Turbo has been there in is R44 and Gary Palinkas has been known to camp overnight with his air rifle. Bring your golf clubs and hit range balls I have there. Bring your pistols or rifle and feel free to shoot at small range. For those looking for a cool place to camp 15 minutes from Sun n Fun, come on.

Vlad has taught me one thing, don't assume people just want to use the runway😀
Day 18. Florida to NC.

I am starting my flying day from Naples, Florida. I plan to track the shores to Boca Grande Key then turn north and along the shore back home. Quirky things.

A well known tethered balloon over the Keys.

Southernmost Point with resorts. I stayed there once in 2010.

Key West International airport.

I cooled off a little bit then went down for fish spotting.

I spotted a lot just couldn't catch them on the camera.

Landed at Marathon airport and walked to a Subway restaurant for brunch.

Day 18. Florida to NC.

I was on the ground 45 minutes the most. Bought my required fuel minimum and took off. On top of busy Miami airspace.

That's a beautiful grass strip!

NASA Space Shuttle Landing Facility. It never gets old passing by it.

Spruce Creek airpark. My first RV instructor lives there. Hi Ted.

Somewhere past Flagler I noticed empty beach.

It was empty only for half mile.

Then I was intercepted by (I noticed this tight form a while ago) a flight of two RVs and escorted from the beach toward Palatka. They dropped me off as soon as they were sure I am not coming back. I was running on fumes.

With full gas I sprinted to Lumberton, North Carolina. Tied down and walked to Atkinson Hotel.
Day 19. Final Day of Big Trip.

It's over and I can't believe I did it. I was still 5 flight hours from home but it was nothing compare to what's flown. I walked from Atkinson Suites to Lumberton airport and was airborne immediately. I planned to scout Cape Fear on early morning with low tide but a lot of people were already enjoying the beach. I was out of luck.

Then I stopped at Holly Ridge/Topsail Island to check their grass runway. An EMS pilot briefed me on how to navigate Camp Lejeune restricted airspace but it didn't work out. The artillery units already started shelling and approach sent me farther to the sea. I enjoyed the view.

Any time I am in the vicinity of First Flight airport I land. Today I had two reasons. One is symbolic and another being hungry.

I walked around the Monument then headed to the closest gas station there is a Subway restaurant there. 10 min walk from the monument. A contractor was already setting Xs on both sides of the runway. They were prepping for tarring work. They let me out.

By and over Oceana; "Tapron51 maintain xxxx your traffic 11 o'clock quarter mile".
Nice job son!

Keep it tight kids.

So the journey is over.

20 days of flying totaled 116.8 flight hours 16,000+ NM traveled and burned over 800 gallons of gas. Out of 97 landing sites visited 36 were unimproved strips/other surfaces. Would I do it again? In a heartbeat for sure. Thanks for following stay tuned for another even bigger adventure in June 2018 :D
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Vlad, 12,500 flight hours under my belt all over 5 continents, but you've literally blown me away with this awesome solo trip and documentary. Thanks for presenting experimental aviation as an enjoyable, interesting and above all, safe means of travel. Cheers, Woody.
Anytime Vlad! I am glad you were able to stop by.

I think Dos Equis needs to re-think their new "Most Interesting Man"!

You win...

That was an awesome adventure. Thanks for sharing. I hope I can take that much time away from my normal life someday to do some similar adventures:)
A relaxed leg to Tampa was terminated by arrival of a huge storm which grew out from nowhere. Winds by Peter O'Knight were blowing in all directions. I firewalled the throttle and plopped in the middle of the runway bouncing like a tennis ball.

Hey Vlad,
Score yourself another island. Peter O'Knight is on Davis Island.
Sorry I missed you again. I usually have lunch here during the week.

Thank you for such a fantastic trip report & thanks for sharing your adventure.
You have inspired us all here at VAF.
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"Most interesting Man in the World"

I think Dos Equis needs to re-think their new "Most Interesting Man"!


Yes, Vlad, I can see you in that commercial, just like the pictures in your travels!

Thanks for sharing your round-the-49 states-tour!

Clap, clap, clap! Thanks, Vlad, for having the guts to live this adventure, and the generosity to share it so eloquently with us. I have held a hunderd questions about logistics, but can only cheer now! Marvelous!
Most respectfully,
Thanks for sharing your round-the-49 states-tour!

...AND two Canadian provinces and one Canadian territory. We appreciate Vlad's trip write-ups (with pictures!) up here too. Especially since I am (still) building and RV-9A.

Thanks Vlad:D
Outstanding Vlad

Quite an inspiration; glad you had a safe wonderful trip. Thanks for the outstanding write-up!
My building-batteries are FULLY charged. Thanks for the great tour and the demonstration of how capable these garage-built aircraft really are.

2018? Sounds like an around the world tour is in order. Need a wingman?


Hey Vlad, Thank you for letting us follow your adventures with this great write up and pictures. You flown more in 20 days than I have managed in 2 years. If 2018 is a trip around the world... Let me know. I would like to meet you and that -9A of yours.
Incredible trip write-up! that was one amazing journey, while imagining I was flying along with you looking at all those adventurous photos, I was asking myself, where would I set down IF the fan stopped? either a maliciously well maintained aircraft, very large ball shaped things down there, or a watchful guardian angel, maybe a little bit of everything! Bravo! thanks for sharing!
a maliciously well maintained aircraft, very large ball shaped things down there, or a watchful guardian angel, maybe a little bit of everything! Bravo! thanks for sharing!

Have to love autocorrect! The quote above made me laugh out loud visualizing a malicious maintenance program on my plane. I'd rather have a meticulously maintained aircraft;)
Hi Vlad,,

Fantastic trip and story!!

Did you prearrange with Aggressor and Red Dog, or just happen upon them?

Hope to see you when you get back to Florida.


"Then I was intercepted by (I noticed this tight form a while ago) a flight of two RVs and escorted from the beach toward Palatka. They dropped me off as soon as they were sure I am not coming back. I was running on fumes."

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Southern Hospitality!

Wow, that's some great southern hospitality! Thanks for the heads up and extending the offer to the community Bill. It's good to know you are down there as I plan my east coast excursion for when my 7 is complete.

For what it's worth, I'm pretty sure only Vlad will be swimming with your pet lizard. He would make a nice pair of boots you know.

Vlad, Wish I'd known you were coming earlier, I'd like to have met you.

Bent Willies is home to the "Ridge Barnstormers", the local Polk county RC flying club. I invited them in 6 years ago and they are a great tenant. They pay me 10.00 per year, have a 2.5 million dollar insurance policy and keep all 2300' mowed. Once our youngest graduates high school next year my wife and I will be building house and moving there permanently. We live an hour away, by car, in Orlando. BTW, the emergency repair kit is for RC's not RV's.

The Tax man insisted I let the cows graze the whole property or lose my Ag exemption. This would take my taxes from 125.00 per year to over 5,000.

I choose to let cows eat and fertilize the runway till we move there😀
This is why I ask people to call prior to landing. Want to make sure everyone has been duly informed prior to touchdown that cows may be sharing runway.

When Vlad emailed that he wanted to traverse the Willie , I gladly granted permission and forewarned him....about the cows. That crazy ruski!! I had no idea he was gonna go skinny dipping and peeing in my pond! Little did he know that Big Fred spends about half his time there. The pic of Fred is him running from my zero turn mower while moving between my ponds. He hasn't eaten any of my cows yet but they will be dropping calves soon so I may be eating some "tastes like chicken" very soon.

Smokey Ray was the first to leave tire marks at willies and there has been many since.

Here's the deal: if you are an RVer, you are welcome, just call first. I have an artesian well to drink out of, a BBQ grill, plenty of firewood and a porta potty. Bring your tent and enjoy! Turbo has been there in is R44 and Gary Palinkas has been known to camp overnight with his air rifle. Bring your golf clubs and hit range balls I have there. Bring your pistols or rifle and feel free to shoot at small range. For those looking for a cool place to camp 15 minutes from Sun n Fun, come on.

Vlad has taught me one thing, don't assume people just want to use the runway😀


Your trip reports are incredibly inspirational. I don't plan to go as broadly afield as you, but I can't wait to explore once mine is done. The Caribbean awaits!

Safe travels.
Fire power

Thanks Vlad for the spectacular trip write up! This gave me some good fire power to use on the wife! lol I think she is finally convinced this is a good idea...
Wonderful trip report

Thanks for the wonderful trip report! Great pictures make me imagine what it was like to be there. One day...


Vlad, Wild, Wild ride with you my friend. Congrats on another AWESOME adventure and another splendid trip report.
Thanks guys glad you liked it. Chris here is the storiette. I am busy at a beach and suddenly I see two specks at a strange angle. First thought was these are large pelicans. They were skimming the shore at legal altitude. I stopped what I was doing, put in full afterburner and tried to get to their sights. These are fast movers took me good 5 minutes to catch up. I flipped couple frequencies including international air-to-air not a sound from the group. When I got closer they noticed me and scattered. I bailed out and started heading my way to refuel base. The formation turned and followed me for a minute or so. That's all no conspiracy. :D
Have to love autocorrect! The quote above made me laugh out loud visualizing a malicious maintenance program on my plane. I'd rather have a meticulously maintained aircraft;)

Hey, don't make me spell airplane hanger, ill throw you in the closet!