hey Grady, did roger just put us out of work? LOL/ seriously tho, jetglo is great stuff!!! painting a Mooney with it right now LOL
Could you please send a copy to [email protected]

I have painted thousands of gallons of Jet-Glo and would be very interested on seeing your take on it. Besides, I'm a sucker for a good power point presentation. :)

I have a high speed server that can handle the bandwidth. If you want to send me the file I'll post it to my server and post the link back here for folks. This would probably save you some time.

I probably won't paint mine but your powerpoint may convince me. :)

Please send it to (redacted).

- Jamie
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I'd also like a copy - you've set yourself up for a lot of work here! But, thank you.
Doug Reeves/Moderator, is this a kind of thing that maybe should be posted in a permanent record that all could access - easier on the person offering, and a resource for all.
Edit - already downloaded - thanks for the presentation!

It will be a while before I need it - fuselage kit arrived 2 hours ago :)
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It looks like a great presentation. Thank you very much for putting that together.

I replied to your e-mail but it's bouncing with an error that your mailbox is full.

Here is the link to the file:

It is zipped so everyone should be able to open it in Windows XP/vista with no problem. If you don't have XP or Vista, you can download Winzip to uncompress the file.

Please let me know if anyone is having problems downloading the file.

- Jamie

Some comments on your presentation:

I had my 9A painted with the JetGlo system professionally. Proving that the pros screw up, we had bubbling in the paint. My conclusion (after much investigation by S-W) is that the painter did not let the airplane dry out after etch/alodine, and that water was trapped in the seams.

The shop I used normally paints older aircraft and helicopters, and the seams on these tend to be sealed up by old paint, so water wicking in is not a problem. You commented on this in your presentation, and I agree-- dry out everything completely for a few days.

You also mention that JetGlo cannot be polished, and abrasive cleaner/waxes should not be used. Again, I agree with this... I had to so some touch up/sanding/polishing on my own and it's extremely difficult to polish this paint out. The paint is incredibly hard and durable, but the flipside is that it's hard to do spot touch up, compared to a base/clear system.

Finally, for stripes and accents, it's acceptible to use the S-W AcriGlo paints over the JetGlo -- cheaper and faster. This is also what S-W recommends.

Good presentation. After reading it, if builders decide that they don't want to do it themselves, they should choose a paint shop that has painted new aircraft and used JetGlo previously.

Finally, a local builder here had an excellent tip: He didn't want to paint the A/C until it had flown for a while, but he didn't want to disasseble it for painting later. Instead, he painted the removable parts such as control surfaces and cowlings. He also painted the exposed edges of the VS, HS and wings where the control surfaces mount. That way, when he paints the wings/fuse, he can leave all the bits in place. Saves time and breaks the project up into smaller chunks.
JetGlo's brother AcryGlo is good too

My RV-8 is painted with AcryGlo (see April in Van's 2007 calendar). Paint was applied by Aircraft Paint Services at Meacham Field, Fort Worth, TX. The painter said AcryGlo is preferred over JetGlo for smaller, slower (relatively) aircraft. After 1.5 years the shine is excellent. On the advice of the painter I haven't waxed it; he suggests to wash it only with mild detergent or plain water.

My -6 was painted with Jet-Glo in 1993. Never been waxed, still looks great.
JetGlo can certainly be buffed if you really, really need it. You don't need wax but it won't hurt anything if you absolutely just want to wax. :) JetGlo is A #1 paint in my book.

vlittle said:

Some comments on your presentation:

I had my 9A painted with the JetGlo system professionally. Proving that the pros screw up, we had bubbling in the paint. My conclusion (after much investigation by S-W) is that the painter did not let the airplane dry out after etch/alodine, and that water was trapped in the seams.

The shop I used normally paints older aircraft and helicopters, and the seams on these tend to be sealed up by old paint, so water wicking in is not a problem. You commented on this in your presentation, and I agree-- dry out everything completely for a few days.

You also mention that JetGlo cannot be polished, and abrasive cleaner/waxes should not be used. Again, I agree with this... I had to so some touch up/sanding/polishing on my own and it's extremely difficult to polish this paint out. The paint is incredibly hard and durable, but the flipside is that it's hard to do spot touch up, compared to a base/clear system.

Finally, for stripes and accents, it's acceptible to use the S-W AcriGlo paints over the JetGlo -- cheaper and faster. This is also what S-W recommends.

Good presentation. After reading it, if builders decide that they don't want to do it themselves, they should choose a paint shop that has painted new aircraft and used JetGlo previously.

Finally, a local builder here had an excellent tip: He didn't want to paint the A/C until it had flown for a while, but he didn't want to disasseble it for painting later. Instead, he painted the removable parts such as control surfaces and cowlings. He also painted the exposed edges of the VS, HS and wings where the control surfaces mount. That way, when he paints the wings/fuse, he can leave all the bits in place. Saves time and breaks the project up into smaller chunks.
Power point

Hi Roger
I'd like to be in the next batch please. :D Bet your having second thoughts on ever mentioning your program in this in the forum. :eek: Were all like a little bunch of RV sponges just soaking up all the info we can get. :) Thank You in advance. I do appreciate it. :p
[email protected]
RV-6A N822PM (res)


I guess I wasn't clear in my previous post. You do not need to wait for Roger to send you the file. Roger sent me the file to post it on my server because there was such high demand for it.

Please click here to download the file.

I just downloaded the power point. Very good job. A lot of work went into it. If I may I would like to make a few comments. I have been painting for a long time and JetGlo is my favorite paint system. RVs are also my favorite planes to paint. I just love the things.

1. Before stripping I like to leave all the flight controls on. This makes things easier to mask. The taped up areas can be detail stripped after you take the flight controls off. I really, really don't want stripper to get through a hole.

2. Before washing the plane with acid etch, I like to wash the airplane with a soap like Eldorado ED-500. This will remove any grease and oils that may be on the surface. It will also neutralize any stripper residue that may be lurking. Nothing wrong with a clean airplane. :)

3. As much as I like The JetGlo system I'm not a big fan of their primers. I feel that the little primer particles are not ground fine enough resulting in a gritty surface.

4. I think 4 coats of primer is way to much

5. When masking I like to use only paper. Plastic usually has a static electric charge and can collect dust.

I hope these comments don't rub anybody the wrong way. I like to share my years of experience and solute any builder who decides to paint his/her own plane. From the pictures it looks like you did a great job on your paint job.

KTM520guy said:
I just downloaded the power point. Very good job. A lot of work went into it. If I may I would like to make a few comments. I have been painting for a long time and JetGlo is my favorite paint system. RVs are also my favorite planes to paint. I just love the things.
3. As much as I like The JetGlo system I'm not a big fan of their primers. I feel that the little primer particles are not ground fine enough resulting in a gritty surface.
I hope these comments don't rub anybody the wrong way. I like to share my years of experience and solute any builder who decides to paint his/her own plane. From the pictures it looks like you did a great job on your paint job.

Thanks for posting your comments.
What primer do you like to use? Have you ever used Dupont Variprime under Jet-Glo?

I like Alumagrip primers. They always work well for me. I can't think of the part number off hand.

I'm not a big fan of Vari-Prime either. It's very hard to strip off but a solvent soaked rag will wipe it right off. After you paint over the top of it, it's easy to work a razor blade under the paint and split the primer.

godspeed said:
Did anyone get a copy of this , I never did , please forward to

[email protected]



Roger's mailbox is probably full from sending out those 25 Meg files. See Jamie post above!!!! You can get it yourself!

Here is the link again for the third time!

Thanks Jamie!
tomcostanza said:
I was unable to un-zip this with WinZip 8.1. Do I need a different version?
Hmm....I zipped it with the Windows built-in zip utility. Maybe your download was corrupted or something?

If you're using any flavor of Windows XP or Vista you can just uninstall Winzip and then double-click the file.
got it

Sorry I didn't see the link, I was not paying attention, missed a few of the
