
:) EVERYONE--- Please see Jamie's post dated 1/20 at 8:34 PM. He is hosting this file for me and you can download it there in a Zipped format. It got just too much to try and email it to everyone who requested it. So, if you have not received it from me yet, Go to Jamies website and download it.This summer I repainted my RV-6A with Jet-Glo. I used their entire process from the green corrosion primer through the gray sandable primer right up through their color coats.

I am not an expert painter, and I found the paint very easy to work with. It is very forgiving, and a duffer like me can get a pro-shop quality job with a little attention to detail. The gloss is amazing!

The primers go on just like almost any other primer, but the top coats are a little different. You need to put a heavy first coat on, not a dust coat like some other paints.

If anyone is interested, I am a tech counselor and I have created a PowerPoint presentation on this paint process. I am not an expert at painting, but there is enough information here to make it worthwhile to view. I am willing to email this to seriously interested parties who will be painting their planes themselves. I certainly would consider this paint system. It is not inexpensive by any means, but as with most things in life, you get what you pay for. This might be a good source of a program for an EAA chapter meeting. All I ask is that you don't change it and give me credit for it. That's only fair, right?
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DIY Painting

Thanks for the review, and the offer to share your experiences.

Please email me as well... many thanks.

mustang at daedalusaircraft dot com

John W.
RV-7A Empennage
Cuyler Airpark (FD27)
In 2002 I had my Skyhawk stripped, acid etched, primed and painted with Jet Glo. It is to this day superb. The finish is like plastic and all it needs is a wet wipedown, although I use wash wax all. Very durable and will last a loooong time. I am very happy with the product and will be going with it on my _10.
Just thought I will give a brief report.
I'm more interested in where you bought it. I've yet to find a dealer willing to sell to me. I'm about to give up and go with Dupont.

PJ Seipel
RV-10 #40032
Me too! Me too! Me too!

Our EAA chapter has a builder's group for members who are building their planes and I would like to show it to them. Will certainly give you credit.


Richard Scott
[email protected]
Looks like you're getting alot of requests for the presentation.
I'm far off with my rv-10. Working on tailcone with wings and fuselage coming.
I'd appreciate a copy of the powerpoint demonstration. Whether to paint it myself is one of the last big questions.

Thanks in advance,
Tom Hanaway
Boynton Beach, FL

[email protected]
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Be a little patient

I have about a dozen people already who would like the PowerPoint. It is a little large and I am having some trouble uploading it. Please be patient. I will get it done pretty soon.


Roger, also please send me a copy. I'm a Tech Counselor and have painted several planes.

Our local AI is a JetGlow enthusiast and I am considering trying it out on my RV8...

Deene Ogden

deene "at" austin.rr.com
Maybe Doug could help

by hosting a download point for a while to access this. Or maybe someone else more computer savy has a better idea. It is your labors... so whatever you are comfortable with.

Many thanks for sharing your efforts.
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I'd like it too, but I can wait if it will give you time to post it somewhere we can all then download it. I'm building my plane so I figure I'd might as well paint it too, so any advice and suggestions you have in your presentation will be eagerly read. Thanks.
Another option to Jet-Glo is Acry-glo, same line of paint(Sherwinn Williams Aerospace Coatings) I paint aircraft for a living, mostly Beechcraft, Cessna, singles and light twins. We generally use Jet Glo for the all over base coat, and Acry-glo for the trim color. For smaller aircraft all over Acry-glo works great, it's a little easier to spray, dries faster, better gloss retention over the years, and imperfections can be sanded and polished out. Probably the better product for the do it yourself painter.

Chris Copeland
RV8 Wings
Cessna 140

Could you add me to the list as well. I might have 2 RV's to paint.

pmercier at toast.net
I'd appreciate a copy of the presentation, too. Thanks for putting it together!

buckwynd (at) aol (dot) com
I would like a copy also.
[email protected]

Thank you for your hard work in putting this togeather. It is builders like you that make a positive contribution to art of building airplanes.
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Even though I'm years away from painting, I'd like a copy. (I could test it on my car)

Luis AT cristabelle.net
You know...

With the multitude of responses, perhaps Doug might be amenable to putting a copy on the site for download. (It could save you from having to "answer the mail" on this!) :rolleyes:


P.S. Don't forget my copy :D
Jet Glo PowerPoint sent out

I was able to compact the file down to about 20 Meg so it would upload. I had about 35 names I sent this to. I think I got every email address correct, but if you don't receive the file, send me and email and I will retransmit it with the next batch. I am sure there will be some more people interested in it. A couple of the email addresses I had to guess a little at, due to the way they were typed. Sorry for any inconvenience.

me too please

[email protected]

If you want to publish it I can host it for you on my site, with your credits.
Lemme know if you want to do that. Seems you have overwhelming demand!
Of course, it would be better here though :)
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