for tethering, no hack, you just download and install a network script. Be careful, don't blow up your usage or ATT will shut it down.....
It does need firmware 3.0 or 3.0.1
That's what I was using, but it broke my voicemail (until I deleted the script), and the same happened to someone else I know. Fogive my use of the word, but anything you download and install that isn't really supposed to be there is a "hack" in my book. ;):D
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altitude limits

> iPad question: Why the 10,000 ft altitude limit? It has no moving platter hard drive, correct?

I believe this is just an artificial limit Apple puts on all of their electronic products. Many people have taken their flash based iPods to significantly higher altitudes with no issues. Don't take this as an official Apple position though; this is just my opinion.

Here's a data point. No apparent damage to a iPhone 3gs, a 5 hour leg at 15,500 and 17,500, music and Foreflight used extensively :D
You should be able to get Weather and traffic on your iPhone/iPod pretty soon (as soon as app approved by Apple) with our ADS-B recever and application. iPad version is in the works.

There is video of the actual flight recording:

Surprised there is not a thread on potential pilot apps for the iPAD already. Guess I will start one.

This device will be very usable for pilots in my view. Here is what I am expecting:

Foreflight for iPAD but is better than the iPhone version with the bigger screen.
Plates for the iPAD from the various kindle suppliers
Usable IFR and VFR charts. They were not practical on the iPhone but will be on the iPAD.
GPS via Bluetooth for iPAD. Really good platform with it based on it's fast processor. I expect voyager, anywheremap etc doing this with weather.
Anyone come up with a Bluetooth AHRS yet? If someone does, this would be a good backup. It already has a built in compass.
Pilot training apps etc. No brainer there.
If someone like added Bluetooth you could get weather and traffic on this thing through some app?
Checklists will be more legible on this system due to it's size and color will help here also.
Manuals, POH, VOR checks etc all of this could be done well on this platform.
It will support SD cards via an adapter so good for updating you AFS sd cards especially if you use 3G and don't have wireless at the hanger
black box recorder if someone has the PS9000 audio panel with Bluetooth?

That's all my ideas for now at least. Let's see.
You should be able to get Weather and traffic on your iPhone/iPod pretty soon (as soon as app approved by Apple) with our ADS-B recever and application. iPad version is in the works.

There is video of the actual flight recording:

Very neat. It drives me nuts when I hear news outlets say stuff like "why would anyone use an iPad, they already have a laptop and an iPhone." That is going to be cool on the new device, used by the copilot of course.
Folks, "Beav" deleted all his own posts, all with the comments about not discussing the unit pre release.

Sounds like maybe his employer got upset??? so to keep him outta the spotlight, I would suggest that you send him a PM, instead of posting here for any more questions.

And I agree with a prior comment---truly amazing the talent and knowledge available here.
I've seriously wondered why the Zaon folks haven't jumped on the ADS-B would be nice to have an ADS-B receiver sending TIS info to a Garmin x96 for display.
The Zaon folks said yesterday that they were working on an ADS-B device. But I didn't think to ask what it would do.

What I did ask them was if their PCAS unit would be available in a built-in version. Unfortunately it won't be.

It seems rather klugy to me to have that on the glareshield with cables hanging down.

The guys from Levil Technology have a bluetooth AHRS with an embedded engine pod. We are working on an App so that you can have primary flight and engine performance monitoring on the IPAD.
If some of the navigation software people develops their software for the IPAD and interface it with the AHRS you can have synthetic vision.
Any inputs on this?

Now you're talking!