Kate - Welcome to VAF! Here's a pic of my wife and I from a few years back with the RV4. Just a little hour jaunt over to the Ozarks for some fun...

Welcome aboard Kate!

From what I have read, you should be able to hold your own with this crowd...

Oh, continued exposure to VAF can lead to SERIOUS personal entanglements....this is where I met my wife!

Greetings Kate

I am new to the site as well. Frank has given you quite an endrosement..... I met your 'uncle' Frank during my first posting. He helped me a lot with information and on some of my decisions. I haven't flown with Frank but he seems like good company to keep.

In fact, everyone here is very forth coming with copious amounts of input. You can't be in a better place. All you have to do is ask a question and hang on.

I'll be starting my own RV once I finish school. Hopefully in summer 2010. I too am burning to get started. This cite is where I am getting all my advice. You just can't find another place where there is such a large concentration of like minded and experienced people. Not even for hire. $$$

Welcome and happy to meet you.

See you along the way.


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He he

Welcome aboard Kate!

From what I have read, you should be able to hold your own with this crowd...

Oh, continued exposure to VAF can lead to SERIOUS personal entanglements....this is where I met my wife!


I really haven't met anyone quite like her, one minute we were talking about how good relationships are based on compatible qualities...Two days later she had decided to dump her boyfriend based on the result of our conversation.

"He did'nt fit the criteria, so not worth my time"...Woah!

You young single guys best talk to me first eh?..Especially if you ego is fragile...:)

lovin this thread

so our plane broke down while i'm here in Africa, with not much to do... and we can't go wheels up till we get a C-130 airlift to bring us a new engine... so for the next week i'll be sitting around playing cards drinkin some beer and exploring the black sand beaches and recent lava flows... (ok plenty to do..)

all that to say this:

Kate welcome to VAF my home[page] on the internet! obviously you already decided you love this place too!!

and thank God you came when you did, cause this thread is really entertaining while i'm stranded here in Africa!! :D:D
Welcome aboard Kate!

From what I have read, you should be able to hold your own with this crowd...

Oh, continued exposure to VAF can lead to SERIOUS personal entanglements....this is where I met my wife!


Frank would never admit as much.... but i can give him a pretty good run for his money in one-liner's :)

uh oh, i knew it.... V-harmony.com! ..... :)
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Is a very slender youg lady, whaen I first laid my eyes on her I had ONE thought come to mind...and ALL the guys on her know exactly what that was...

Yup "she's ideal for bucking rivets in the tailcone!"..:)


the $50 bucks i gave you was to say NICE things about me... I want it back! ......:rolleyes:
Is a very slender youg lady, whaen I first laid my eyes on her I had ONE thought come to mind...and ALL the guys on her know exactly what that was...

Yup "she's ideal for bucking rivets in the tailcone!"..:)


yes he's right, I DO have the perfect body.... :cool:

It's starting to stink up my trunk though.... :D