Kate B

Hello everyone, I thought I'd introduce myself :)

I'm making the first moves for my pilots license right now, ground school, very exciting...

subsequently i've been flying with a very dear friend of mine in his RV7.. you MAY have seen him on here now and then, Frankh ;) and had more fun than I can ever remember and leaving me thinking, i've GOT to make this a part of my life!

well there is a brief introduction of ME, glad to meet you all take care!
Welcome Kate!

Looking forward to your joining the world of aviators. You'll never regret it. My wife got her ticket in 1985 and still loves every minute.
Killer Kate

Kete is 18 years old and has the nickname "Sparkplug"..There is a very good reason for this as she throws herself at everything life has to offer with Gusto..Quite a remarkable young lady!

Her Dad was a smoke jumper for many years and they are now both getting interested in building an RV..

I may have had a little something to do with that...:)


Welcome to the VAF forum.

One question, are you NUTS for flying with Frank? :eek:

Now if we can only convince him to convert his plane to a dragon tail, errr, tail dragger.
Hey Kate,

Welcome to the forums! You are with the best group as far as motivation for your interests. My experience here has been life-changing as I have learned so much and have been given the chance to start on my own RV project (I'm still a teenager in college myself). Good luck with everything!
Hi Kate and welcome to VAF

You mentioned in your profile a possible father daughter project . My son Josh was my build partner for my -8 project , he is about your age . The time we spent together in the shop was priceless . Memories like that last a lifetime . I hope you get that opportunity .

Good luck with your flight training .
Sent you a pm, I'm at Kansas State University, major in Agribusiness. Tell Frank he's created another RV addict!

"NUTS" may be a strong word... I like to think of it as "abnormally ambitious" :)

Nahhhh, nuts is a great word, if you ain't livin on the edge, you are takin up too much space, welcome aboard
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Hi Kate, there's a couple of '7's being built in the area. Danny7 on here is in Bend, working on his empennage I believe, and I'm under the traffic pattern for Sunriver and am pretty much done with my tanks. I've put off finishing up my PPL for now, until I get closer to having something I can fly without renting:)


My teenage son helps me at times with my RV project, quality time, I am sure your dad will enjoy working with you.....welcome.

Welcome aboard the VAF. You have been enlightened early on about what are truly the best all-around planes in the sky. Flying a trainer will seem incredibly boring to you after being exposed to the RV series.
I noticed in your bio that you are untertaking pre-med courses. What a facinating and fulfilling field medicine is. My wife just graduated last June and is now a resident at UC Davis Med Center in Sacramento. It was an unbelievable amount of work, but she would have never given up and has no regrets. Best of luck to you in your studies.
I am sure that the group will join me in saying that we look forward to hearing from you and your dad as you progress through the building stage.
Welcome, Kate. Just remember two things. Women are better builders and pilots. Don't let anyone tell you different. Have fun!!!:)


Don't believe everything you here.:D
But, if you look at the RV-7 Roberta built I could see where you would get that idea.
Both my sons and one daughter were grown before I started my 9 and I could see where it could be a wonderful experience for both. I have had my grandson help me with the plane and he is a great building buddy.

Glad to have you here with the rest of the crew.



It's awsome to see other teenagers interested in aviation and building an RV. My kids have grown up building and flying RV's and now Jeffrey, my almost 18 year old, has his pilot?s license. Jeffrey and Brian (age 15) helped build a major portion of our RV-10 and you can usually find them flying around together in their 1947 Cessna 140 (that they do all the maintenance on). If you ever need any assistance, I know two teenage boys that are always looking for a place to fly. Jeffrey is planning on attending Oregon State next year, majoring in engineering. By the way....he needs a date for homecoming (and he's much closer than Kansas).

Rob Hickman
N1877V C-140
N401RH RV-4
N402RH RV-10
Hey Welcome Kate!
There are a great bunch of people here sounds like you will fit right in:D
Best of luck with getting your ticket

All dates with the AMAZING Killer Kate have to be expressly approved by her adopted Uncle frank...:)

There is the small matter of the Frank test which is loosely disguised as a way to get all my chores done for free..:)

well how wonderfully OVERBEARING you are my dear adopted uncle.... you'll have this place turned into V-Harmony.com in no time :)

here's my add...

Young, spunky women seaks, aviation loving guy... must put up with overbearing Uncle who enjoys maintaining his semi automatic firearms while drinking...
well how wonderfully OVERBEARING you are my dear adopted uncle.... you'll have this place turned into V-Harmony.com in no time :)

here's my add...

Young, spunky women seaks, aviation loving guy... must put up with overbearing Uncle who enjoys maintaining his semi automatic firearms while drinking...


I have flown with three different women that have their own flying RVs in the past month. I am a LIFETIME member in the NRA and have my share of semi-automatic firearms but do not drink when flying or handling firearms. Two of the three women are old enough to be your mother. Two of the three I flew with in their RV with them as PIC as my RV is down for engine work after 2,159.9 flying hours. They felt sorry for me as my airplane was not flying. (Lycoming SB388C showed that two exhaust valves are worn beyond limits.) Unfortunately I am old enough for you to be my daughter. Good luck with your search. Maybe I can fix you up with a college senior that is almost finished with an RV in San Luis Obisbo, California.

Welcome Kate!

Since you arrived things have loosened up around here, and I have learned that Frank and I have similar approaches to multitasking...;)

Nice to have another lady on here. The part about women being better pilots has been proven in multiple studies by the way.

Welcome Kate!

Since you arrived things have loosened up around here, and I have learned that Frank and I have similar approaches to multitasking...;)

Nice to have another lady on here. The part about women being better pilots has been proven in multiple studies by the way.


I try ;)

:eek: now have you ever considered that MAY be a cause for concern to share such similarities with Frank? .... I would take a moment to evaluate my characteristics if i were you... ;)

ah... you too... WE will get along JUST fine, keep spreading that word! ;)
Because it is!

Why does the left tire look like it's about 2" ahead of the centerline of the gear leg of the 140?:confused:

Many Cessna 120/140s had these extensions added to the gear because of people over-using the brakes and going on the nose.
well how wonderfully OVERBEARING you are my dear adopted uncle.... you'll have this place turned into V-Harmony.com in no time :)

here's my add...

Young, spunky women seeks, aviation loving guy... must put up with overbearing Uncle who enjoys maintaining his semi automatic firearms while drinking...

I put an ad in the paper that said wanted good woman... send pic of airplane... and nothing happened!!!!! ... I'll see your new uncle's requirements and raise him a free conditional inspection! heh heh(the semi-automatic weapons are no problem.. I was a Blackhawk door gunner... I may have a little experience there....) (now how do I get from West Palm Beach FL to Bend OR....?) oh yea... anybody got an RV-3 with extended range tanks for sale? :)
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C-140 Trainer

Many Cessna 120/140s had these extensions added to the gear because of people over-using the brakes and going on the nose.

Our Cessna 140 had the Axle extensions and Goodyear Blimp tires on it when purchased it two years ago. When we changed the tires we decided to leave the axle extensions since it was going to be used for the kids to learn to fly. It also has the original Goodyear brakes so it would be pretty hard to flip it over, Jeffrey and Brian have become experts in C-140 master cylinder, brake line, and brake repair over the last two years.

When Jeffrey was six months from turning 16 we started looking for a C-152 that the kids could use to learn to fly. We live on a grass strip Airpark and get together almost every week with a number of the neighbors, when word got out that Jeffrey and Brian would be learning to fly in a C-152 with ?the gear on the wrong end? the pressure started to build. It did not take long before my neighbors had the boys convinced that learning to fly in a tricycle gear airplane would be the most embarrassing thing imaginable, even worse than Mom showing up at school for lunch.

As luck would have it one of the neighbors just happened to have the ?perfect solution?, a C-140 for sale and after ?forcing? both boys to fly it from the left seat the hook was set. The C-140 had even been converted to the O-200 100HP engine, ?far less embarrassing than the stock 85HP engine?. Within two weeks the C-140 made the long trip from three houses down to our hanger and Jeffrey started training with our neighbor?s 20 year old son that had just got his CFI.

Jeffrey managed to do all his training in the C-140, soloed in it shortly after his 16 birthday and used it for his check ride. When he showed up for his check ride the examiner told him that since he had soloed in it and managed not to ground loop it in the last year and a half he already had passed and lets go flying.

Just last week at the RV-10 dinner Van was telling us that the C-140 with its spring steel gear is the perfect trainer for the RV. He also said that the RV-3 is the best flying RV, followed by the RV-4 :)

Rob Hickman
N401RH RV-4
N402RH RV-10
I put an ad in the paper that said wanted good woman... send pic of airplane... and nothing happened!!!!! ... I'll see your new uncle's requirements and raise him a free conditional inspection! heh heh(the semi-automatic weapons are no problem.. I was a Blackhawk door gunner... I may have a little experience there....) (now how do I get from West Palm Beach FL to Bend OR....?) oh yea... anybody got an RV-3 with extended range tanks for sale? :)

:eek: you'd come all the way from Palm Beach to answer an add like that in a SINGLE seater plane? HMM..... I'd re-think my strategy if I were you..... :rolleyes:

:eek: you'd come all the way from Palm Beach to answer an add like that in a SINGLE seater plane? HMM..... I'd re-think my strategy if I were you..... :rolleyes:

OH my, watch out for this gal:D

Glad I am old enough to be her grandpa.:eek:
I put an ad in the paper that said wanted good woman... send pic of airplane... and nothing happened!!!!! ... I'll see your new uncle's requirements and raise him a free conditional inspection! heh heh(the semi-automatic weapons are no problem.. I was a Blackhawk door gunner... I may have a little experience there....) (now how do I get from West Palm Beach FL to Bend OR....?) oh yea... anybody got an RV-3 with extended range tanks for sale? :)

oh yeah btw, here is a pic of "my plane".... (the only one i can afford as a poor college student ;) )
very cool! you were wiser than me when you chose where to put them.... the foot is ubelievably painful!

:eek: you'd come all the way from Palm Beach to answer an add like that in a SINGLE seater plane? HMM..... I'd re-think my strategy if I were you..... :rolleyes:

(Dang... she's sharp... we've got a live one here folks! stand back!!!)

OK fine... I'd show up in a two place....Only because you own a warbird........ ;).. lemmie see... the internet says 2600 miles from here to there..... 160 mph at 7gph = 113 gallon drop tank on the centerline of the -3 that I'm trying to buy should do it, not to mention the JATO rockets I'm gonna need to get this fat little piggy off the ground a thousand pounds over gross...... :)

I have the feeling that this little lady would be the kind to have you hold onto a spark plug tester on a first date!

Now on a serious note....If I were you, I'd bang out a Vans toolbox or three... and start knocking out a tail kit. I hear rave reviews about the tail kit completion centers. I just ordered my -3 preview plans today even though I'm building a -7a tail kit (cause I need a cheap x-c machine). With your amount of spunk... you should have no problems staying motivated. I think the amount of response you've gotten is in part two things... one, you are fairly young and female and interested in airplanes which seems to be quite rare..... and two, you do not represent the average young lady... in fact, most of the young kids these days know nothing of welding, or riveting or bending metal... or even how to work a ratchet! It's scary knowing the average youth is going into the work world with little to no mechanical experience. Pay attention to Roberta Hedgy and any other good tech counselors out there and go with it. My dad was a Electrical Engineer and I did not learn much mechanically from him.... Uncle Sam taught me that... however his math skills he passed on to me have been very valuable.
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(Dang... she's sharp... we've got a live one here folks! stand back!!!)

OK fine... I'd show up in a two place....Only because you own a warbird........ ;).. lemmie see... the internet says 2600 miles from here to there..... 160 mph at 7gph = 113 gallon drop tank on the centerline of the -3 that I'm trying to buy should do it, not to mention the JATO rockets I'm gonna need to get this fat little piggy off the ground a thousand pounds over gross...... :)

I admire your bravery getting a tattoo on your foot. I'm not quite sure what I'd get done if I had the desire. I have the feeling that this little lady would be the kind to have you hold onto a spark plug tester on a first date!

If I were you, I'd bang out a Vans toolbox or three... and start knocking out a tail kit. I hear rave reviews about the tail kit completion centers. I just ordered my -3 preview plans today even though I'm building a -7a tail kit (cause I need a cheap x-c machine). With your amount of spunk... you should have no problems staying motivated. I think the amount of response you've gotten is in part two things... one, you are fairly young and female and interested in airplanes which seems to be quite rare..... and two, you do not represent the average young lady... in fact, most of the young kids these days know nothing of welding, or riveting or bending metal... or even how to work a ratchet! It's scary knowing the average youth is going into the work world with little to no mechanical experience. Pay attention to Roberta Hedgy and any other good tech counselors out there and go with it. My dad was a Electrical Engineer and I did not learn much mechanically from him.... Uncle Sam taught me that... however his math skills he passed on to me have been very valuable.

yeah, the warbird does tend to be a conversation starter whenever i go to the supermarket in flip-flops...

oh i love things like that... i'd be ritch if i had a nickel for every time i heard "geeze kate your such a guy!" :)

well you've nailed it, i'm not your average teenager... i've always had a passion for airplanes (particularly WWII hence the Mustang adorning my foot these days) oh and i didn't know what i was getting into with putting it on my foot, if i had known what it was going to feel like i would certainly NOT have done it there! i thought maybe i could put a Mig or a Zero on the other foot and simulate dogfights with my feet! ;)

i wish i had the financial means right now to order SOMETHING and start working on it, because I'm burning to get one going.
i wish i had the financial means right now to order SOMETHING and start working on it, because I'm burning to get one going.

Just a thought--------

Think about finding a builder local to you, and offer to help. You will pick up knowledge/skills, make a friend, and get your feet "wet" in building all for free.
Hi Kate.......

...and welcome here. Finding the nearest EAA chapter is good advice and most of them just love young people interested in aviation, especially Experimental. Our Augusta, Ga chapter has several young ones and they're more than welcome.

Most all builders love to show their projects and welcome help.

i wish i had the financial means right now to order SOMETHING and start working on it, because I'm burning to get one going.

You're more than welcome to come bang rivets and fly the cherokee in the meantime! :D
Just a thought--------

Think about finding a builder local to you, and offer to help. You will pick up knowledge/skills, make a friend, and get your feet "wet" in building all for free.
*ahem* an extra hand or two is generally not a bad thing:) The local EAA chapter is 1345

Is a very slender youg lady, whaen I first laid my eyes on her I had ONE thought come to mind...and ALL the guys on her know exactly what that was...

Yup "she's ideal for bucking rivets in the tailcone!"..:)
