Some excellent articles and I enjoyed reading the blog.

These are great little airplanes and as usual people think they can do more with them than the designer engineered..... because, no just because! My question is why?

As built by the designer the aircraft is safe, so why change it?

Probably because that is what makes us build our own airplane I guess is that we are willing to take risks...... mine will be calculated, and resolved by building and flying as the designer suggested.

Really good article on TAS and IAS I understand it more than when I took my PPL.
Good thinking Dave, but one item is missing. The airplane is safe if built to plan but it must also be flown within the envelope established by the designer.
We get into trouble flying outside that set of limits.
Flutter does not happen EVERY time the flutter speed is exceeded....and that is the insidious part of it. You can get away with it more often than not - but when you don't you have lost your tail (or other significant airframe component).

In all honesty, the odds are probably on the side of those who slightly exceed the limits - but the consequences of losing the bet are fatal. The only way to be sure to win is...not to play.

Well said.