I for one think its cool but sadly what are the chances of him posting the numbers like speed and fuel burn here now.

Zip, nada, zero! It is likely that this builder did the very best job possible, and the plane is completely airworthy and safe. No one knows the reasons behind the very unique choice of engines, and the resultant installation differences.
Chances that this gentleman will ever raise his hand in this crowd are now negligible. What a shame! I would be very interested to hear his story, and the data on performance.
Zip, nada, zero! It is likely that this builder did the very best job possible, and the plane is completely airworthy and safe. No one knows the reasons behind the very unique choice of engines, and the resultant installation differences.
Chances that this gentleman will ever raise his hand in this crowd are now negligible. What a shame! I would be very interested to hear his story, and the data on performance.

Well since the builder didn't post in this thread to begin with, you're most likely right. Heck we don't even know if he's a VAF member. However I'd be willing the to bet that Rick Gray, who was the OP, won't have any qualms about posting the plane's performance.
I think ya'll are just cheering for the three-legged dog ;)

Maybe you're right, but the ugly need love too. ;)

In the manner by which most pilot's develop nicknames (tough love), might I suggest some nicknames for this plane:
3) "4FK SAKE"

But to clarify, I think it's cool; what you're doing.
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GM Power!

It's a GM 2.2 Ecotec, 150(ish) HP at 5600rpm (won't last long at that rpm!) At about 320 lbs for just the engine. So with Cooling system, coolant, Gear reduction, etc.... It's going to be pretty heavy.

I'm on the same page as Dan H. I'm all for going off the beaten track, but I'd better get something for my time, effort and money!

I'll try something new engine-wise if there's >75% chance of significant returns. Which to me means one or more of the following:

More power at the same weight and reliability.
Less weight at the same power and reliability.
Less money at the same power, reliability, and weight.

I have flown behind the following 'car' engine derivatives, VW 4 cyl (somewhat reliable), 1/2 VW (reliable, but very low power), Subaru (needs constant fiddling) and a corvair (very reliable).

After all that I had no desire to put anything but a Lyc on the RV. Two reasons for that, everything you need for mounting is 'off the shelf' and second, its a great engine for what it was designed to do.

All that being said, I'd love to put an aluminum smallblock on an RV, Tailwind style.

And this is why I choose not to discuss RVs, post pictures, or videos here. Looking for just the right words. But I guess I should just walk away and leave it to the chosen ones to pick and choose the thought processes and acceptable ideas.
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Some of the comments here remind me of the school yard where the in crowd bully someone who is different.
All power to the different amongst us.
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So, let's say the builders wife happened to be in the background of the picture and she is a beautiful woman except for one thing...she has a giant nose. Would the people making fun of the cowling think it is acceptable to make fun of her nose?

I don't think the dude built his wife.

But with modern technology you just never know...
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Some do the engine thing different out of boredom with what works well.
Some do it for kicks.
Some do it because it could be the cat's meow if everything falls into place.
Some have fun along the way, at least for a while.
Jan Eggenfellner flew the H6 in the beginning with no cowl at all, it had very good cooling. :)
Been there and back, even tried a fixed pitch prop with the Subby. What a blast, take off rpm 1900 felt like a heavy bomber but as speed picked up and prop bit more wind, it rocked, but unfortunately over speed by 110 knots. :(

It was fun for a while....
I think ya'll are just cheering for the three-legged dog ;)
You mean a dog named "Lucky"?

Some do the engine thing different out of boredom with what works well.
Some do it for kicks.
Some do it because it could be the cat's meow if everything falls into place.
Some have fun along the way, at least for a while.
Jan Eggenfellner flew the H6 in the beginning with no cowl at all, it had very good cooling. :)
Been there and back, even tried a fixed pitch prop with the Subby. What a blast, take off rpm 1900 felt like a heavy bomber but as speed picked up and prop bit more wind, it rocked, but unfortunately over speed by 110 knots. :(

It was fun for a while....

I like to think the gentleman had something to do with the design of the engine before retiring and has some insight as to how it will perform in this installation.

None of us knows if he has "improved" the engine on the inside and maybe it is putting out 200 HP.

I'll take the "wait and see" approach.

(My business partner has an rotary powered RV-6A and he often tells people, "If you like to tinker, put an auto engine in your plane. If you like to fly, put a Lycoming in it." He has about 450 hours on his -6A and has more RV glider time than anyone I know. Yet, he sticks with the rotary for the challenge of it.)
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Hey Bill, that's not at all fair to the engine, and if he wasted his time here like we do, he'd confirm that.

I'm sorry fellows but I don't share the same enthusiasm. I know it's called experimental aviation but come on. This looks terrible, why ruin a great design in the RV-4. This is only my opinion.

Your opinion indeed. Maybe a negative opinion that needs to be kept to yourself?

What new idea is being proven here?

To see if he can do it? Why does it need to be a new idea? "Can I make this work?" is 100% acceptable.

I for one think its cool but sadly what are the chances of him posting the numbers like speed and fuel burn here now.


Frankly, I'm shocked and embarrassed by the responses here..

Shame on you people.. This community is about being supportive, not being negative and shunning someone trying to do something new.

He's proudly showing off his work and is his right, we should be supportive or keep our opinions to ourselves.

I for one can't wait to see it painted.. =)