
Do tell...I'm looking at the -12 also.

I was told in strictest confidence that the RV-14 unveil will not be E-LSA [medical required], that it will be a low-wing aircraft [no bush plane] and we will all know on Monday afternoon.

The -12 >>>rumor<<< from the factory is that for the folks who don't want to struggle with a ridiculously easy kit, they may have a second option come 2013-2014. NOT set in stone, but there is some exploration going on for a possible "turn-key aircraft". Also...there may be "alternative" options for avionics for the -12.

Again...musings from somebody at the Van's factory, and not gospel.
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RV-14 & -12 rumors

Well, so much for confidence in your tight lips. :D

If I remember correctly, Van had talked about the possibility of a "turn-key" aircraft when the -12 was still in development. It's no secret, and never has been.

With the success of the -12, he may be to the point of making the leap. As a businessman, I would be inclined to hold off until I was sure the design would fly. It has.

My 2?, FWIW
Certified - Not likely

How is that different from a certificated aircraft? Or is that the point?

Turn-key flyable to sell RV14 will not likely be a certified aircraft. This due to the enormous expense to accomplish, making the plane cost near $200K, such as Cessna, Piper, Diamond.

It will likely fall under (S-LSA) Light Sport category.

S-LSA is a factory-built, ready-to-fly aircraft designed and construction accordance with the ASTM consensus standards for light-sport aircraft (LSA).

We will find out Monday.
Reserved for the RV14 reveal at OSH!!!

I will post a pic here off my IPhone as soon as I get a glimps of both the worst and best kept secret for Vans since the 7 came out.....
Wally Anderson, Synergy Air just concluded his "Tips for RV builders" forum presentation with a list of Synergy course offerings including "RV 14 Builders class. (bold emphasis mine). Wouldn't elaborate. ? Intentional misdirection?
I heard a rumor that it's going to be a turbine helicopter. Six place to boot. I asked the guys at Vans booth and they didn't deny it.......
It's an RV RV

I say it's an RV RV complete with a kitchen, shower, and big screen TV! Why else would you need an O-390?
It is landing on 27 so there won't be a fast pic from me....

It looks like a Super 7 or something similar as it flew over. A model.
What? No Slider?

Darn. In the continuing debate department, one significant benefit of the slider is more open access to the rear baggage compartment, so that normal bicycles can be stored there.

With the tip-up, it is hard to get bulky stuff between the seats and the roll bar.

Oh well, still looks like a nice airplane.
Seems to be a version of the RV-9A for big people. It's assembled like the RV-12. It uses the RV-10 airfoil.

The brochure says that there will be a tailwheel version later, that a slider won't work, and that deliveries should start later this Fall with wing kits available costing around $9,000.

The impression I got was that it's an effort to answer the folks who keep asking, "will I fit?"

All pop rivets by any chance or do you still need a bucking bar?

I think driven rivets. IIRC somewhere in one of the videos they are talking about construction and mention that it uses riveted construction, like has been used for decades, or something like that. I can't see them making this plane with pop rivets...
First thought, is it is a bubba 7 to provide a roomier ride. Second thought is it's the answer to the never ending debate of "should I build a 7 or a 9".

Not sure that they are capturing any new market share, but I like it. Had I been debating 7vs.9 the 14 is probably where I would go.

(EDIT: I assumed after discussion of the new, longer wing and other references, it would be something between the 7 and 9 which would solve a lot of those internal debates on what do I build. However, further exam shows the stall speed to be higher than the 7 in some weight configurations, which negates that theory. Bottom line - this is a Bubba hauling 7 - with a bunch of design features to make the build easier and more pleasant. It will sell I think; cut into 7 sales definately.)

Two questions... can it be built with a 360 vs. the 390 saving about 10K (?) and losing a few knots speed?

Is this the springboard for the RV-15 - a Gruman Tiger equivalent 4 seater? (Which is where I think they could pick up customers that need 3+ seats and can't afford a -10)

Well... not my LSA compatible tandem two seater. (which is the other hole in their lineup)

Nice job though Van's staff. Good evolution of the product line.
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