Got pricing. .062 thickness, base price from fabricator = $4.46 each with 100 minimum. Plus tax and shipping etc. then packing and shipping out to anyone interested.
Maybe wait and see how this other fellow's test group reports?

Put me down for four.
Got pricing. .062 thickness, base price from fabricator = $4.46 each with 100 minimum. Plus tax and shipping etc. then packing and shipping out to anyone interested.
Maybe wait and see how this other fellow's test group reports?

I'll take 4 as well...
Got pricing. .062 thickness, base price from fabricator = $4.46 each with 100 minimum. Plus tax and shipping etc. then packing and shipping out to anyone interested.
Maybe wait and see how this other fellow's test group reports?

He might have better pricing??

I'll take 4 too.
Holy Cow! Lot of interest.

I'll check with them Monday on shipping and time frame. Should be no tax. Then will find individual postal costs and get back to y'all. I think USPS Priority envelope is $5.60 to anywhere last I checked.

I'd like to get a couple sets of 4 for myself and hard costs covered, nothing more. Is that acceptable?
.......... I think USPS Priority envelope is $5.60 to anywhere last I checked. .......

Seems like it would be easier and cheaper to just put them in a plastic baggie inside a plain envelope. Shouldn't cost much more than a dollar for the postage. But there is your time involved in packing and shipping.

Happy to buy 8. :)
Holy Cow! Lot of interest.

I'll check with them Monday on shipping and time frame. Should be no tax. Then will find individual postal costs and get back to y'all. I think USPS Priority envelope is $5.60 to anywhere last I checked.

I'd like to get a couple sets of 4 for myself and hard costs covered, nothing more. Is that acceptable?

First class mail will go just as fast and typically much lower cost. The post office book of rules (on display in all PO's) says 3 days or they will fix the standard routing.

just sayin'
We hit 100 at tomhanaway. This includes two early PMs I received.
Will send a PO and get this rolling today.
Here are the specs on the material so it's clear what this stuff is:
Maybe that BD guy doing testing?

The order will ship to me 9/10. They warned me it would be 3 weeks. Anyone want to drop out? Plenty waiting.....
Beta test update

The production run beta parts arrived today. They look excellent and all dimensions measure well within tolerance. I will be mailing them out to all those that signed for the program shortly. Along with the parts, you will receive instructions for installation and recommendations for torque values.

I continue to put hours on the set that I have. So far they seem to be holding up quite well, However I would still like to accumulate more test time and with different engine installations and under various flying conditions.

I am still looking for a few more testers.......if you'r interested, here are the requirements:

You must agree to the following conditions:

These are experimental parts, still in development, untested, and as such, you assume all liability.
You must install them soon, and fly often.
You must provide feed back ..positive or negative. This will require you checking them regularly and then removing the gaskets at the end of the test period and inspecting and assessing their condition.
PM me with your address and agreement with the above.
Beta test Gaskets

I now have a fairly good cross section aircraft that volunteered to be testers from around the country. 17 testers in all. This should be sufficient, and provide a good indication of the performance. I am very swamped at the moment trying to get these in the mail... No more beta testers needed at the present time. Thanks all who volunteered, you should be receiving gaskets in a few days.
Order Update

Have about 54 of the hundred ordered confirmed. Hope the rest of the early interest doesn't leave me holding the bag. ....!
Just a note that it seems there are 2 different people offering these gaskets.

Anyway, I have a set thanks to McMinn, and my original Lycoming gaskets with 120 hours on them were sealing well. That said, all six of the hold down flanges were anything but flat. I spent a lot of time with them with a piece of sandpaper on a sheet of glass getting them flat. Keep in mind, this is a factory NEW engine. The tube ends generally cleaned up with just a light pass on the same sandpaper, which is a good thing considering there's not much material to start with.

Yes, the silicone gaskets should fare better at overcoming this gross irregularity than the paper, but the silicone is actually more critical in the sense that it needs to be uniformly compressed, otherwise you will get significant "squeeze out" at the fastener ears.

Initial lessons learned (applicable across the board, regardless of gasket material): Make sure you have flat, true flanges, and make SURE the tube is seated in the recess of the hold down flange.
Only one is offering, at no profit except a few dollars to Doug. The other is testing for commercial sale through distributors.
Brian, looks like the waiting list all get some including you. Email me with address, I'll reciprocate with payment address or paypal email.

All others that were past the original cutoff (see earlier in the thread), looks like I have plenty unconfirmed, so send your info! They ship to me today.
Email me Kevin. Have a few left.

All, I'm short about 3-4 sets not confirmed. Really don't want to eat them! A couple guys asked for double, one triple, order and those are covered. Send funds...

They were shipped to me late last week and should be here shortly. Will be sending out to all paid folks this week, I hope!
All gone as of this morning. Still awaiting payment for a few but all seem now spoken for and confirmed. :)
Came in this afternoon. Will get envelopes tomorrow and start addressing tomorrow night. Hope to mail out Monday.
Final Tally

All gaskets packaged and going in the mail regular post tomorrow. Everyone paid up as of yesterday is covered, includes O'Quinn. Chaz and Kevin asked for double sets and are getting them. Holding 4 for Balporto.

Hope y'all get some satisfaction out of these. If they work for you they may become available through ACS later on by that guy that sent some out for testing. May be cheaper! Hope so, all this stuff costs too much....

I think I'm good for now on my newly assembled engine since I goobered the heck out of all surfaces on the intake to head joints with what was recommended by my local engine builder. But, given some cooling issues with two cylinders it may be time to do a leak test then may use my set after all.

Cheers all and thanks for your trust and patience. Hope these work well for you.
Last edited:
The last set was just paid and accounted for Bill. Ignore previous PM and, by the way, your PM box is full......
Intake Gaskets

If an when more are available, I would like two sets of four.


Michael Wynn
RV 8 Phase 1
Livermore, CA