There was a serious accident yesterday involving a Cessna 172 making an emergency landing right after it was cleared for take off from runway 12 at Whiteman Airport near Los Angeles. I am not speculating on what is the cause of the crash landing but there is very few reasons for the airplane to stop flying after rotation. The airplane crashed landed just past the end of the runway. The pilot survived with various injuries. From the picture in the article, there is really no safe place to land in an event of an engine out at this airport, which is surrounded by densely packed housing structures. I know this is not RV related but just a reminder of keeping it safe. There was a thread if you need to wear helmet or not. The pilot in question was saved by the LAPD and head was a bloody mess.

Link to the article.

Link to the ATC recording of the pilot and tower (audio is real but the video is from flightsim)