Holy cow.
I hadn't noticed this thread and I sent Tom an email last night asking about some lines I wanted built. So here he is apparently in ICU hooked to a ventilator and he is answering my email today saying he is "a bit laid up and will get to me in a couple days" :eek:

Now that is dedication to your customers.

Like I said in my response to his email.
Take whatever time you need for your health. I'll be here when you're ready.
A wonderful asset to the EXP community and a great person to do business with. About a year ago I emailed him a hand drawing of a custom fuel line I needed for my -10. H emailed right back, fabricated the line that day and got it in the mail for me. Get Well Soon Tom!
I just saw this on the VAF front page. Wow, that was a close one. Glad you are doing OK Tom and hoping you have a speedy recovery. You are a true asset to our beloved VAF family.
Holy cow, I just saw this as well...

Tom, you can't die, you promised me you'd make new lines for Tony Boy!!! ;)

I'm so happy to hear you're getting better, Friend! Praying for you and Suzanne.
Another Update

Spoke with Tom again this afternoon and the news is that the doctors have still not released him to go home yet. Up and around though and expecting to be released tomorrow. I understand there were a couple more sign offs on his "annual" required, resulting in the delay. Happily, he sounded pretty good on the phone.

He should be home tomorrow.
See Ya...

Time to hop out of that hospital bed Tom, it is your day to go home. :) Give us a holler here when you feel like it.
Get well my friend! I am glad I'm not the only one that thinks he has the best customer service in the industry.
Get well soon!!

Hi Tom, please receive my warmest wishes for a full and speedy recovery!!!
Recovery update:

ALL====I was relaeased from the hospital yesterday afternoon.
Trying to rest---yeah right---.
I'm greatly moved by all the outpouring of love and prayers from you guys. I say that in all sincerety. I'll do my best to live up to it!
I found out that medicine is like experimental aircraft. What you dont know you dont know. As I'm told, I was given an antibiotic along with the anesthesia. This was supposed to be a fairly quick proceedure to fix 2 partially torn meniscus in my right knee, that I had quite frankly got tired of dealing wth. So, 30 minutes, in and out, go home, and in about 10 days be back to normal.
Apparently very early in the proceedure, my throat started closing, O2 levels dropping, and scared the **** out of one of the best orthropediic surgeons in the country, a long time friend, and a Hudson Hornet fanatic.
I'm told that several Doctors and surgeons went to work on me, and essentially gave me the airway to save my life. I was in an outpatient surgurical center, very close to the hospital, so I'm told that EMS trasported me to the ER, and the staff worked on me for quite a while. Quite the commotion for a hose guy.

Long story short, in trying to get an airway, they broke a couple of teeth (you gotta do what you gotta do), so I have that to deal with. Trach hole is about the size of a -10 bulkhead fitting. Guess they wanted to test Don Rivera's flow data. Seems its right on the money.
Looks like the big issue will be the trach hole, and taking care of that. So, probably no cutting teflon hose, or any of that stuff for a bit-----until I can come up with a way to get it all covered up.

In talking with the Drs, we still dont know what caused it, but have narrowed it down to the antibiotic. I'd never heard of it, nor have I ever had it in any other proceedures. They have run a series of blood tests to see what else is strange :eek: about me, and we'll figure all of this out.

I want to express my deep appreciation to all the VAF and experimental community for the outpouring of support. Suzanne and I have been blown away by the emails, phone calls, and VAF posts. WE'll answer them all. I might take a little time, but its important for me to let you all know what you mean to us.
I found out, after the fact, that life can change in a instant. You NEVER think it can happen to you, but it happended to me, and for a while was pretty serious. So----if you havent hugged your Dr or nurse today, do it. Alot of people worked on me, and I'll probably never know all that were involved. BUT----they are the ones that gave me a second chance------to help you guys and finish my RV.

I'll keep you updated as I can.
Tom and Suzanne.
Get well soon!

Hi Tom,
Glad you're on the mend. Although I haven't met you yet, it is obvious from all these well-wishes that you have a host of folks who are pulling for you. So I join with them in wishing you a prompt recovery.

The shift of emotions after an experience such as yours is totally normal and having gone through one myself (mine was two heart surgeries in a month) I can only say "Just go with the flow!" (Pun intended!)
So glad to hear you are doing better, Sending prayers your way for a speedy recovery.
Get well soon!

So glad to hear that you're recovering. The trach and broken teeth sounds like a rough deal, but I guess it sure beats the alternative! Take care, Tom.
So, I'm thinking a #10 bulkhead fitting with a cap is all you need to fix that hole. :D

Glad to hear you are out of the woods. You are one of my favorite people and I hate to think that you are hurt. Get well buddy!
Glad to hear you are home!!! Take your time recovering and try to relax for a while. RV folks always need it yesterday, we can wait! Let me know later on when you want to get back on the horse.
My meniscus is going to have to get a lot worse before I'm going through that!

So glad to hear you are getting better. I just stopped and offered up a prayer for you and your family.

Get better soon and get that 9 finished. We need to meet up...
Glad to hear your home.Nothing like sleeping in your own bed and no, nobody sleep's in a hospital very well.Get better Tom.

Just saw this. We are all pulling for you and there can't be anything like the power of RV builders pulling for someone!

Awesome news Tom, glad to hear everything's okay in the grand scheme. And I'm guessing the docs won't like the idea of just rubbing some Proseal over the trach hole to seal it up? Your health and recovery are the greatest presents your family (and, to a much lesser extent, us) can receive for the upcoming season. Talk to you soon for my tubes, once you're ready!

Hi Tom I am sitting home recovering from major back surgery. All went as planned. It made me sad to read your post. I showed it to my wife who is a RN. No more sympathy cards in my deck. Prayers to get better soon. Dan
TS Flightlines update

Good morning all. Its Saturday ( I think)---I'm in Virginia at Suzanne's moms for thanksgiving. I just wanted to give a short update for all of you.
Currently, I have no pain, just soreness in my lower calf, which is another word that I'm improving. Walking without crutches, or any other help aid, with no difficulty. Not fast, but steady. I'm about a week behind schedule on therapy, but other wise doing well.

I'll probably start building some hoses when I get back on Monday. So, should be back on schedule in about a week. I cant say enough about the RV community. We we unundated with emails, and texts, some of which I or Suzanne answered, alot of which I still need to address. Point is that all of were thinking more of my health than your projects, and that means more than you can imagine. Many of you are voices on the phone, printing on an email, but over the past 2 weeks have formed into real people. Its amazing that at the point of crisis, people bond together so best wishes actually become a force to combat the issue. Inner strength, strength from beyond, whatever you want to call it, it comes through alot of you.

When an email comes in from Australia, and the person is writing only to say hello, and offer best wishes, gee, that touches you right in the middle of the heart, and you can only smile that the way this happened was because of the great RV Community we have. I havent been to Australia, but sure would like to, and personally thank that person for the email.

Long medical story short, a reaction to the antibotic, Rocephin, given IV during pre-op. By the time I was wheeled into OR, the anesthesia, and the Rocephin were well on its way, doing their jobs. Last I remember was a tickle in my throat, which I tried to cough out. What we now know, is the tickle was the beginning of the airway clossure, and with the surgery almost completed, the airway completely closed, and flow rates began to drop.
Repeated attempts to get an airway failed, so a Tracheotmy was performed, all the while, my orthropededist was finishing his part so they could transport me.

OK enough about the bad stuff. Good Stuff------I'm told heroic efforts by several members of combined OR, ER EMS, ICU staffs have gotten me to where I am today. Deeply indebted to all of those people. In debted to the RV Community for its understanding, and expression of Love and well wishes. You just cant make all of this up. Hospital visitors included Lee Logan and Dennis Argentsinger, my building buddies from 3J1, seeing what they could do to help. Even though we've been friends for years, its still pretty moving to have them come an check on me.

Best thing is I'm on the healing side now. Should be 100% shorly.

It's so good to have you chiming in. Your recovery was one of the things I was most thankful for this Thanksgiving.

Just read your post Tom, mighty pleased at that.
This community needs your hose expertise, very good news you will continue the business.
Great News

I've learned from having a few major surgeries that it is not a good idea to thy to rush your recovery. Please listen to your MDs and don't rush it too much - too much could set you back as it did with me. Just sayin---
Just became aware of your misfortune in the medical system. Unfortunately mishaps occur in life. Glad you survived this one. You have been amongst the most attentive, thorough and understanding vendor I have encountered during this build process and your service is appreciated beyond the capabilities of words to express. Happy to see you are still a part of the team, ready and willing to jump back in the saddle and impressed by the support the aviation community has expressed about the character of you as a person and the quality of your work. Knowing that it would pale in comparison to anything you have done for me, do not hesitate to share with me anything I can do for you.
Monday DEC 7

Morning all. I just wanted to give an update to everyone. First---thank you all so much for the prayers and very kind words. Suzanne and I greatly appreciate it!. I started building a few hoses last week, to try and get caught up. Getting my strength back has been a bigger deal than the knee issues. Knee is fine, other than therapy makes it sore. I'm still about a week behind schedule, but in actuality probably a week ahead in getting it back to 100%. On a bike at therapy now, so its accellerating.

I think Im now caught up on all the small orders. Several packages to do this week for some VERY patient customers. The RV community has been very patient with me during this time, and thats something that we wont forget. Hopefully by the end of the month, things will be back to normal.