Take off of old pilot jokes

Would anyone like to educate this poor ignorant newbie as to the significance "There I was enjoying a chocolate chip cookie..."?


Following WWII there were a lot of pilots jokes, "There I was, inverted at 30,000 feet hanging my my fingernails when . . . . "

I worked with some of those old guys decades ago and they were always telling these jokes with that lead-in.

Better now?
Following WWII there were a lot of pilots jokes, "There I was, inverted at 30,000 feet hanging my my fingernails when . . . . "

I worked with some of those old guys decades ago and they were always telling these jokes with that lead-in.

Better now?

Somewhat thanks.

Did the "cookie" lead in start here in the VAF? Or is it from somewhere else?
Somewhat thanks.

Did the "cookie" lead in start here in the VAF? Or is it from somewhere else?

I am guessing totally original, but no data what so ever . . .

Back to the OP - - So are there G (aerobatic) rated cookies? Some of the soft ones break in half at one G.
"There I was, two turnin' two burnin'. Good thing I had a heavy coat of primer though, or I'd have been too worried to eat my cookie.
Back to the OP - - So are there G (aerobatic) rated cookies? Some of the soft ones break in half at one G.

There are indeed G-limits. This particular cookie was rated at +6/-3G at 4oz.

Note that that weight limit doesn't include the chocolate chips located at the edges of the cookie, since chips at that location reduce the bending moment at the center of the cookie. I have it on good authority from someone who saw someone post that they had seen an e-mail from the original baker to that effect so it seems legit.
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Edge Distance

There are indeed G-limits. This particular cookie was rated at +6/-3G at 4oz.

Note that that weight limit doesn't include the chocolate chips located at the edges of the cookie, since chips at that location reduce the bending moment at the center of the cookie. I have it on good authority from someone who saw someone post that they had seen an e-mail from the original baker to that effect so it seems legit.

WHAT?!?! The cookie manufacturer didn't follow minimum edge distance guidelines when locating the chocolate chips? That is surely going to lead to catastrophic failure!!!

Are the chocolate chips integral to the design strength of the cookie and what is the spec?

Is there an optimum distribution of chips?

What is the effect of cookie G tolerance if the chip to dough ratio is increased or decreased?

These are important scientific questions that need to be answered.

When I began reading this thread just a few minutes ago it was 3 pages, now 6 pages as I begin typing...y'all need something to do!

But seriously, for those who (horrors!) have been forced by their children to move from Chocolate Chips to M&Ms, if it is any consolation, I can tell you with authority that each and every M&M was hand-primed white by Elves prior to receiving their final coat of red, yellow, orange, green, or brown, and more recently blue.

I was told one time...or maybe I read it somewhere that the weight of the chocolate chips do not actually count against the gross weight of the cookie for the aerobatic calculation because they add strength to the cookie in negative G situations. I am pretty sure it was the original designer of the chocolate chip cookie that told me this so it must be true. :D
Why does he have to be inverted to enjoy a cookie?

Why can't he just be an Australian pilot enjoying flying "down under"? :p
Perhaps Tonya Card should say a little something about the proper way to design and manufacture a cookie. She is the Dan Horton of cookies I do believe.

Be happy to discuss the proper design and manufacture of scratch built cookies at Petit Jean this weekend.

I have often seen the cookie used as THE primer for many things...

Scratch built cookies are definitely THE primer. They have primed people to relinquish good scotch, provide golf cart rides across the field at OSH, let loose with muscle power for pounding in tie downs...

Does purchased dough conform to the 51% rule?? :D

Depends on how you feel about the 2-week to taxi program.
At the risk of posting something serious - when you talk to a control tower, you have to say experimental. Towers only. Not ATC, not FSS, only towers.

Now I need to figure out how to keep my browser from accepting cookies as it's getting fat.
At the risk of posting something serious - when you talk to a control tower, you have to say experimental. Towers only. Not ATC, not FSS, only towers.

Where is this rule found? I was a tower controller for 15 years, and I've never heard of this. Maybe things have changed since I left, though.
An encouraging word.......

Just remember...."When the chips are down....." You are at the top of the loop! :D
Now we delve into the never ending debate of what is better; scratchbuilt vs. vs. quickbuild vs certified cookies... :D

Does purchased dough conform to the 51% rule?? :D

I think the purchased dough cookies fall under ASTM guidelines for self certification and can either be factory baked or experimental baked, much like the light sport aircraft. Unfortunately, those that tarry long at the former don't fit in the latter.
I think the purchased dough cookies fall under ASTM guidelines for self certification and can either be factory baked or experimental baked, much like the light sport aircraft. Unfortunately, those that tarry long at the former don't fit in the latter.
Hey. I highly resemble that remark.

for a slightly softer, less crunchy cookie for crumb control, should I use flox or microballons? How do I adjust the chocolate chip aggregate in the dough? Is an Abrams slump test required?

John Siebold
Fiberfrax chocolate chips

Perhaps Tonya Card should say a little something about the proper way to design and manufacture a cookie. She is the Dan Horton of cookies I do believe.

DanH + cookies =

John, you're in luck. The DanH of cooking - Alton Brown - had an elite episode dedicated to the scientific study of chocolate chip cookies and what makes chewy, crispy, or caky.

The episode segments are linked from each recipe to explain the science. Or just read the recipes here
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too funny

DanH + cookies =


Hilarious!!! :)

What else do you do with that "2000 deg oven" and leftover fiberfrax and SS foil? I don't recommend mixing in the extra firebarier 2000 though. It certainly makes them intumescent but results in a cookie only the FAA can enjoy.
Scratch built is the best, no doubt. Without trying to sound smug, I can make chocolate chip cookies that are so good they can make a freight train run on a dirt road.;) I do not make them very often as buying bigger clothes is just too expensive.

It's not the cookies doing that. It's another little known and under reported effect of radon gas. I have whole closets of ruined clothing due to this problem. :D
Totally inappropriate

Chocolate chip cookies?! Wrong, wrong, wrong. What if a chip were to get loose and jam the controls? That's why the universal rule is you must eat peanut butter cookies during acro. Then even if a piece gets loose the peanut oil actually lubricates the controls... I prefer Jiff

See that? A public service announcement plus two new wars, cookies and peanut butter.
This thread needs be locked down before someone posts a cookie barf image after eating too many of those cookies in the image above while doing too many G's. :)
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Well I think it's about time I add my entry into the chocolate chip realization moments........

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America's favorite cookie vid was awesome, but I can't help but think:
I would walk right past a factory built cookie for an EAB cookie, Just like I would pass up a certified airplane for a Homebuilt. :rolleyes:
Additionally, I believe you can think outside the box, but you have to be careful who you share your ideas with: I asked my grand-daughter Lilly to blend a few ideas, like maybe add chocolate chips to a peanut-butter cookie, or maybe walnuts or pecans to a chocolate chip cookie, but she just stared at me an said "NO! That's Just Wrong!'.
I dunno, Harmon Rockets seem OK?
Too much acetone


Clearly the acetone flashed off before the chocolate chips flowed out. Use less acetone or shake the can more vigorously. Did you use an electric oven or gas?
Sounds as if we need an agency of some sort to regulate these cookies in flight...........I humbly nominate myself as a cookie field tester for the sake of pilots everywhere. It's a tough job but somebody has to to it. Make plenty of test batches. And btw, would a chocolate chip resemble a standard or flush rivet, and thus be detrimental to the strength of the cookie if imbedded too far within? What about edge distance and chip pitch!?!?