
Well Known Member

(playing off a meme from another board)
Brad, don't be fibbing. We all know, as the controls unloaded, and you were just about to float over the top, just one thing ran through your mind ...

... this would be so much sweeter if the little wheel were in back.
Wow. Distasteful. So the spirited nosewheel vs taildragger debate has devolved to making fun of others' injuries. :confused:

Sorry, was not meant in any kind of distasteful manner.

As a -A builder/pilot, I've been asked *so* many times if I'm concerned about it flipping over primarily because people see only those pictures posted here.
Also, if you guys are paying attention you will notice that all the the flipped A models are heavily primed.
KRW5927...I didn't see a single typed word regarding making fun of someone's injuries. I saw a funny typed sentence about RV's flipped over. Please...don't be so darn sensitive. The ease at which everyone these days seem to be offended tells me people are either not working hard enough or have way to much time on their hands or both. Laugh, move on...enjoy life, don't be offended by something that was clearly meant as humor.
The chocolate chip is the problem. Not the primer.

Molasses Crinkles go with any type of primer.
Lets Get to The Point

I can't believe how you folks have all missed the important part of this post, the chocolate chip cookie!

As a chocolate chip cookie expert, I would like to hear more: Is it homemade? Perhaps a particularly good commercial cookie?

Also, the picture would be far more impressive if you were pulling just the right amount of G to enable drinking a glass of milk with your other hand! Now that sir, would be very cool...:)
Would anyone like to educate this poor ignorant newbie as to the significance "There I was enjoying a chocolate chip cookie..."?

I can't believe how you folks have all missed the important part of this post, the chocolate chip cookie! Is it homemade? commercial cookie?

It looks like is a a commercial / certified cookie, not an amateur built one. I'd be curious what mods were done to the cookie?
Would anyone like to educate this poor ignorant newbie as to the significance "There I was enjoying a chocolate chip cookie..."?


Nothing significant about the cookie really. He just happens to be eating one upside down enjoying himself. Not thinking about what primer he used.
Primer wars

One of the longest ongoing debates has been about whether primer is necessary, what primer to use, how to apply it, etc. It is known as the "Primer wars" on VAF. Do a search.
This is great. I've been hanging out around here since 3/5/2009 and this is the first thread I remember devoted to pure silliness. I will grant there may have been others I missed.:D:D
This thread is a cleverly disguised Roschath test.

I don't like chocolate but can deal with three wheels unless on a glider.
This is great. I've been hanging out around here since 3/5/2009 and this is the first thread I remember devoted to pure silliness. I will grant there may have been others I missed.:D:D

..that is, until it devolves into a thread about one of the following:
1) Whether or not a cookie can and/or should be "certified"
2) Whether or not the "top of a loop" is the best place for regular inspections
3) Whether or not a parachute is required, when making jokes about primers
I can also attest this thread has helped with chocolate chip cookie sales, as I bought the dough last night when picking up the take-n-bake. They may be gone before my next flight though.
The cookie...

Perhaps Tonya Card should say a little something about the proper way to design and manufacture a cookie. She is the Dan Horton of cookies I do believe.

I will personally admit to liking very few certified cookies, but there are a few that are acceptable.

Now, I was wondering why you would prime a cookie? I have seen cookies with no paint, and I have seen cookies with top coat...I am not sure that I have ever seen a cookie with primer though?
I have seen cookies with no paint, and I have seen cookies with top coat...I am not sure that I have ever seen a cookie with primer though?

I've heard on other forums and also read in some old MIL spec sheets that sprinkles help prevent corrosion. Perhaps the icing topcoats contain similar additives?
Well I guess this would be the right time to bring this up:

I have a recurring dream where I am at a landing accuracy contest. I land a nose gear aircraft and lower the nose precisely on target - a fresh homemade chocolate chip cookie. I then hop in a tail dragger and, sure enough, manage to hit the target (yes another fresh, homemade chocolate chip cookie) smack on top with the little wheel. I win the trophy!

Now this all seems perfectly normal to everyone, I know. Then said dream becomes very very horrifying. I wake up sweating realizing I have destroyed two perfectly good, fresh, homemade... I can't bring myself to say it...:(

Oh Man, I gotta get back to work now. Hmm, glass of milk first.
One of the longest ongoing debates has been about whether primer is necessary, what primer to use, how to apply it, etc. It is known as the "Primer wars" on VAF. Do a search.

Search? Thank you no. I don't care one tiny little bit about primer wars.

Typically when jokes start out with a line like "I was upside down enjoying a choco chip cookie..." there's some sort of history to the line. Like that line was the beginning of a story, known to most, that's been co-opted for the present joke.

I was just wondering if that's the case, and, if so, what that story might be.
Perhaps Tonya Card should say a little something about the proper way to design and manufacture a cookie. She is the Dan Horton of cookies I do believe.

I will personally admit to liking very few certified cookies, but there are a few that are acceptable.

Now, I was wondering why you would prime a cookie? I have seen cookies with no paint, and I have seen cookies with top coat...I am not sure that I have ever seen a cookie with primer though?

HA! Tanya is pretty proud of her cookies, but I assure you, just as I bet the Horton has accidentally blown a hole in thin walled tubing with a torch, she HAS burnt her fair share too. Usually when being distracted by a heated discussion about primer and whether or not I can bake parts in her oven.

I have often seen the cookie used as THE primer for many things...

Maybe we'll see you next weekend for further cookie inspection.
Search? Thank you no. I don't care one tiny little bit about primer wars.

Typically when jokes start out with a line like "I was upside down enjoying a choco chip cookie..." there's some sort of history to the line. Like that line was the beginning of a story, known to most, that's been co-opted for the present joke.

I was just wondering if that's the case, and, if so, what that story might be.

That's just it, the primer debate is known to most. As such it make a good, passionate subject to juxtapose against the actual absurd act -that of eating a cookie while performing aerobatics. So as SNL character Turd Ferguson would say "it's Funny".
I can also attest this thread has helped with chocolate chip cookie sales, as I bought the dough last night when picking up the take-n-bake. They may be gone before my next flight though.

Now we delve into the never ending debate of what is better; scratchbuilt vs. vs. quickbuild vs certified cookies... :D

Does purchased dough conform to the 51% rule?? :D

Google the great chocolate train wreck Hamilton NY. Boxcars full of Nestles Chocolate Chips.

For those who neglected to prime the inside and live near the salt water, just go to the parts department at your local FBO and ask to rent the wing mice. Turn the mice loose inside the wings and they will eat the corrosion. Take good care of the mice, they are bred specially to remove corrosion and are very rare and expensive.
It will be a race

Someone is going to show up at Petit Jean next weekend with primed cookies...
Now we delve into the never ending debate of what is better; scratchbuilt vs. vs. quickbuild vs certified cookies... :D

Does purchased dough conform to the 51% rule?? :D

Scratch built is the best, no doubt. Without trying to sound smug, I can make chocolate chip cookies that are so good they can make a freight train run on a dirt road.;) I do not make them very often as buying bigger clothes is just too expensive.
I was on top of a loop enjoying a cookie when I began to think

I hadn't loaded IOS 9 on my IPAD

I Hadn't taken my wife out to dinner lately

My plane is 10lbs heavier than the other RV on the field

When calling ATC should I say experimental or RV

I haven't been using the LOP finder function in my EFIS

I wonder what will the RV15 look like.