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The balloon protects from blowing the tank apart. Squirt blow up the ballon by using an air nozzle im the sump drain

Sqirt soapy water on every place it could leak. You will know if irs leaking and where.

Using the altimeter method works but it changes with temp and pressure fluctuations. If the temp drops over night the ballon may even go flat until it warms up again.

This is the method described in the rvator news letter years ago
Wirks pretty good

The balloon protects from blowing the tank apart. Squirt blow up the ballon by using an air nozzle im the sump drain

Sqirt soapy water on every place it could leak. You will know if irs leaking and where.

Using the altimeter method works but it changes with temp and pressure fluctuations. If the temp drops over night the ballon may even go flat until it warms up again.

This is the method described in the rvator news letter years ago
Wirks pretty good


The video really clarifies this. Thanks.

Changing topics some, were the air boxes on older -4s typically fabricated by the builder? Mine is just a square inlet using a K&N 33-2008 filter. I’m trying to figure out if SB 96-10-1 is applicable.
Could someone share a picture of the rear seat reinforcement gusset installation? I’d like to verify I’m visualizing the installed configuration correctly.
What I did

I meant to take a picture of mine yesterday when I went flying but forgot. Its very simple, made mine from .050" sheet. It has a downward flange that attaches to the seat back bulkhead and the flange running parallel to the longeron has no real bend, it just attaches through the longeron with a couple rivets. Took a couple hours to fabricate and install. Make a template from a thing piece of cardboard that fits, then make from aluminum. I will try and grab a pic next time out.