I think AJ's dating experiences lead to the longest posts in VAF history....Next to LOP operation that is...:)

Frank 7a
Long term results.

rv969wf said:
ONE LUCKY MAN YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) YOU DID GOOD!!!!!!
I pray to God that someday the right one will come into my life..... One Day At A Time is my thinking. Hey I'm 43 so I've got a few years left but I getting very impatient.:eek:

This is for anyone and most every situation.

If you want instant gratification,
don't expect long term results.

Planes and women can be allot alike, if you don't handle right, they'll go in a spin.

May you someday find the right one (and be the right one) then you both can fly to the same destination. Thanks for the compliment, but I already knew how fortunate I am. I will Pray your co-pilot shows up an qualifies. :)
AJ does not get all the Women...

This is the "Grandma Express" flight from Minne to Ames, IA on Saturday afternoon. Just to spike controversy, we were running LOP when the picture was snapped.....

I figure I have 3-4 more years before I lose my co-pilot to things more interesting to her.

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Thats a great pic

I bet she'll be wanting you to help her build her own RV soon Pete.

Good on ya!

petehowell said:
Just to spike controversy, we were running LOP when the picture was snapped.....

How could you be running LOP? It looks like you're still flying under control with the wings level! I don't think I believe this. Must be Photoshop, or you're fibbing about this! :D
Sopite Syndrome

Look up Sopite Syndrome. Its drowsiness which is closely related to motion sicknesss.

Besides that, I think they are a tad bid jealous anyway (LOL).

7A- N32WW
My better half would fall asleep in the middle of a sentence, especially after a bowl of ice cream at night.

Then, I would sneek off into the garage to resume building.

She's the biggest reason I finished building my 7A
It's Baaack!!!!

Look up Sopite Syndrome. Its drowsiness which is closely related to motion sicknesss.

Besides that, I think they are a tad bid jealous anyway (LOL).

7A- N32WW
You must have Rip Van Winkle Syndrome! This thing's been asleep for almost a year!

So, what do we hear, after almost a year?
Wedding Bells?
:D Well I think your Bose headset did it...put your lady to sleep.LOL
Bose puts my (totally hot) wife to sleep too. Those things are amazing! ;)

I'm not sure how smart it is to post pictures of your lady sleeping though (even with permission). I'd get killed for that. :cool:

Newest ad for the Bose headset!!!

Like that relaxed kinda thing with my passengers too.

Fly Safe...Chris
Pretty good, AJ. This decal on the side of your airplane gets instant "How Sweet!" points, I'm sure.


No Dramamine


The drowsiness is not an uncommon condition. My wife falls asleep whenever we take a cross country trip.....10 minutes later she is out cold and it happens every time. Darn thing is the sopite effect. It happens every time.
