
Well Known Member
My My, I finally found a nice lady that liked flying and look what happened...lol :rolleyes:

Look at the before flight picture on the ground with the 25mph + winds from Texas/Oklahoma blowing her hair around and the next picture showing her sleeping like a baby in rough turbulent air with very light rain the rest of the trip. Not a great day to fly as the air and weather was not that great on this trip.

She fell asleep within 10 minutes into a 2 hour flight and she missed out on everything but the takeoff and the landing. :rolleyes:

Ohwell, at least she went with me on the trip across a couple of states to our destination. The returning 2 hour trip back was the same and she fell asleep within 10 minutes again flying her back home. This has never happened to me before with anyone! I used to fall asleep when I was a kid at ages 0-6 while flying with my Dad a few times but not like this.

Question is: does your better half or passengers fall asleep so quickly in your airplane like this?

She told me after landing and getting on the ground that my -6 put her to sleep like getting a massage and it was so soothing / relaxing which confused me but I accepted and I didn't say a thing. I think the Bose headsets with music did some of it to cancel out the other, (rough air) noise, etc.... my guess. I actually got a few laughs out of the flying trip after doing a couple of barrel rolls to see if she would wake and she never raised one eyebrow over the entire flying trip.

She never complained one bit and I'm not either which was fine with me, but it would have been nice to have had some company to visit with on the trip! :D Glad I have FM /XM. I'm still laughing about the trip the more I think about this as this is maybe,,,, or probably the best thing to have, someone that isn't feeling the rough air, seeing the bad weather, complaining about this or that, radio to loud, all the radio yak / talk with other pilots, whatever. :D Anyway, just thought I'd share a trip with a new friend.
You never no how a passenger is going to act on a flying trip in an RV.



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A relaxed passenger

Well, she's certainly not scared or nervous about flying with you.... :D

gil A
Bose did it

:D Well I think your Bose headset did it...put your lady to sleep.LOL

How do you like it anyway..The headset...not the lady ;) ....I was torn between the in ear headset and Bose. I donot like the in ear design because of hygiene...sooo I think I will treat my self to a Bose. How does it compare to the lightspeed?
I had permission.....

When she sees that you posted those on the list, you may not get a 2nd date!! :eek:[/QUOTE][/IMG[/QUOTE]]

I had the OK to do this BTW... She got a good laugh out of this and is a very understanding lady. :) I would never post a picture of someone without ones permission! Alan (AJ)
rv969wf said:

I had the OK to do this BTW... She got a good laugh out of this and is a very understanding lady. :) I would never post a picture of someone without ones permission! Alan (AJ)

Sense of humor? Understanding? Feels relaxed enough around you to fall asleep while flying? Marry her ASAP! :D
CO poisoning.
I heard it said once that a sleeping passenger is the greatest compliment to a pilot's skill. I took a colleague and his grandkids for a ride in a 172. They got bored and fell asleep. Made me feel good.

You're one lucky guy, Alan. Oooh, those dimples......whew! She seems to be a sweetheart, easy to please and so on. Take it from an older guy, they're very hard to come by. I'd have serious second thoughts about that one getting away!!

My .02c,
She doesn't like flying and is graciously bored. You'll find out sooner or later. Sorry. Someone has to tell ya.
My BH (better half) often sleeps when she is tired. This has been going on for 20 years so I wouldn't worry about it.

When the scenery is nice she will usually stay awake and enjoy it, but what do you expect over Oklahoma? :D

My money's on a leaky exhaust

My (totally hot) Wife. (she made me write that) does the same thing...The only trouble is I have to wake her up to have her navigate....

Good deal AJ, reading about your love life has become almost as entertaining as reading about airplanes....:)

Us old farts living vicariously and all that!

Frank 7a
kevinsky18 said:
Nonsense. I love flying and have fallen asleep in 172s when other people are flying.
Hey, I love flying too, but these pictures are how I like to look every second that I'm stuck in coach on some airliner. Not the way I look in a sport aircraft with a special person that I want to impress! She's BORED! Or terrified.
Ten minutes into each flight?! C'mon. She's not interested in flying except for a way to get from A to B. And if she can sleep through it, so much the better! AJ, she may be a fine lady, but for a co-pilot I would be looking for someone who wants to be a participant!
She maybe bored with Flying

But maybe SHE is trying to impress AJ....

So AJ how do you do it my friend?..Do you have a sensitive side that the rest of us can only admire that attracts females like flies?

Personally I thought my accent and a hot plane and I would have it made but clearly i'm a complete amatuer compared to yourself...:)

Note to self..Stay married!

frankh said:
But maybe SHE is trying to impress AJ....

So AJ how do you do it my friend?..Do you have a sensitive side that the rest of us can only admire that attracts females like flies?

Personally I thought my accent and a hot plane and I would have it made but clearly i'm a complete amatuer compared to yourself...:)

Note to self..Stay married!

AJ has made it clear (I thought) that he was looking for a Co-pilot. A person who is grudgingly willing to merely occupy the right seat wouldn't qualify, in my opinion. But it's only my opinion.
This thread reminds me of a joke...

Q: How do you know when a date with a pilot is half over?
A: He says "but enough about me - wanna hear about my plane?"

:D :D :D
RV7Factory said:
This thread reminds me of a joke...

Q: How do you know when a date with a pilot is half over?
A: He says "but enough about me - wanna hear about my plane?"

:D :D :D
When I was in the Air force during the Viet Nam fun fest, there was a joke about a B-52 that was waiting to depart, but they had an avionics problem and there was a sergeant from the A&E shop working on the upper flight deck of the Buff, trying to troubleshoot the problem. The captain was having a discussion with the co-pilot about sex, regarding whether it was more work or more fun! The captain said that sex was about 50% work and 50% fun. The co-pilot thought that sex was about 80% fun, and only 20% work.
They decided that they should get an enlisted man's opinion, so they asked the sergeant if he thought sex was more work, or more fun.
The sergeant replied that sex must be 100% fun, because if there was any work involved, the officers would have him doing it!

I thought we were only at "Co-pilot" stage here?

We'll have AJ building an RV10 for the extra seats before lunchtime at this rate...:)

rv969wf said:
Look at the before flight picture on the ground with the 25mph + winds from Texas/Oklahoma blowing her hair around and the next picture showing her sleeping like a baby in rough turbulent air with very light rain the rest of the trip.
Sounds like a keeper.... ;)
I showed this to my wife this AM. She giggled a bit... as it is a running joke with us as to how many minutes she will be in the car before she is asleep.

Don't put too much stock in it being a measure of interest. My wife is my best friend and traveling companion. She loves to sight-see as much as I do. But with our hectic lives... and always being short on sleep... a few minutes of relaxation almost automatically leads to snoozing. :)

So... JMHO - It may be a real good sign of both trust and relaxation. ;)
Okra Homa will do that.

I agree with John, it's gotta be flying over Okra Homa that put her to sleep. ****, years ago when I flew from Idaho to Missery, when I got over Nebraska, I fell to sleep.

rv969wf said:
:::snip::: She fell asleep within 10 minutes into a 2 hour flight and she missed out on everything but the takeoff and the landing. :rolleyes:

I can think of worse times to fall asleep...

Just an indication of what a smooth operator you are.

Pretty lady and from what I can tell from a picture, looks very charming, if not relaxed. :D She must trust you and feel safe, and not an indication of boredom. Probably got no sleep the night before because she was excited to meet you, sweet. George :D
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I'm in love

Wow, those are great pictures of your date, I'm in love...with your plane! That is one fantastic paint job. It's keeping me motivated to build on!

She's a keeper

I think it is flattering that she has that much trust in you to not worry about it. Sounds like a low maintenance woman to me and cute too - you can't beat that.

Some folks get so unnecessarily freaked out about flying in a light plane - you've got it easy. And so do I - my wife almost always falls asleep after her cockpit and chart folding and handling duties are over. Mine even bought her own Bose headset!

Incredible paint job you have too!
Thanks everyone

Incredible paint job you have too!

Thanks for all the nice comments about the Paint job and the gal. A few people e-mailed me asking for another picture of my RV. So heres another picture of my bird taking Allen Barrett with BPE a ride around the patch.

A little off subject but I have the lightspeed and recently flew with the Bose. I now have the Bose. No comparison. Treat yourself, you will be glad you did. Dean
My beautiful wife, who loves flying, and is a full-up partner on the RV-10 building project, can fall asleep as soon as the gear is up in our old Bonanza. I guess she must really trust me. When I first started dating her 30 years ago, I took her up for aerobatics in a Great Lakes and she loved it. I was firmly hooked at that point! :D
Lucky Man

dmaib said:
My beautiful wife, who loves flying, and is a full-up partner on the RV-10 building project, can fall asleep as soon as the gear is up in our old Bonanza. I guess she must really trust me. When I first started dating her 30 years ago, I took her up for aerobatics in a Great Lakes and she loved it. I was firmly hooked at that point! :D

Your a lucky man!!!! :)
It was drugs

She was scared to death and took sleeping pills :D

Just kidding, nice aircraft and copilot.

Keep your options open. Fly as many others as you can get your hands on. Don't sell yourself away too cheaply. An extended trip with her will reveal details about her that you would have never imagined otherwise. Did she snore into the headsets? Check out her mother for a quick snapshot of her in fifteen or twenty years. (Yes, they do go by). Remember that once the papers are signed, what once may have been a witty comment of yours will for some unexplainable reason become a rude expression. Any spirited driving or flying will not be seen as adventuresome, but rather as intolerable. It's better to fly alone than ill-accompanied. Love is more attractive a concept in theory than in practice.
And finally, the greatest of truths: Men marry women hoping they don't change, but they do... Women marry men hoping they change, but they don't.
The ideal balance is at least one in a million.... good luck, my friend.

Thanks for all the nice comments about the Paint job and the gal. A few people e-mailed me asking for another picture of my RV. So heres another picture of my bird taking Allen Barrett with BPE a ride around the patch.


Stunning paint job........it's now my Desktop background....if you don't mind, that is :D

Keep up the good work. Question, will you and she be at Sun 'n Fun?
cruiser snoozer

I didn't fall asleep :cool: AJ's ride is every bit as nice on the inside as it is on the outside. Very comfortable seats, pleasing to the eye with just the right amount of color variance to keep the interior from running together. Very nice plane AJ. I had a blast hangin out at the fly-in with ya. Anybody notice how small AJ's inlet air ducts are?

Tom Navar said:
Keep your options open. Fly as many others as you can get your hands on. Don't sell yourself away too cheaply. An extended trip with her will reveal details about her that you would have never imagined otherwise. Did she snore into the headsets? Check out her mother for a quick snapshot of her in fifteen or twenty years. (Yes, they do go by). Remember that once the papers are signed, what once may have been a witty comment of yours will for some unexplainable reason become a rude expression. Any spirited driving or flying will not be seen as adventuresome, but rather as intolerable. It's better to fly alone than ill-accompanied. Love is more attractive a concept in theory than in practice.
And finally, the greatest of truths: Men marry women hoping they don't change, but they do... Women marry men hoping they change, but they don't.
The ideal balance is at least one in a million.... good luck, my friend.
Wise words!!
Easy there

Tom Navar said:
Keep your options open. Fly as many others as you can get your hands on. Don't sell yourself away too cheaply. An extended trip with her will reveal details about her that you would have never imagined otherwise. Did she snore into the headsets? Check out her mother for a quick snapshot of her in fifteen or twenty years. (Yes, they do go by). Remember that once the papers are signed, what once may have been a witty comment of yours will for some unexplainable reason become a rude expression. Any spirited driving or flying will not be seen as adventuresome, but rather as intolerable. It's better to fly alone than ill-accompanied. Love is more attractive a concept in theory than in practice.
And finally, the greatest of truths: Men marry women hoping they don't change, but they do... Women marry men hoping they change, but they don't.
The ideal balance is at least one in a million.... good luck, my friend.

You know he didn't ask for her hand in marriage. It was only one little flight. Besides, he can date, doesn't have to buy! :D
Another Wise Saying...

T'is better to want something that you don't have than to have something that you don't want...

Keep up the good work. Question, will you and she be at Sun 'n Fun?

Hi Pierre, looks like I'll be in Oshkosh but not at Sun-N-Fun this year.
Another Wise Saying.....

apatti said:
T'is better to want something that you don't have than to have something that you don't want...
Perhaps the most wise on this thread so far!
And finally, the greatest of truths: Men marry women hoping they don't change, but they do... Women marry men hoping they change, but they don't

I've always heard that: Men marry women hoping they won't change...women marry men hoping they will change, and in the end both are dissapointed.

And the Best....

AJ, Congratulations on a very nice beginning....

And all I can add to this thread is that the best thing is when you find a special person who loves flying enough that she has her own RV, and the toughest question you face isn't about whether or not to fly - it's who's airplane you're going to take! :D ;) :rolleyes:

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I have never met any of you in person!!

I would like to make a few comments.

I have been to Oshkosh many times but I have never met anyone from the VAF group forum, I probably did but I didn't know who you were!

I'm looking forward to meeting many of the fine folks that I've met on this site at Oshkosh 07 as this VAF forum has allowed me to learn, share and give much information in many areas. Thanks to everyone for your support and I hope that I have helped a few people in a few areas, but then there are the ones that I have probably offended and I'm sorry if I have with comments or remarks. :eek:

I'm your average guy that likes to experiment and I'm always trying to find a better way to do things. I guess you could say I'm a tinkerer.

Oshkosh bound 2007 as I will be there and hope to meet a lot of RVers this year.

Picture of myself and my -6 in second pic.. so if you run into me at Oshkosh 07 you'll know what I look like and I'd love to chat, visit, meet as many people as I can while there.

I'll pull the cowling off for those interested into seeing some of the mods I've done.


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Desire can lead to many things!

apatti said:
T'is better to want something that you don't have than to have something that you don't want...

Me and the Misses have been married over 25 years now, we eloped in my Dad's 64 Skylane. I stole her out of her folks house at 5:00AM and drover her to the airport for a 6:00 am departure. Was the most exciting thing! We took off on time and expected a 2:10 minute flight to Carson Nv. Saw the sun rise it was beautiful, kept flying and looked over at my Bride to be/Copilot,


No, not dead, just snoozing like a baby, even after all that excitement behind and still ahead. I woke her up about an hour later to see lake Taho underneath us.

This sleeping thing I took as either complete trust, or excitement overload.
We got to our destination, but the trip will last us a lifetime.

I got what I wanted, I might have had to chase her tell she caught me, but I'm OK with that.

Wait for the question.

So when are you going to take me flying again? (not me silly!, her)

BTW nice plane too! :cool:
Another lucky pilot

GAHco said:
Me and the Misses have been married over 25 years now, we eloped in my Dad's 64 Skylane. I stole her out of her folks house at 5:00AM and drover her to the airport for a 6:00 am departure. Was the most exciting thing! We took off on time and expected a 2:10 minute flight to Carson Nv. Saw the sun rise it was beautiful, kept flying and looked over at my Bride to be/Copilot,


No, not dead, just snoozing like a baby, even after all that excitement behind and still ahead. I woke her up about an hour later to see lake Taho underneath us.

This sleeping thing I took as either complete trust, or excitement overload.
We got to our destination, but the trip will last us a lifetime.

I got what I wanted, I might have had to chase her tell she caught me, but I'm OK with that.

Wait for the question.

So when are you going to take me flying again? (not me silly!, her)

BTW nice plane too! :cool:

ONE LUCKY MAN YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) YOU DID GOOD!!!!!!
I pray to God that someday the right one will come into my life..... One Day At A Time is my thinking. Hey I'm 43 so I've got a few years left but I getting very impatient.:eek:
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Met one a while back that says she loves to fly and would be interested in helping build a plane. We shall see when the kit arrives if she is really that keen or not. If she is Bonus!!