from which moment on may you call yourself a builder? My fax machine transferred my order for empennage- and wing kit (for an RV-7) a minute ago.

I'm not sure when the defining moment occurs but, you are definitely a builder, congratulations!
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Received my -8 empennage last year when I was 19.... now 20, almost done with the empennage - haven't worked on it much recently, since I'm so close to being done and want to have something to do when I feel the need to tinker. It'll be another 6 mo or so before I can scrape together enough cash to order the wings.
I am 28 and working on the fuse. I bought the wings and tail when I was 26.
I hope that the test flight takes place on my 30th birthday but who knows what all will happen between now and then. At any rate I have an early start and am very thankful for it.

Good luck to all of us.
Argh. Late to the thread also.

Started when I was 22, now 23 finishing the tail. Being full time employed (web/software development) and full time school takes its toll. Did just get my license in October though. So I consider that "progress" on the RV. ;)
I was 25 when I started on my slow build 8. I'm turning 27 this month and have the emp done and am currently working on the wings. You can see photos at,

Brian, I too went through your website pictures. Nice job. I am starting my wings after a small break in building this winter.

I started my kit when I was 28.
...One more move on the trailer from Quantico to North Carolina and hopefully the next move will be by air.

Have you hooked up with the SERV squadran yet? There always seems to be an empty seat. Here's the link

Sorry guys, I'm too old to post my age on this link. But when my wife asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up, my reply was, "A teenager!"
I used to think I was young...

...but like many other on here I see that is not the case. This is an excellent thread!

I started my 9 empenage when I was 34. A couple moves and my first child due in June has slowed progress but I whipped through the VS & rudder already... Im 35 now and considering all thats happened between now and then I'm now targeting having the plane in the air before I turn 40. Still quite ambitious but you didnt see my first plan! :)

A move to Culver City next week should have us settled for the next few years. Time again to rebuild the workshop!

keep poundin!
Started my -7 tail when I was 20... Now 22 and tail done, waiting for $$$ for wings. In the meantime I got a CFI (I) and a BS in BS.... :D. Hopefully will have the economic means to order the wings by the end of the year.