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I doubt I would’ve ever finished my RV without VAF.
No doubt VAF has given me access to information, advice, techniques etc that helped me build a better airplane as well as continuing to maintain it.
VAF is also a great social forum I look forward to reading weekly.

2022 I utilized the VAF classifieds, archives for maintenance and met new and old friends in person. Meeting VAF’ers in person has to be my favorite part!
How has VAF helped me this year?

I work alone, in a garage.
I put in some long days, and screw up regularly.
While I have a supportive family, they are not interested in helping me with this crazy endeavour. It’s long hours with only myself for company. When I have finished a sub assembly, I celebrate on my own. When I screw up, I panic on my own.
It can be a fairly lonely experience.
With VAF here I don’t feel entirely on my own. I can celebrate my small achievements, and come to terms with or even fix my screwups, with the help of like minded people.
Without VAF I wouldn’t be building.

There are times when folks will stop by the hanger and ask who is helping me build? While its true that I have done 99.9% of the work, I have to say that without this site (Thank-You Doug and the moderators) I would not be able to accomplish what I've done so far! So I can truthfully say I not building this by myself!
I go to VAF several times a day. Education about the "species". Knowledge is power (and lowers my cost of ownership).

If I have a maintenance issue, I search the forums and usually find the answer; saving me time, effort and money. Well worth many times the price of admission.
The archives are handy if your situation is easily searchable but if you need to ask something that was covered many years ago that you weren't able to find on a search, you're instantly skewered. For most issues now I just go straight to facebook or slack groups. There are tons of folks on there now that have probably migrated from here.

The archives are handy if your situation is easily searchable but if you need to ask something that was covered many years ago that you weren't able to find on a search, you're instantly skewered. For most issues now I just go straight to facebook or slack groups. There are tons of folks on there now that have probably migrated from here.

The Google search with "" before search terms pulls up all those old posts quite easily.
I’ll keep it simple: VAF has helped me learn more about the airplane I recently purchased. That will make me a better owner, and in the end, a safer pilot. Every time I take my kid up for a flight and return safely, it’s partially on the wings of VAF.

I would have never finished my 7A without the help of this site.

Now sold airplane
Have new RV (more wheels & longer)
Read VAF everyday.
Try to help others succeed in their builds
Great community

I have been here awhile.
Donate every year, don’t hesitate.

I’ll keep it simple: VAF has helped me learn more about the airplane I recently purchased. That will make me a better owner, and in the end, a safer pilot. Every time I take my kid up for a flight and return safely, it’s partially on the wings of VAF.


Every time I take my kid up for a flight and return safely, it’s partially on the wings of VAF

Priceless! Very well said, Ron.

From the web:

The phrase “it takes a village ...” originates from an African proverb and conveys the message that it takes many people (“the village”) to provide a safe, healthy environment for children, where children are given the security they need to develop and flourish, and to be able to realize their hopes and dreams.

Thank you, Doug and all my friends, at VAF for letting my inner child live in this village.
Thank you, Doug

VAF is our type club. The ability to reach out and interact with such a diverse, talented group of folks is priceless. Doesn't matter what the topic is--someone here has the answer and owns the t-shirt. Everyone is always willing to discuss and contribute. What a great group of aviators and builders! It goes without saying that this community, the biggest in the EAB world, depends on this site, I know I do.

Doug, thank you. It only happens because of your hard work and dedication.

All the best for a great 2023,

VAF is our type club.

Exactly correct.

I would certainly not have ventured off into building my 9A back in 2008 without VAF. I learned so much on this site searching on various topics, I can't even begin to describe them. Now that I'm beginning a 10, I find myself repeating the same exercise, learning the tricks and tips before I get to that part of the build. The people I've met, the places I've gone, and the things I've done because of VAF have enriched me. It's one of the reasons I donate each year well north of the requested $25.
The Google search with "" before search terms pulls up all those old posts quite easily.
Agreed. Search is the one deficiency on VAF, but the google site search is an easy workaround.
I wonder if replacing the site's search with some version of that wouldn't be doable? Or perhaps just add some directions for how to do it somewhere in the Advanced search dialog.
Agreed. Search is the one deficiency on VAF, but the google site search is an easy workaround.
I wonder if replacing the site's search with some version of that wouldn't be doable? Or perhaps just add some directions for how to do it somewhere in the Advanced search dialog.

It was supposed to get fixed several years ago when the site's SW was updated, but didn't. DR may have the SW fix in hand.

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I built a relatively early kit (#121) and was the first -12 builder in our area. Consequently there were many mods, KAI revisions, and improvements yet to be identified and published. This forum brought many of the issues and improvements to light and our -12 community helped develop many of the workarounds/solutions thus saving this newbie's sanity as several have mentioned earlier. The discussions and comradarie (sp?) added immensely to the fun and adventure! THANK YOU Doug!
I'm the duck in a forum full of greyhounds. For a few years now Doug and the members of VAF have kindly let me judiciously ask non-SeaRey specific/generic builder questions such as about electrical systems, I've tried to return the favor when I see a question I can help with, or as in my volunteer job at Sun n' Fun. While semi-fanatical, the SeaRey community is 1/10th the size of the Vans Community, and within our community there is a wide variety of builder skill levels spaced over 20+ years, so we just don't have the knowledge base I can find here.

Shoot.... now that's I've posted, maybe I shouldn't have. I was hoping to retire without the Chief Pilot knowing my name, now Doug will know mine, so I'm 0 for 2 now. Hopefully he'll still allow me to keep my alien visitor visa.
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Thank you for 2022


My measly donation for 2022 barely covers what this site has saved me in time and $$$$$ and frustration over the years! From the three year construction of my RV-4 to the upkeep over the last 14 years since completion. This last year alone when my starter went out and finding out on VAF my skytek starter solenoid was replaceable by an off the shelf AUTOZONE brand saved me $600. Thank you, keep it up, and YOU ROCK! Donation well spent! Happy New Year!
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Thank you for making the Forum possible!

During my build it was an invaluable tool to help me understand more about all the things I didn't know about building. After the build it's the place I continue to get valuable information about maintenance, updates, AD's, etc...

It's also the place that allows me to share my RV experiences, from trips taken to first RV flights given to aspiring RV builders.

My morning routine is always the same, wake up... make coffee... read "New Posts" on VAF!

Thank you for developing and maintaining this wonderful tool we all benefit from!!
Great site and well run. Kudos to you.

Some unsolicited input…

Charge everyone. I am a 20 yr vet and gladly pay my dues here. Honestly, it is a pittance compared to the benefit. You offer a good product and you should be paid for it.

Don’t be afraid of a day job. I’m sure running this forum takes time (I run a smaller one of my own). But don’t suffer because you have to rely on only this one income stream. I work full time, am building an RV, run a web board, and still make time for family and friends.

Again, great product you got here and feel free to ignore the rest of my post.
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COL increase!

I confess I did not read all 7 pages of responses so this may have already been suggested. If so, consider it a second of a great idea.

As long as I’ve been hanging around here the suggested donation has been $25. In those years EVERYTHING to support a family and the tools for running this site have gone up - a lot.

I think an increase of AT LEAST $10 is way overdue. It’s still a pittance for each user but could really help you at least close some of the gap.

FWIW, my 2023 donation will be significantly higher than the suggested donation because I’m starting my first build (bought my 6) and I expect to use the **** out of this site.

Happy New Year to all!
Great site and well run. Kudos to you.

Some unsolicited input…

Charge everyone. I am a 20 yr vet and gladly pay my dues here. Honestly, it is a pittance compared to the benefit. You offer a good product and you should be paid for it.

Agreed. Not sure how much complexity a paywall adds, nor why there is reluctance to add one.

I'm on this site virtually every day and multiple times most days.

I suspect becoming a paid site would cut down on the scammers, as well.
Thanks Doug for all your efforts to make VAF a really great site and one that should be the model for all the other trash we endure on www. I began the airplane journey in 1980 before A Gore invented the internet. Rutan , Mike Mellville and the canard pusher newsletter once each month got me thru a LEZ build and 25 years of canard flying safely. But in 2008 the RV bug hit and VAF and a project RV9 build acquisition put me on to something new and better. Thanks to VAF for 900 hours of RV'n almost 3 times what was done on the LEZand never looked back. The support and help from fellow builders, flyers was a tremendous help. Thank you DR for recognizing and making that possible .

The other DR
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I donate on my birthday - this year, after retirement, I emptied my money pouch of all the various foreign currencies that I had collected downroute on trips etc - Dollars, Mexican, Indian, Cuban - everything. Plus a letter and update of our build.

Sent a little extra later after some great advice on the forum.

The forum educates, supports and guides. I find it somewhat discouraging that people don't do the decent thing and drop $25 a year - it is the price of a decent breakfast out for the family, it is the price of a few beers with friends.

In the budget of a $50-100,000 price tag to build a decent RV, it is absolute small change.

Before Doug, we had a few sites that were clunky and not easy to use. The first and definitive resource was Dan Checkoway - his cd - yes - remember cd's - was THE definitive blow by blow resource for building an RV7.

I am now on my 5th RV, an RV10. I still ask questions, garner information, learn from other people and find the forum absolutely essential - which is why I contribute.

Only today I was drawn into the thread about gluing the glass into an RV10 - that thread alone shows how builders talk, compare notes, tell about successes and failures. It allows people to question whether Vans should re visit the process. After all, the RV10 build manual is getting a little old now - probably the worst of all of them as it was the first to go isometric. Should have had a major update by now.

Anyone who reads my little ramble from the Old Country - just call your buddies, get them involved with VAF and get them to do the honourable thing.

Anyhow - to all who have interacted, discussed, agreed, or disagreed - as we approach a new year, have a great 2023, pound the rivets, fly your aeroplanes and spread the word of VAF......:D
Thanks, Doug!

Doug and I first met in January 2001 when we went to see the RV6 that Ben Johnson was building in his living room. It looked simple enough, so Doug and I each decided to build one. A year later, Doug and Ben and I were all working on our RVs in Jay Pratt’s RV Central. I sold my RV in 2007 but I treasure the memories of flying with Doug and Jay and many others. For years one of the homescreen pictures on my phone has been a beautiful inflight photo Doug took of Echo Pop departing Stephenville.
It’s been years since we’ve flown but my wife and I both follow VAF regularly and particularly love the travel stories.
Keep up the great work and Happy New Year, Doug, and best wishes to all your family!!
John & Emily Phillips
Not just in 2022 !!

Like so many others mentioned here:

A daily visit (many times a day in fact...) to read issues, reports, news, solutions, etc.
The almost always smile from the "Off Topic".
The possibility to sell and buy RV stuff.

I'm in no way a fan or participant in social media or networks but for 1 exception: here!

Above all, the group of people here is amazing. From experts in their domains to ordinary Joe's, I appreciate the sharing of info, the solidarity and camaradery of everyone. And there's still a bunch of stuff to learn.
I made good friends here !!

Since the start of my build in 2012, I can't count the amount of tips and advice I gathered, the do's and don't's, the best practices, the references to documents, etc.
It made, what I consider to be a gargatuan endeavour, building an airplane all the way to a flying state so much easier and doable for me.

Thank you Doug for this, and for the forum rules keeping it cordial and RV related.
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Took me too long

Exempt but I donate anyway. Here's why:
1) This site is a wealth of information. You have an issue? You can likely find a pertinent thread.
2) If you can't find a pertinent thread, some of the folks here are rocket scientists (literally probably) and know an amazing amount of information. Some of them get a bit snippy but you don't have to have coffee with them.
3) In todays world, a site that isn't political and is just fun to read through (daily by the way) is awfully hard to find.

But, since I know some of that stuff doesn't appeal to many of you...

I put a new/used panel in my 7A this year. I bought the vast majority of the equipment here on VAF (all works flawlessly by the way), nothing that even came close to anything fraudulent or even unfair, and when I run the spreadsheet, I saved roughly 28% from my 'new' budget. That is well over the $25 DR asks for and well over what I donate. This is a money making website. Admittedly, you don't have to donate to buy here but that's just poor form. But, we all know where the copper wire came from....
How useful is this site?? I don't see how I would have tackled my RV-9A project without this site. I often wonder how any builder finished a project BEFORE this site was 'born'. I know it can be done, but undoubtedly with a LOT more visits from friends, Tech Councilors and other builders. But it would have been way more difficult.

Like others have stated in various ways in this thread, this site is invaluable as a resource for learning and staying up to date in all things aviation - not only building, flying and maintaining RV aircraft. Not a day goes by that I don't learn something from this site when I log in, particularly the forums.

I hope it continues as the valuable resource we all know it to be even after Doug decides it's time to retire from the day-to-day work that we all know happens behind the curtain.
Thanks Doug

As in the past, for 2022, VAF site was a source of comfort and encouragement for us. So much can be copied from the above posts to make a statement here. This points out the value of this site. The mingling of so many talented people world wide that contribute here. I open all posts that are AOG to see if I am able to help. What is learned here I pass on to other aircraft owners.
"Maybe you sold your airplane" well that benefits seller and buyer.
"bought an airplane" well that benefits buyer and seller.
"found a new friend" priceless
"found an engine" getting closer to phase 1
"solved some problems you were having with your build" repeated daily
"just stayed entertained a bit in a chaotic world" do not dismiss the value of this statement.

Thank you
Happy New Year
Thank you.

THANK YOU to all the folks who added to this thread with your feedback. Since we're no longer in 2022 I'll go ahead and close this thread (as stated in the first post). Next Decemeber I'll start one for 2023 if that's OK.

I'll keep trying my hardest to bring you a quality product worthy of the donations people send in.

Kindest regards and wishing you all a wonderful 2023,

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