
I can't say enough good things about your approach here, Doug. If we all took more responsibility for the unsafe things we see in aviation, there'd be (a) a lot more pilots alive today and (b) a lot better image of general aviation.

Great job!

Safety is key.. ... I've grounded a LOT of airplanes... I've had a lot of owners that got angry... but realized after the wrong wing spar was found.. etc... they realize I saved their life. As an IA.. I see stuff everyday with owners and aircraft that is unsat.... and I tell them... I told one person he would die if he did not listen to me... he is currently dead for the exact reason I told him he would die. You tend to bend feathers with people if you correct them but at least their alive... and if they are not too big for their pants.... then they will see the error of their ways and thank you later. I'm so glad that 172 didnt hit Doug.. or anything else for that matter.... Just last year I hand propped an airplane for a student that did not follow the checklist... and had been signed off to solo without knowing about the checklist or the engine operations or much of anything else(like systems)... after about 10 "flying sessions" with me... he turned into a responsible pilot... it was not his fault... he just did not know.
Y'all fly safe now...

Brian Wallis
The Hits Just Keep on Coming

Since I'm planning on moving out to Northwest Regional (52F) in the spring, I'm paying more and more attention to what goes on out there.

I flew to 52F today to check on the progress of my T-hangar. I landed on 17. As the mains touched down, a C-172 (a slugger in Doug's lingo) that was waiting to depart, announced he was taking the active and departing to the north. Since my tailwheel had barely touched down at this point, I announced on the radio that I was still on the active and please wait for me to clear. A few seconds later I made the turn at "Charlie", announced my "clear of the active", looked over my shoulder to see the Cessna rotating. My comment over the air was "Cessna at Northeast Regional that's a dangerous move." No reply of course. I won't tell you what my non-radio comment was:mad:

I hope I'm not making a mistake moving out there, but I sure see a lot of less-than-smart moves on the part of some flyers especially at uncontrolled airports. It's the one-in-a-million chance of something going wrong that made Mr. Murphy famous. So perhaps us RVers can set a good example for others to emulate. In the meantime, please fly defensively. Assume the other guy is going to do something stupid; you'll be amazed how often he does.

Many years of watching..`

I've learned you have to really watch out when you hear the words..
Watch This..
They are probably the most dangerous words in aviation.
Keep your head on a swivel Doug.
I feel ... good?

So I'm 5.6 hours into the PPL deal now.

Went out over the weekend in 20-25 knot winds to do ground reference maneuvers. I can still hear my CFI "More rudder, more rudder" - I'm sure she's tired of saying it - I'm certainly tired of missing it.

I guess I'm being taught to use rudder, which is good.

Man, there is so much to put together. I see people who sign up for 3 hours of lessons, and I'm generally fried after an hour "in the pattern" @ PDK.

"Today boys and girls, we're going to do go in the pattern, 15 kt cross @ 30-45 degrees off starboard. Oh, we'll switch planes, move the instruments around and pick up a 'loose' throttle cable in the deal".

Man I love this stuff. Please be patient with the n00bs.
So, the plane in question finally got back on the taxiway about 250? down from me and stopped at the north end of the airport for about 15 minutes (I suspect to clean his seat).

speaking of seats, did you do the same?
i would have