Rinodvr/ rv8

I am ready to list my rv8. Thought I'd wait till it cooled off a bit here in Texas. What are you looking to purchase in an 8? Equipment etc. my cell is 9362459381. I am a 78 yr. old A&P. It is my aircraft.
We had a positive experience with a challenging purchase. We were looking for a specific breed of dog (Swedish Elkhound) that can basically only be found in Sweden and Finland. We found a breeder with one available and worked out a deal all via semi-strained English over email. I asked if they needed a deposit and they said "No, the dog is yours."

So we booked flights and lodging for a mini vacation to Finland. When we arrived, I looked up Finish traditions (do they hug when greeting, etc.). I found out that one particular thing of note about the Finns is they are true to their word. This explained why they didn't ask for a deposit.

We arrived at their place the next day, visited for a while, paid them and took our wonderful pup home. Awesome experience!

We had a positive experience with a challenging purchase. We were looking for a specific breed of dog (Swedish Elkhound) that can basically only be found in Sweden and Finland. We found a breeder with one available and worked out a deal all via semi-strained English over email.
OK, I gotta ask the obvious....What is so special about that particular breed that you would fly to Scandinavia to buy a dog?!?
What a beautiful dog.

Awesome. Years ago one of my best friends widowed mom lived alone with a Norwegian Elkhound; to say he protected her would be putting it lightly. Smartest and most loyal dog I have ever seen. Looked just like your dog.

I always liked the Spitz breeds (Huskies, etc.), but I felt Huskies were a little too independent. Sorta cat like and harder to train. Some are also not very dog friendly. So I looked for a breed that looks like a Husky but had a different personality and settled on the Swedish Elkhound. They're very similar to the Norwegian Elkhound, but taller and slimmer.

Alas, once I have my mind set on something, it's hard to change. You can't find them in the states and we almost didn't manage to get one in Finland. They normally only sell them to hunters. But I finally found a breeder who made an intro to another breeder who had one available.

Our Swedish Elkhound (Rico) ended up being a bit independent anyway. If left off leash, he'll wander away looking for deer. But he's the sweetest dog you'll meet, even though he's un-neutered. I'd trust him to take a piece of hot dog from a toddler's fingers.

We made a mini-vacation out of the trip and saw a bit more of the world. :)

On an RV note: I'm nearing completion of my RV-7A, but now having added our 2 dogs to the household, I'm trying to decide if I should:
  1. Sell the plane as-is and start an RV-10 or
  2. Finish the plane, fly for a while (though no family trips with the pups), then sell and start an RV-10.

On an RV note: I'm nearing completion of my RV-7A, but now having added our 2 dogs to the household, I'm trying to decide if I should:
  1. Sell the plane as-is and start an RV-10 or
  2. Finish the plane, fly for a while (though no family trips with the pups), then sell and start an RV-10.

Perhaps your question should be posted in a new thread since it isn't related to the topic of this thread?

It's that thread creep thing again...

[got my Mod hat on...]
I once had a mechanic do a pre-buy on a plane that came with a spare cowling. After the pre-buy the seller decided he was not going to sell after all. - I was upset, but I cant make him sell it.
A few months later I bought another plane that needed a new cowling. I called the guy to see if he would sell me the cowling and he informed me that he sold it with the plane. Now I am more pissed, but not 1/2 as much as when he told me the mechanic who did my pre-buy is the one who bought it!
I once had a mechanic do a pre-buy on a plane that came with a spare cowling. After the pre-buy the seller decided he was not going to sell after all. - I was upset, but I cant make him sell it.
A few months later I bought another plane that needed a new cowling. I called the guy to see if he would sell me the cowling and he informed me that he sold it with the plane. Now I am more pissed, but not 1/2 as much as when he told me the mechanic who did my pre-buy is the one who bought it!

Now that is pretty low! I get that a seller might change their mind on selling, or selling to another buyer at a higher price, etc. But man is it shady that your mechanic came in and bought the plane out from under you.....especially after paying the guy for the pre-buy.
Now that is pretty low! I get that a seller might change their mind on selling, or selling to another buyer at a higher price, etc. But man is it shady that your mechanic came in and bought the plane out from under you.....especially after paying the guy for the pre-buy.

No kidding! An agent owes a duty of loyalty to his principal. I hope you badmouthed him all over the airport.
I once had a mechanic do a pre-buy on a plane that came with a spare cowling. After the pre-buy the seller decided he was not going to sell after all. - I was upset, but I cant make him sell it.
A few months later I bought another plane that needed a new cowling. I called the guy to see if he would sell me the cowling and he informed me that he sold it with the plane. Now I am more pissed, but not 1/2 as much as when he told me the mechanic who did my pre-buy is the one who bought it!

I've done a couple of Prebuys where I told the buyer, "if you don't buy it, I will." I would never buy it out from under him, though.