Hey Andrew,

So if I have this correct, to get the TT autopilot to communicate with the "experimental" version of the G-5 it'll require:

1. Send the current version of the TT controller head in for either a software upgrade/overhaul or trade in your current control head and upgrade to the Vizion model....$700 for the overhaul or $1000 for a trade in to for the Vizion....(that's what I was quoted for the trade in).

2. Installed the Garmin GAD-29. ($500) (+$? for wiring harness).

So basically for somewhere between $1,200-1,500 I can have G-5 control over my TT autopilot. Does that sound about right.

Looks about right to me!

Will the aspen altitude bug work with the Vision 385 for certified? Also can Aspen forward ILS indications to the TT?


Not currently. We are working with Aspen on future interface plans right now. The Aspen currently outputs the heading bug, lateral GPSS pass through, and baro corrected altitude. It also does not require the ADC for this to work. While lacking the altitude bug, it sure is easy to switch between heading bug and GPSS!
A TruTrak customer service experience under Bendix King/Honeywell

I?ve been flying a TruTrak autopilot since 2010. I?ve been pleased with the product and TruTrak?s technical support over the years. I was always able to get prompt, knowledgeable phone support in a timely manner, and rapid parts shipment when needed. After the Bendix King acquisition of TruTrak, that is no longer the case.

Several weeks ago my TruTrak roll servo failed in flight. I pulled the servo to investigate. When I disconnected the servo?s little push rod, the servo?s control arm and spindle fell out of the roll servo housing (yikes). The thing that kept the spindle and control hardware from falling out in flight was the pressure exerted by the shoulder washer installed (per the instructions) on the rod end at the bellcrank.

Here?s the failed servo with the spindle/arm that fell out:


I shipped my servo back to TruTrak. They received it on 23 Sept 2019. Initially I was told it would take two weeks to repair, then there were problems getting parts, then more problems getting parts, then TruTrak said they?d just send me a new one, then they couldn?t get any new ones, and finally they shipped me a refurbished roll servo on 24 Oct 2019. I wasn?t pleased about all the hardware supply chain issues, but Carrie, the office manager, was quite good about keeping me informed during the various delays.

I didn?t want to make any errors reinstalling the servo, so I consulted TruTrak?s RV-10 roll servo drawing. I had a question about part of the drawing, so I called TruTrak?s phone number for help. TruTrak?s tech support number connected me to Bendix King (oh no). After navigating a bunch of automated menus, a Bendix King employee required me to create a new ?customer service? account, then revealed that they had nobody to answer my question, but they might get back to me that day (they didn?t). The next day I got this curt email message from Bendix King:


That arrow is pointing to the hole in the corner. This is where AN3-3A is installed.

Thanks for contacting BendixKing. I will be closing this case and you will be receiving an autogenerated survey asking to rate our performance. If you have more questions about this subject, just reply to this e-mail and the case will automatically reopen.

S**** P***** (name removed to protect the guilty)
Manager Field Service Engineer
BendixKing Technical Support

That answer is completely wrong. Mr. P***** didn?t fully understand the TruTrak document, didn?t observe that the ?hole in the corner? of the servo already had a bolt installed, and he didn?t call to discuss my question. He just emailed me bad information and closed the case.

There are good people at TruTrak who know what they are doing, and who want to help. But now TruTrak/BK have set up their telephone system in a way that blocks customers from communicating with those people.

I understand other TruTrak customers are running in to support problems similar to what I encountered. FWIW, Here?s how I got some help and *accurate* info: [email protected] for technical answers, [email protected] for hardware repair shipping/status.
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Just installed a TT in my 182 with an Aspen. Install manual was totally wrong on my serial number 182. Called TT which is now BK and was told roll belcrank linkage was upside down. We did it exactly to the plans. The plans are wrong. Waisted half a day of shop labor to find that out. Then found out the servo arm was wrong too per my aircraft serial number. Everything went smooth up until the roll servo. The instructions were horrible and were not accurate as to my 182 serial number. Ended up installing all the parts and per the instruction of a late model 182. Bendix king was really not much help and I really wanted to talk to somebody at TT but that?s impossible. I advised BK of the discrepancies in the install instruction but they just shrugged it off. So I guess that means the next guy will waist shop labor. After everything was installed test flight went well. AP overshoots Aspen heading and Aspen GPSS about 15 degrees then eventually makes its way back. GPSS is solid when source switch is selected to the GTN 750. I have a TT in my RV7 and it?s solid. Overall I?m happy with it in the 182 for the money. Disappointed with the Aspen heading and Aspen GPSS pass though. Hopefully I can get some resolution but not expecting help from BK.
