Early on (about 40 hrs TT) I experienced two high flow spikes. I did all the T-shooting looking for a real source of high flow, but everything was normal. I raised the alarm set point to some ridiculous level to avoid spurious alarms, and I monitor the indication. After 250 hrs no problems.
Early on (about 40 hrs TT) I experienced two high flow spikes. I did all the T-shooting looking for a real source of high flow, but everything was normal. I raised the alarm set point to some ridiculous level to avoid spurious alarms, and I monitor the indication. After 250 hrs no problems.
It may come to that. I can't see how it's related to the oil pressure sensor in any way (which is why I didn't initially mention it WRT the oil pressure loss) so I thought about what else could have caused it using the "well, what else has changed" methodology. The only other difference on this flight was that I was using mogas instead of 100LL for the first time. Fuel related, which is nice, but is there that much of a difference between the two? I wouldn't have guessed so.

I can't comment on the differences between 100LL and auto gas, but I can tell you I use auto gas on 90% of my flights. 100 LL only gets into my tank as a last resort.

Honeywell oil pressure died

We only have about 75 hours on the RV-12 and have had the Honeywell oil pressure sensor remote mounted on the firewall from the beginning, and it is now about dead. Lots of fluctuations in the reading. Not sure what we should replace with yet.
One thing that is interesting though, it appears the fuel flow has jumped by about 1gph. Not sure if that could be a float that was working but now is not? There is no gas present under the carbs. I just found it interesting that Dgamble had a similar issue. One thing that changed was the addition of 100LL due to a cross country trip. I too would be interested if people are seeing a difference between the two fuels on their fuel flow?
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Right off the top of my head, fluctuations sound more like a connection problem than a bad sensor.

As to fuel flow, it seems very unlikely the difference in fuels would cause that.

Multiple incorrect readings? Hmmmm. Checked all your grounding?

Just thoughts. Good luck finding the culprit.

This is what Lockwood recommended for skyview -12. Supposed to be a drop in replacement for the Honeywell. I won't go in as to how they "lost" my order for a day or two. Hoping for a Monday arrival. These are currently in stock as they were on back order.