To me the sheer size of it is what makes it different and exciting. I can go to a bunch of air shows within 2 hours of where I live but nothing is like Oshkosh. Whatever you want to see you can see it there. If you only want to see experimentals then don't go anywhere else. Just hang out with them. I love all things aviation so I love seeing all the different aircraft that are there.
One suggestion. For those who think Oshkosh is too big, don't come next year. That will help....

That's a typical smart-a** response trying to discount honest feedback and not conducive to legitimate discussion.

I've attended regularly since 1975, having gotten to 95% of them during those 44 years. It has been the focus and highllight of my summers.

The size of the area "inside the admission gates" seems to be adequate for the crowds. But, the size of the infrastructure (including the FISK arrival) leading to the gates is inadequate for the crowds.
If I could have one single wish to be fixed at Oshkosh it would be the trams. Often we give up and walk for the various reasons most of us know.

Eliminating the seats on the trams would make them far more efficient and easier to embark and disembark. Or perhaps standing aisles with seating on the sides.

Disney has this figured out well.
How many steps at Oshkosh

I don't use the step counter stuff but I do have a full compliment of toes on each of my two feet. I don't know how many steps I walked around that place but......
I do know I ended up with one toe on each foot with a blister!

This begs the question of why doesn't any of the others not have any blister or excessive signs of wear. Makes me think the were all SLACKERS, YES all eight of them. I tried to think of someway to reward the two dudes that pulled more than their fair share during OSH. New pair of socks, new pair of shoes, foot massage. I see the eight slackers sitting back with full knowledge that they will also reap the benefits of anything done for the two that must have done most of the work.
I'm devastated... I'm beginning to feel like my toes are socialist! :)
If I could have one single wish to be fixed at Oshkosh it would be the trams. Often we give up and walk for the various reasons most of us know.

Eliminating the seats on the trams would make them far more efficient and easier to embark and disembark. Or perhaps standing aisles with seating on the sides.

Disney has this figured out well.

The trams could certainly be improved, but still better than walking. By Tuesday, they were packed, red and yellow anyway, every one I tried. Packed like a Japanese subway too. The demographics would indicate an increasing need.

It was the east-west hike, 90 deg to the majority of trams, was my challenge - HBC to the flight line.

Not complaining, but if anyone is seeking considerations for an improvement list. :D
The trams could certainly be improved, but still better than walking. By Tuesday, they were packed, red and yellow anyway, every one I tried. Packed like a Japanese subway too. The demographics would indicate an increasing need.

It was the east-west hike, 90 deg to the majority of trams, was my challenge - HBC to the flight line.

Not complaining, but if anyone is seeking considerations for an improvement list. :D
The HBC Welcome Wagon was an unexpected nice surprise and certainly helped fill in gaps where tram was not convenient.
i use the trams a lot and they are great but there could be more. what bothers me is the increase in number of wheeled vehicles. walking across a roadway reminds me of playing dodgeball. maybe an improvement in the trans. system would cut down on these vehicles. otherwise.........i want one too. and everyone should have one! [tongue in cheek]
i use the trams a lot and they are great but there could be more. what bothers me is the increase in number of wheeled vehicles. walking across a roadway reminds me of playing dodgeball. maybe an improvement in the trans. system would cut down on these vehicles. otherwise.........i want one too. and everyone should have one! [tongue in cheek]
There have been complaints about wheeled vehicles from scooters to courtesy cars on the convention grounds for years. Several years ago EAA started restricting where these vehicles could go during the day, and you see signs to that effect. They still have room for improvement on that policy, I think.

This year I flew my old friend's grandson back for his second OSH visit. Enrolled in EAA Air Academy this week, courtesy of his EAA Chapter. 17 years old. Gents, we're kinda jaded. It helps to "see" OSH through the eyes of a kid.

The jets are a good example. For old hands they're just a regular interruption to conversation. The kid, on the other hand, was texting me every time another one arrived. Look, an F-22! The F-35 is here!

Met some kids his own age associated with one of the C-47's, and spent the day on the warbird line in a lawn chair.

Got a picture with the Continental Tire girls. Fighter pilot in training. Worth serious cool when school starts in a few weeks. Look how I spent my summer...

Really wants to be a fighter pilot, like his grandfather. However, he needs some motivation to knuckle down and make grades this coming school year, so he has a shot at ROTC. I have his grandfather's ejection seat spurs, and I've promised them to him when he graduates from whatever the Air Force calls basic pilot training these days. OSH may be too big for my old knees, but if the scope and spectacle helps get the kid to that day, well, isn't it what we all want?

I?m with Dan on this.

Many years ago I took a friends 8 yo for a ride in my RV, he was thrilled. My friend then took a job in the MSP area and I didn?t see them much. In conversations with my friend I learned that his son wants to be a professional pilot.

I flew up for lunch a few years back and was asked by his parents what they should do to help their son achieve his dream of being a pilot, the first thing out of my mouth was ?flying lessons? which he is now taking and is close to his first solo. I then suggested my friend and his son come to Oshkosh and camp with me in HBC, which they did the following year. I donated to the restoration of the C47, That?s All Brother, I had 2 slots for a narrated tour that year, his son came along, he was awestruck with the airplane. They were both blown away by the experience and have come back every year since to camp with me in HBC. They checked out aviation colleges, and thoroughly enjoyed the airplanes, all the airplanes. I introduced his son to the many airline pilots I have met at Oshkosh so he could get a better understanding of what the career is really like.

This year he was tracking the UPS 747 on FlightAware as it made its flight in and waited in anticipation for it to land, he did the same with the United 777.
He and his dad loved the F22 and F35, the night airshow and the entire experience, they are already looking forward to next year. I noticed my friend picked up some literature at Vans tent while I was checking out the fit of the RV10, maybe he will build an RV.

Some may think Oshkosh is to big and they may be right, but I wouldn?t go anywhere else for a total aviation experience. The look on my friends sons face as he watches the airplanes is priceless. :)
I don't use the step counter stuff but I do have a full compliment of toes on each of my two feet. I don't know how many steps I walked around that place but......
I do know I ended up with one toe on each foot with a blister!

This begs the question of why doesn't any of the others not have any blister or excessive signs of wear. Makes me think the were all SLACKERS, YES all eight of them. I tried to think of someway to reward the two dudes that pulled more than their fair share during OSH. New pair of socks, new pair of shoes, foot massage. I see the eight slackers sitting back with full knowledge that they will also reap the benefits of anything done for the two that must have done most of the work.
I'm devastated... I'm beginning to feel like my toes are socialist! :)

I suggest you adjust the toe-in on your landing gear. (Rimshot here). :p
Did not read all the post but was it not the bad weather on Friday and Saturday before the show which caused most of the issues... Even after WX the ground was too wet to park planes. Oshkosh has always been big... I don't know if attendance records were set, but looking at EAA live stream there were lots of open plane parking spaces and the crowds seemed down?

As far as too Big. I remember 15 years ago or more Van being PO'ed at EAA and the way he and experimental amateur homebuilt community was being treated... because of the focus on War Birds and commercial exhibitors. I get it. This is not Paris Airshow.... I guess he made peace...

Been going since the late 80's about 15 to 20 times (lost track). It always seemed big to me. It was not until last year I felt like I had done it all. I did not go this year. Last year was the second time I camped out but ALL week, not a few days. I drove and did not fly so I had a delux camp vs Airplane camping. I never left the field. That was a great experience. I find the different speakers, workshops alone makes it worth revisiting...

LOVE local little flyins... Those have a charm for sure. But nothing is like OSH. Of course there is EAA Arlington WA, EAA SnF, Copper State and a dozen other medium sized shows.

Got a picture with the Continental Tire girls.
Please post picture... Feel free to crop yourself out.... Ha ha.
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I didn?t go this year but I?ve been to Airventure at least four times.

Too big? I don?t think so. Is Disney World too big? I tell friends who are planning to go to Airventure for the first time to go as you would go to Disney World. Pick the areas you?re most interested in and enjoy. If you try to see it all you will overload.

Sun ?n Fun is closer for me, and I?ve been there many times, but now I prefer Airventure.

YMMV. :)
Oshkosh has always been big... I don't know if attendance records were set, but looking at EAA live stream there were lots of open plane parking spaces and the crowds seemed down?.

Looks like they did have record attendance:

?AirVenture Attendance Up - The 50th anniversary of the show they call AirVenture held in Oshkosh closed out last week and the EAA has released attendance figures: approximately 642,000, a claimed 6.8-percent bump from 2018. Residents of Oshkosh got in free opening day; more than 8700 of them attended.EAA CEO and Chairman Jack Pelton said, ?What I?m most proud of this year is how our volunteers, staff, and the community joined to overcome the challenges resulting from the massive storms that hit the airport and campground just prior to opening day?
She will be back

Watching the lady of the house tear up when I cut off her wrist band after the show ... priceless.
Oshkosh is absolutely not too big for us. We will be back.

To quote Yogi Berra - "Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded."

Nothing like it

Echoing what others have said.

I fly an RV-9A but my aviation interests are broad. Nothing wrong with an RV only gathering but only at Oshkosh can I see such a spectrum, from electric ultralights to taxpayer supported F-35 afterburner flybys to in person presentations by Bud Anderson. I could go on and on............
I was on grounds 5 days and left missing some stuff I had planned on seeing. I'm still feeling the buzz.
