Most folks go from really bad Lighting so most anything newer will be a huge improvement. LED technology and quality continues to improve while prices continue to drop.
Still, you get what you pay for. A professional mechanic will tell you Snap-on tools make their job easier and better and they can?t afford cheap tools, while the hobbyist may be just fine with cheap Chinese stuff from Harbor Freight. They both get the job done.

I just lit two more hangars with high quality products, 10 fixtures at $200 each. These will arguably last the lifetime of the hangar, provide glare and shadow free lighting and amazing color rendition.

Sam?s retrofit will do a similar job and, depending on what he had to start with, may be as good, but at a fraction of the cost (excluding labor).

There isn?t a one size fits all solution. Lighting is a science and there are professionals that make a living at it for a reason.