Jon, very nice. Makes me want to put the inverted oil system back on my plane...

BTW, there were clearly TWO people with RV grins in this video!
That was great! Great flying, Great video, Great commentary and Really Great passenger. Makes me want to go pound rivets and start Yoga :).
Thanks for sharing! Echoing everyone's word' put a big smile on my face. I smiled, for you, your daughter, the joy of flight, and my decision to build an RV. Thanks for keeping some of us motivated to keep pounding on with our project.
Great videos Jon. I watched both of them. Entertaining, infectious, uplifting.

Haley has a beautiful face, a beautiful smile....and obviously a cast-iron stomach. :D

+1. And dad likes the same old fuddy-duddy, middle-aged man music that gets me a lot of flak from my 20 year old son!
Great Video

More inspiration to get er done! Hope my kids & grand kids love it much as Haley.

This video makes me want to learn at least how to do rolls in my RV7-A. I had an RV-8 before this and had someone, who is used to his Citabria, try to show me a roll in the 8. I think we did a snap roll. I had been in rolls before and it wasn't like this. It actually ripped some paint off the wing. I have been a little spooked ever since. This video has inspired me to get some good training, with someone who can handle the RV-7.

Thanks for posting it!!
The best!

Love it!!

Forwarded the video to my 3 daughters.

My girls will go up and love it too, but not as courageous (or maybe trusting!!~) as yours in aerobatics.

Thank you!
I thought about this all weekend, even when I did a quick FCF on the 7. your daughter's laugh and pure joy is so cool...

this is the coolist video I've seen in a while
Fun, fun, fun!

OK, I'm going back out into the garage RIGHT NOW to bang some rivets. My oldest daughter is about 4 years younger than Haley ... I gotta catch up an make sure she has the same awesome experience.

Thanks for sharing!

Most excellent, Jon! Like others, the original video is one of my all-time favs, so I have been patiently waiting for a sequel. You two did not disappoint.

Some fathers have videos of backpacking with their daughters. Some share videos of softball games with their daughters. The more adventurous take their daughters on hunting or fishing trips and record their moments. NONE show the unbridled thrill of aerobatic flight like Haley does. What a sweetie! Thanks for sharing your fun times together with the rest of us.

Now, when can her adoring fans expect to meet her at Oshkosh? :D
All the Talk

Just wanted you to know that you and your daughter were all the talk at that the airport this morning. I have viewed the video 3 times myself, and it brings a big grin :D to my face every time.

Thanks for sharing,
