
Well Known Member
This is the sequel to my video of 3 years ago with my daughter.
This time around we:
Are wearing "chutes"
Are over open farmland
Above 1500 ft AGL
At least 500 ft from any structure
Not under a federal airway

Also, if I had time to figure out how to edit these things I would, and I apologize for my daughters mild expletive in advance.
Otherwise enjoy!:D

As I wrote with the first video.
Great kid. Always brings a smile to my face to watch her enthusiasm.
She obviously really likes rolls, but easier for her with positive G stuff.
She seems to be an adventurous young woman, whilst maintaining an innocent and infectious enthusiasm for life.
You must be very proud.


PS you should post a link to the first video, in case others haven't seen it.
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That's so cool. Love it when someone has a great time! What it's all about especially if it's your daughter.
going vertical and inverted

Great video, daughter, music, and flight. Already added to my favorites for those rainy days like we've been having in the southeast. Look forward to more.
Cheers, :D
Bill McLean
RV-4 Slider
Awesome video

You guys make the best videos. Your daughters reactions make me laugh and laugh. Thanks for posting.

What a great video Jon!!!! Couldn't help but smile while watching both of you having such a great time!!!:D
Thanks John!

What a great way to start the day. Great video, great music, loved the smoke and it was good to see Haley again. You must be very proud.
I had the RV grin all the thru your vid. My 13 year old son is upset we haven't done one.

Great job!


and I thought my daughter running laps autocross racing with me was the best ever....Thanks for sharing:D
Pilot dads know it's going to be a good trip when the kid in the back says "Unwind!"
Build time

Watching this makes me want to build another 4 so I can go yank and bank like this.... It is just not the same in a 7

Thanks for another great time watching Haley laugh and enjoy sharing her dad's passion. I'm still smiling. This video, and Lainey's First Airplane Ride just makes my day.

The visibility out of the RV-8 is incredible. I'm looking forward to Haley-batics 3.
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Wonderful Video

I am sitting here kind of jealous. I have a daughter about the same age. How much of this stuff can I do in an RV-9?
Great Video

What a great time! The smiles are so inspiring, it pushes me to get my self in gear and go for it! Thanks for sharing. :)
Is this your idea of fun Badger?!!!!
that is Awesome, and Haley really enjoyed it too.
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What a great kid!

Spirited, adventurous, trusting, gorgeous, great laugh. She must take after her mom . . .


Very fun to watch. Love your daughter's enjoyment. And that's not an expletive, it's a perfectly serviceable noun and, as a friend of mine said - you gotta call it something!
That was one of the most motivating videos I've seen in a long time! Thanks for sharing
Today has been an absolutely hellish pressure cooker of a day at work. Thank you, Jon and Haley, for sharing your smiles, your laughter, your sounds of pure joy. You will never know how much pleasure you give others by allowing us to vicariously slip the surly bonds of earth as we ride along with you.
Thanks Jon,

I love the reactions and enthusiasm to every manoeuvre you can't help but smile with Haley, given how much she enjoys the aeros, has she ever wanted to learn to fly?

Great videos Jon. I watched both of them. Entertaining, infectious, uplifting.

Haley has a beautiful face, a beautiful smile....and obviously a cast-iron stomach. :D
I am sitting here kind of jealous. I have a daughter about the same age. How much of this stuff can I do in an RV-9?

I wish I had ten bucks for each time I heard a builder say: I'm building a RV-X because I don't want to do any aerobatics. My next thought is: How do you know for sure?

I remember DR himself once say: Anyone that does aerobatics or formation is crazy. He ate those words, and became a very competent aerobatic and formation pilot.

Aerobatics is playing in 3D. It's about a hundred times more fun, than that first time your parents let you take the car out by yourself! Formation is the most fun you can have in the daytime fully dressed!

Never Say Never!
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I wish I had ten bucks for each time I heard a builder say: I'm building a RV-X because I don't want to do any aerobatics. My next thought is: How do you know for sure?

I remember DR himself once say: Anyone that does aerobatics or formation is crazy. He ate those words, and became a very competent aerobatic and formation pilot.

Aerobatics is playing in 3D. It's about a hundred times more fun, than that the first time your parents let you take the car out by yourself! Formation is the most fun you can have in the daytime fully dressed!

Never Say Never!

Amen! Danny King!

There was athread recently about owning a -10, you just need a buddy with an 8 or as Louise pointed out a buddy with a 3.

You can't have too many :D
I enjoyed both of your videos. It's nice to see Haley so thoroughly enjoying her father's skillful flying. Another good one Mutha....... I mean Fatha....