I thought Shadowfax would make an excellent name too.
So I have the cart in front of the horse, already have a name picked out before I even start building. :eek:
final assembly

As I put on misc. trim pieces and covers a name for my plane has come to mind: "Hey!...Didn't that part fit before?". Wonder if thats too long to put on the side of the plane?
Since we live in eastern Canada, with a large francophone population, I took language training a few years ago and was telling my wife one day that the French Canadian slang for girlfriend is "La Blonde" Don't ask me why, but it is what is used with a touch of humor to refer to anothers girlfriend. My wife thought this was quite interesting and since my 4 is bright yellow she now is sometimes referred to as "La Blonde"

Joe Hine
C-FYTQ "La Blonde"
Fredericton N.B.