Hello Bryon,

Yes, we have a flap switch like that on our RV-7A.

You don't have to configure a maximum run time on the flap motor because the system automatically monitors the flap retraction and stops the flap motor when either the zero position is reached or when the flap movement has dropped below a minimum velocity for about 3 secs.

If you have a pre-programmed reflex position (like common on RV-10s), the system still stops at zero on the "held" retraction so you don't end up reflexed when you didn't mean to. If you want to go to the reflex position after a full flap retraction to zero, just flip the switch down, then back up.

Let us know if you still have questions.


Resurrecting this one. My motor runs continuously in the up position. What setting has to change to use the 0 position or flap velocity to turn off power to the flaps?