I would like to move to version 6.5 but want to make sure it will jive with my old Dynon D100/D120 efis setup. Has anyone with this setup upgrade to 6.5?

I have that setup and I updated mine yesterday with no apparent issues. Plan to go out in the morning for a test flight.


Now I can see the best way to update my Dynon D100/120 based panel. This news is timely, as I was about to pull the trigger for a pair of Skyview HDX touch displays along with a corral full of remote accessory units. I?ve decided instead to go all-Garmin.

I?ve learned(from a Garmin tech rep who used to work for Dynon)that nearly all of the engine sensors feeding the D120 will work with the Garmin G3X EMS module, including all temp, pressure, and fuel flow sensors, and that the Dynon AOA pitot should work with the G3X adahrs.

My new shopping list will be one 10? G3X touch, two G5 touch, a GTN navigator, a garmin autopilot, a GTX345R transponder, and assorted add on items.

The G3X Touch has bluetooth, which will talk nice to ForeFlight Pro on my iPad, so no need to add pricey Garmin FlightStream so long as I?m willing to update the cards from my laptop PC.. The thought of having everything on my panel be DESIGNED to work together flawlessly, all using the same symbology and ergomonic strategy is just too hard to pass up, and the cost of this whole setup will be right in the same ballpark as trying to marry Dynon HDX, a Garmin GPS navigator, and Foreflight. Ongoing subscriptions for IFRwill actually end up costing less.

I cannot wait to get this project rolling!- Otis
No links are working to provide the new software

I don?t know why, but the original link does not work, the secod link provided only has the instructions, and the google search proposed also only has the instructions. Is it me? Thanks for all the hel, though!
I don?t know why, but the original link does not work, the secod link provided only has the instructions, and the google search proposed also only has the instructions. Is it me? Thanks for all the hel, though!

The link I posted above worked about 10 seconds ago.
I flew behind the new software for 3.5 hours today with no issues seen. Can't wait until the g3x software is out too take advantage of the new features.
Good news

I have that setup and I updated mine yesterday with no apparent issues. Plan to go out in the morning for a test flight.


Sam, thanks for the response. Glad to here it seemed to all be working properly on the ground. Did you run it through all phases of flight? Approaches, etc?


The only link I see for the GTN650 is a service bulletin, no software included.

Sorry I am traveling and only have my phone.


The link I posted should take you to this page where you should see the link I circled above.

Hope this helps!
I installed the update yesterday, but haven't had a chance to fly with it. One question that I can't answer with the new manual: can you program crossing restrictions in the VNAV profile, like "cross 40 south of MEM at 4000", and have the 650/750 display the time to TOD? I've flown a lot with the G1000 and it's called "along track offset" on that unit and I used it a lot. I presume that the VNAV glidepath is funneled through the ARINC box as well so my Dynon autopilot can follow it?
I installed the update yesterday, but haven't had a chance to fly with it. One question that I can't answer with the new manual: can you program crossing restrictions in the VNAV profile, like "cross 40 south of MEM at 4000", and have the 650/750 display the time to TOD? I've flown a lot with the G1000 and it's called "along track offset" on that unit and I used it a lot. I presume that the VNAV glidepath is funneled through the ARINC box as well so my Dynon autopilot can follow it?

Hello Mark,

Glad to hear the update went well.

Yes, you may program an along track offset with an altitude constraint as you describe.

The GTN 750 V6.50 Pilot Guide upgrade supplement (for example) explains this beginning on page 4-9.


We have had to update our systems/autopilots to utilize the new A429 data associated with VNAV mode guidance and would expect others to need to do the same.

Let us know if you have any questions.

Sorry to be dense but I have to create a user waypoint first and then use it in the flight plan? The g1000 automatically created and inserted a temp waypoint which was a lot more convenient. Just want to make sure I?m not missing anything
Been reading the manual for 6.50...

With VNAV with FPA (flight path angle), temperature compensation, and lateral offsets, the GTN has become a full blown FMS. The only thing that seems to be missing is airspeed restrictions.

Am I missing anything?
Ver. 6.5 with Trutrak Gemini

Is there any reason the new 6.5 update would not work with my Trutrak Gemini AP? I get a little nervous with updates but would love to have some of the new features...
I like it...

Just did a test flight with V 6.5 in my GTN 650. Everything I tried seemed to work fine. The qwerty key entry is a real time saver.
Is there a version of the manual with the changes highlighted.

You've probably already found it, but Garmin posted a Pilot's Guide Upgrade Supplement, "This supplement contains the pages revised in the GTN 625/635/650 Pilot?s Guide, P/N 190-01004-03, Rev N, regarding the new features of software v6.50. Change bars are placed adjacent to the revised information as described in the revision summary table."

It's very clear which parts of the manual are new.

The supplement is on the regular Garmin manual download page: https://support.garmin.com/support/manuals/manuals.htm?partNo=010-00813-50
Choose "Appliance Data" in the pull down menu.
Sam, thanks for the response. Glad to here it seemed to all be working properly on the ground. Did you run it through all phases of flight? Approaches, etc?



I did go out yesterday & fly the new software. I have a TruTrak VSGV & Dynon HS34. I punched in an approach for a nearby airport and it flew the coupled approach flawlessly. I haven't explored the new features in total yet, and still have ALOT more to learn about the GTN. But I did see where you could enter altitudes per waypoint for the approach. The A/P doesn't follow the VNAV data until it captures the glide slope as far as I can tell. I think that will be a capability only for GX3 with Garmin A/P.
I do love the new keyboard!

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I did go out yesterday & fly the new software. I have a TruTrak VSGV & Dynon HS34. I punched in an approach for a nearby airport and it flew the coupled approach flawlessly. I haven't explored the new features in total yet, and still have ALOT more to learn about the GTN. But I did see where you could enter altitudes per waypoint for the approach. The A/P doesn't follow the VNAV data until it captures the glide slope as far as I can tell. I think that will be a capability only for GX3 with Garmin A/P.
I do love the new keyboard!



I took off and loaded an approach too. I put VNAV direct to the FAP and it did not climb to that altitude. I have to put the altitude into the Gemini AP. It did capture the glide slope for the RNAV approach just fine and couple the approach. I wonder if it was because it required a climb? I have a trip tomorrow and will see if VNAV will guide the AP in a decent.


I took off and loaded an approach too. I put VNAV direct to the FAP and it did not climb to that altitude. I have to put the altitude into the Gemini AP. It did capture the glide slope for the RNAV approach just fine and couple the approach. I wonder if it was because it required a climb? I have a trip tomorrow and will see if VNAV will guide the AP in a decent.


I don't think the TruTrak (at least the VSGV) has that capability. I'm gong to share an email exchange I had with (Steve) G3Expert a couple of weeks ago regarding this:

Question regarding the GTN vertical NAV feature that you announced on the Vans Airforce forum.
I have a GTN650 navigator and a TruTrak A/P that flies coupled approaches. Will the new software update (V6.50) allow for the VNAV profiles through the TruTrak or is this ONLY for Garmin G5 & G3X equipment and A/P?s?
Also looking forward to the full screen keyboard.
Thanks also for your presence & help on the forum."


"Hello Sam,

Good question.

Given that this new capability didn?t even work on Garmin equipment without a lot of software changes, it seems unlikely that the TT autopilot would work without changes, but it might depend on the model you have. It would probably be best to ask TruTrak if they have plans to add this support to your unit.

I think a lot of customers with the GTN 6XX units are going to really appreciate the new keypad.

Thanks, and you are welcome,

Maybe a software update for the TruTrak? Maybe the TruTrak Vizion can do it? Who knows..... and I haven't talked to TruTrak yet.

In section 4.3.3 of GTN Pilot's Guide Rev N, it lists: VNAV Requirements
? Enablement by the installer

Is configuration of the GTN needed to take advantage of VNAV, beyond loading v6.50? Is new configuration of the G3X required?

I'm waiting for G3X v6.20, so haven't tried it yet.
I went out this morning and set up a short cross country, using a "along track offset" waypoint to see if my Dynon autopilot would couple to the VNAV signal from the 650. Nope. In fact, other than telling me when to descend, that feature was almost useless. No glidepath indication, nothing. Is the 650 not putting out the glidepath info through the A429 stream? It works for LPV approaches, why not enroute VNAV? Am I missing something?
You've probably already found it, but Garmin posted a Pilot's Guide Upgrade Supplement, "This supplement contains the pages revised in the GTN 625/635/650 Pilot?s Guide, P/N 190-01004-03, Rev N, regarding the new features of software v6.50. Change bars are placed adjacent to the revised information as described in the revision summary table."

It's very clear which parts of the manual are new.

The supplement is on the regular Garmin manual download page: https://support.garmin.com/support/manuals/manuals.htm?partNo=010-00813-50
Choose "Appliance Data" in the pull down menu.

Thank you!

For those of you who have already done the update. Did you have to enter all your settings again?
While I did take precautions to take photos of all my configuration pages, I didn't lose any of the configuration settings. I guess Murphy will strike if you don't have a record of the settings.:eek:
For those of you who have already done the update. Did you have to enter all your settings again?

Like Bob, I took pics of all my settings screens before update. Glad I did. Lost all my ARINC, RS232, etc. settings. Punched them back in & did a test flight. All ok. :)
Question for Garmin

I posted this earlier, but I think it got lost in the Labor Day postings. I'd like to get an answer please:

"I went out this morning and set up a short cross country, using a "along track offset" waypoint to see if my Dynon autopilot would couple to the VNAV signal from the 650. Nope. In fact, other than telling me when to descend, that feature was almost useless. No glidepath indication, nothing. Is the 650 not putting out the glidepath info through the A429 stream? It works for LPV approaches, why not enroute VNAV? Am I missing something?"
I posted this earlier, but I think it got lost in the Labor Day postings. I'd like to get an answer please:

"I went out this morning and set up a short cross country, using a "along track offset" waypoint to see if my Dynon autopilot would couple to the VNAV signal from the 650. Nope. In fact, other than telling me when to descend, that feature was almost useless. No glidepath indication, nothing. Is the 650 not putting out the glidepath info through the A429 stream? It works for LPV approaches, why not enroute VNAV? Am I missing something?"

Hello Mark,

VNAV (VPATH) guidance is different from glidepath/glideslope approach guidance, and thus anyone providing support for VNAV A429 data would need to add this support separately.

Garmin has already added this support and released new V5.50 software for G5 systems (with/without autopilot), and is currently testing the new V6.20 software with this capability for G3X Touch systems.

Hello Mark,

VNAV (VPATH) guidance is different from glidepath/glideslope approach guidance, and thus anyone providing support for VNAV A429 data would need to add this support separately.

Garmin has already added this support and released new V5.50 software for G5 systems (with/without autopilot), and is currently testing the new V6.20 software with this capability for G3X Touch systems.


Thank you! I'll go hammer Dynon now
GTN SW updates - how about GDL-88 too?

Hi Steve,

Just installed the GTN750 6.50 SW, and love the keyboard update! AND!!! The DISTd export error on active approaches is fixed!!!! Thanks!!!

So now, can we in experimental world also get the GDL-88 SW updates free please? I get the periodic loss of ADS-B IN data that is referred to in the GDL service bulletin, and the GDL SW can be updated from the GTN...But the local shop wants a bunch of $$.

Reinhard Metz

"Barometric altitude lost" ------is the message I am getting on my 650 --- popped up after installing 6.5 --

FAA ADS-B Report says everything is working (transponder, encoder, ads-b_


"Barometric altitude lost" ------is the message I am getting on my 650 --- popped up after installing 6.5 --

FAA ADS-B Report says everything is working (transponder, encoder, ads-b_



Hello Ron,

Have you checked to see if the input on your GTN which is supposed to receive this data from some other device in your aircraft is still properly configured?

Feel free to contact us directly by email if you would like.

Thanks for the reply

Steve, as always, appreciate your attention ----- before doing the 6.5 update, I took pictures of each of my configuration screens. I have gone back over those and did not detect any changes. I also checked my G327 TXP for any changes --- none detected.

I did notice, on one of the main screens (forget which one -- setup, utilities, etc??? ) there was a window I had not noticed before, something like "VNAV enable" ---- I have that enabled.

Anyway, apparently no one else has experienced this, so I will contact you by email ---- by the way --- Love the keyboard!!

Check your ARINC settings on the 650. 650 to G3X touch is EFIS format 2
and GAMA format 1.

When I upgraded a couple of 650/ G3X touches I got that same Baro message.
I had inadvertently set the arinc to EFIS format 1. They had worked flawlessly with that setting until the 650 upgrade.
Check your ARINC settings on the 650. 650 to G3X touch is EFIS format 2
and GAMA format 1.

When I upgraded a couple of 650/ G3X touches I got that same Baro message.
I had inadvertently set the arinc to EFIS format 1. They had worked flawlessly with that setting until the 650 upgrade.

Hello Jon,

Needing to configure the GTN EFIS/Airdata input to EFIS Format 2 is nothing new (see page 27-29 of Rev. AF G3X Installation manual), but as you say, perhaps you were getting away with using the other format until this GTN version.

Thanks for sharing this tip.

While we are on the subject of GTN A429 settings, the GTN GPS A429 output will need to be changed from "GAMA FORMAT 1" to "GARMIN 429" when GTN V6.50 is used with G3X Touch V6.20 to allow the new VNAV capability to work.

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Thanks Jon and Steve --- that did it!

I changed my ARINC setting from EFIS Format 3 to EFIS Format 2 ----- the Baro message went away!

As always --- I appreciate the forum and the help it provides!

Have a great day and pray for the folks in the Southeast!

Looks like G3X GDU 46x v6.20 is out,

At the top of the list of Changes made from version 6.10 to 6.20 is:
"Add support for GTN vertical navigation guidance"

Thank you Steve and G3X team.

Has anyone loaded it yet? I'm excited to use the new GTN s/w, I'll probably update my GTN and G3X today.

I downloaded / installed and test flew the upgrades to both the GTN (6.50) and G3X touch (6.20) on 9/12, didn't have any issues.

The G3X updates took no time at all. The GTN took maybe 7-8 minutes or so.
Installed G3X v6.20 and GTN v6.5 today, the update went smoothly. On the ARINC 429 config page (of the GTN) I changed the "Out 1 Data" from "Gama Format 1" to "Garmin 429."

Love the VNAV, love the QWERTY keyboard.

One thing I'm bumping up against is explained in section 6.4 of the new (Rev N) GTN Pilot's Guide,
"v5.13 and Earlier or v6.50 and Later; If you build your flight plan with the destination airport at the end and then load an approach procedure, you will navigate all the way to the destination airport before joining the procedure. Be sure when LOADING and not ACTIVATING an approach procedure that the route to be flown is correct."

Please help me understand, in what situation would one ever navigate first to the destination airport and then fly back out to an IAF? Those of you who used GTN v5.13 (and before) would you just delete the airport as soon as you loaded the approach? Why this extra step?

Alternatively, if you "Load and Activate" the Approach Procedure, the GTN wipes out all the waypoints remaining in the flight plan and flies Direct To whatever IAF you've chosen for your approach.

What SOP do you use while flying approaches with a GTN?
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Thats weird but it dosen't happen that way. I just tried it on the new software simulator. I put in a flight plan with the destination airport then put in and activated the approach with vector to the IAP. It navigated to the IAP not the destination airport. Now the airport is still in the flight plan but is overridden by the approach.
Big difference between LOADING and LOAD AND ACTIVATE. Loading it does just that. Loads the points of the approach at the end of the flight plan. ACTIVATING it is almost like a DIRECT TO entry. If you LOAD AND ACTIVATE , it will navigate from that point direct to the selected IAF and drop what?s left on the flight plan.
If you select VECTORS TO FINAL it extends the magenta line toward the FAF on the inbound course and uses the FAF as the point. You have to fly the plane to a point where you can intercept the magenta line.
Thats weird but it dosen't happen that way. I just tried it on the new software simulator. I put in a flight plan with the destination airport then put in and activated the approach with vector to the IAP. It navigated to the IAP not the destination airport. Now the airport is still in the flight plan but is overridden by the approach.

It may not work that way in the software simulator, but it does work that way with the GTN in the plane. If you LOAD an approach, but do not activate, the GTN flies you to the destination airport first, then back to the IAF. If you LOAD AND ACTIVATE the GTN blows away all your waypoints before the IAF.

Didn?t I just say that I loaded and activated the approach? I think we are in agreement. And I have tried it in my plane but I went to the simulator to check before I posted. The simulator works exactly like the real thing
The vectors selection drops all but the FAF. It doesn?t use the IAF at all. Not sure how you Activated Vectors to the IAF.

Before you load and activate the approach, press the vectors button and select the fix
I had issues with grasping this concept when we installed the GTN-650 also. When one entered the flight plan (Start - Way-point(s) - Dst Airport), then load an approach with an IAF. The GTN will append the approach (IAF - fixes - Dst Airport) at the end of the flight plan while keeping the first Dst Airport. If you arrive at the Dst airport in VFR condition and cancel your IFR flight plan to fly the visual to the runway; it works.

If you keep your IFR flight plan, when approach ATC provide instructions (Direct to IAF, Vectors, etc.) for the approach. Yes, you'll need to Activate the approach and follow ATC's instructions. Activating the approach will jump the pointer to the first way-point on the approach.

I initially thought why Garmin/GTN kept two instances of the Dst airport, why they didn't delete/remove the first Dst airport instance. The present method has the PIC activating the approach at the appropriate time, sort of a confirmation.
Loading the approach puts the fixes in queue. Activate the approach ONLY when cleared for the approach by ATC. Any waypoints between you and the IAF (or vector) will be eliminated.