
Well Known Member
August 29, 2018 update: GTN software version 6.50 released today. If you have an E-AB aircraft, you can install the new software per Service Bulletin 1859 from the Garmin website: https://www8.garmin.com/support/collection.jsp?product=010-00G3X-00&cID=155&pID=63892

There are three different links on the download page for Service Bulletin 1859. The first link is the Service Bulletin documentation. The second and third links include the software files. Please see the Service Bulletin documenation for complete details and make sure you are familiar and comfortable with the software update process outlined there before attempting it on your own aircraft. If not, the option of seeking assistance from a dealer is still available.

Full integration of the VNAV feature with the G3X Touch will be available in GDU 4XX software 6.20. We are in the process of testing the software now and expect it will be available in September.

The primary new features are listed below, please see Service Bulletin 1859 for a complete list of changes.

Garmin G5 and G3X Touch systems have always had coupled VFR VNAV capability to use the autopilot to perform functions such as descend from cruise altitude to pattern altitude, but up until now, we have not had the ability to use coupled VNAV when using the GTN navigator.

With GTN V6.50, pilots can take advantage of VNAV profiles throughout the enroute and terminal phases of flight within the GTN 6XX/7XX touchscreen navigators when they?re paired with the G5 or G3X Touch system. Within the GTN, pilots can easily enter altitude constraints on the flight plan page to set-up a vertical descent profile. Pilots also experience a near-seamless transition from VNAV to an arrival and instrument approach. Once an arrival or approach is loaded and activated, the GTN automatically populates step-down altitudes or any applicable altitude restrictions. If ATC issues an unpublished altitude restriction, pilots can enter those altitudes manually into the active flight plan under the VNAV field.


Here is an example of this flight plan page on the GTN 625.


As part of the VNAV profile, top of descent (TOD) and bottom of descent (BOD) values are also calculated and displayed on the GTN moving map. As the aircraft arrives at TOD, the GTN displays a visual annunciation prompting the pilot to begin the descent. The G5 or G3X Touch display will provide a vertical deviation indication (VDI) to provide vertical guidance for the descent.

When a G5 or G3X Touch autopilot is installed, pilots can select the VNAV button on the mode controller (or touchscreen) to fly a fully-coupled VNAV profile.


We are also pleased to announce that the GTN 6XX navigators have a new full size QWERTY keyboard available to improve data entry with this GTN software release.


These GTN software updates are expected to be available from Garmin in August at no charge. A dealer installation charge may apply, but as in the past, we plan to make this software update available as a download to customers with non-certified aircraft.

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I will have to check this out more when i have some time, but this sounds great. Thanks for the update.
Wonderful -- the only reason I envied my 750

brethren was because of the full keyboard. (actually I envied other aspects of the 750 but panel space and dollars preclude the 750)

finally! thanks for the hard work garmin, this will be very helpful around bravo's, are the TOD and BOD graphics planned to be integrated to the G3X at any point? or will we just see the banana trying to update against current vertical speed
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Garmin G5 and G3X Touch systems have always had coupled VFR VNAV capability to use the autopilot to perform functions such as descend from cruise altitude to pattern altitude, but up until now, we have not had the ability to use coupled VNAV when using the GTN navigator.

With GTN V6.50, pilots can take advantage of VNAV profiles throughout the enroute and terminal phases of flight within the GTN 6XX/7XX touchscreen navigators when they?re paired with the G5 or G3X Touch system. Within the GTN, pilots can easily enter altitude constraints on the flight plan page to set-up a vertical descent profile. Pilots also experience a near-seamless transition from VNAV to an arrival and instrument approach. Once an arrival or approach is loaded and activated, the GTN automatically populates step-down altitudes or any applicable altitude restrictions. If ATC issues an unpublished altitude restriction, pilots can enter those altitudes manually into the active flight plan under the VNAV field.


As part of the VNAV profile, top of descent (TOD) and bottom of descent (BOD) values are also calculated and displayed on the GTN moving map. As the aircraft arrives at TOD, the GTN displays a visual annunciation prompting the pilot to begin the descent. The G5 or G3X Touch display will provide a vertical deviation indication (VDI) to provide vertical guidance for the descent.

When a G5 or G3X Touch autopilot is installed, pilots can select the VNAV button on the mode controller (or touchscreen) to fly a fully-coupled VNAV profile.


We are also pleased to announce that the GTN 6XX navigators have a new full size QWERTY keyboard available to improve data entry with this GTN software release.


These GTN software updates are expected to be available from Garmin in August at no charge. A dealer installation charge may apply, but as in the past, we plan to make this software update available as a download to customers with non-certified aircraft.


Hi Steve, why you talk only about g3x touch? y have the legacy and also have vfr vnav with autopilot if the waypoint have altitude and obs in gps in the gtn.
...similar question to above, would adding G5 to a legacy 37X system allow VNAV functionality?

:confused: CJ

P.S. love the querty keyboard!!!
finally! thanks for the hard work garmin, this will be very helpful around bravo's, are the TOD and BOD graphics planned to be integrated to the G3X at any point? or will we just see the banana trying to update against current vertical speed

Hello Brian,

Good question. At least initially, we don't expect the TOD/BOD information to be shown on the GDU map since this information is not currently available from the GTN.

Hi Steve, why you talk only about g3x touch? y have the legacy and also have vfr vnav with autopilot if the waypoint have altitude and obs in gps in the gtn.

Hello Hernan (and CJ),

Another good question. We have wrapped up the changes to support this new GTN capability in the G5, which is used both in EAB installations and with the GFC 500 certified autopilot, and are currently working on completing this integration with G3X Touch (GDU 4XX).

After finishing this work we plan to look at whether or not we are able to offer this capability to GDU 37X customers. We haven't ruled this out.

Great stuff!

Love the new GTN6XX keyboard! I was just thinking this morning on my flight review how nice it would be to have a full keyboard!

Double thanks for the ability to add Altitudes to the GTN flight plan!

Triple thanks for making it all work seamlessly with the G3X Touch!
Any plans to make the VDI indication (VNAV) interface for the Aspen EFD 1000 Pro?

Hello wnplt,

Sorry, but that is so far outside our team's responsibilities that we don't have any visibility to that.

I have a 650 but no G3X or G5, so no benefit for me on the VNAV, but all I can say in re: the keyboard is THANK YOU. I absolutely hate the way you have to enter way points at present.
Great upgrades indeed, just today I was crossing multiple fixes at assigned altitudes and was wishing for this feature, plus the new Key Board will be so welcome compared to the 'sliding' key board.

"the GTN 6XX navigators have a new full size QWERTY keyboard available"

I'm sure the term "full size" is a little tongue in cheek. Thank's for the great new though. It's a handy addition. Also glad to see the G3X may not be left out in the rain. I was starting to feel as though I have an orphaned system already.

I asked Garmin at Oshkosh. They didn't give me an exact date but said late August. The 650 demos they had there had the software update so I got to play with it some. Love the new keyboard. Hope the upgrade comes soon.
Software available in August

Any UPDATE on a release date for new GTN software?

We know how anxious you are to get these new features in your aircraft and we continue to make good progress toward releasing the GTN 6.50 software. As stated in the original post, we expect the software to be available in August. We still believe this is a realistic goal. Thanks for your patience as we wrap up the certification and documentation!

Looks like the 6.50 update has been posted on Garmin's site. Who's going to be the first to install?
I am just got my database subscription today and downloaded the G3X updates in preparation for instrument proficiency training.

I was looking for the GTN software update today, how do I get to it?
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Databases on my gtn650 are a few months out of date. Do I need to update databases along with upgrading the software for the software to work? In other words is new software compatible with older databases?
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GTN 650 Released

As many of you have already seen, we released GTN software version 6.50 today. If you have an E-AB aircraft, you can download and install the new software per Service Bulletin 1859 from the Garmin website: https://www8.garmin.com/support/collection.jsp?product=010-00G3X-00

There are three different links on the download page for Service Bulletin 1859. The first link is the Service Bulletin documentation. The second and third links include the software files. Please see the Service Bulletin documenation for complete details and make sure you are familiar and comfortable with the software update process outlined there before attempting it on your own aircraft. If not, the option of seeking assistance from a dealer is still available.

You can see the features of GTN version 6.50 on the first post in this thread. Full integration of the VNAV feature with the G3X Touch will be available in GDU 4XX software 6.20. We are in the process of testing the software now and expect it will be available in September.

If you have questions specific to your installation, the fastest way for us to help you is through email, [email protected].

Excuse my ignorant question: The new GTN s/w (6.50) has some VNAV capabilities that won't be implemented in our G3X systems until G3X v6.20 comes out next month, but it doesn't break any capabilities the G3X has now, correct?

Thanks Garmin Team for getting this update out to us this month, as hoped. And thanks to all early adopters for trying it out and providing feedback.

loader card

When I bought my GTN 625, it came with 2 cards that I have been using to update the databases. Do I use one of those cards of do i need to get a new and different card?
When I bought my GTN 625, it came with 2 cards that I have been using to update the databases. Do I use one of those cards of do i need to get a new and different card?

I bought a new loader card. In my case, I got a SanDisk 16GB "Extreme-Plus".
Says it has a transfer rate of 90MB/s and has worked fine on the updates I have done. The install instructions may specify the SD card.
When I bought my GTN 625, it came with 2 cards that I have been using to update the databases. Do I use one of those cards of do i need to get a new and different card?

The GTN series uses standard SD cards. Most of my cards are Sandisk and seem to work just fine. YMMV with other brands.

My practice for both all of my screens and GPS is to have two set of cards / usb thumb drives. The current set is installed in the aircraft and the other set is at home waiting for the next release. Then update the spare set and swap them with the ones in the aircraft.

Since I fly IFR, I follow the FAA data release cycle for the maps, charts, and plates on the EFIS, which is the same cycle as the GPS databases.

If your question is about the software update, again any SD card that is large enough can be used including the cards you have from Garmin. Make sure that you format them to ensure you remove any remnants of the previous contents.

The instructions that Garmin provides is extremely verbose and easy to follow for the upgrade. Specifically make sure you have all the config options documented. I find it's just as easy to snap a photo of each config screen with my phone. I've never lost my config during an upgrade, but there is always that first time. :eek:
There are three different links on the download page for Service Bulletin 1859. The first link is the Service Bulletin documentation. The second and third links include the software files. Please see the Service Bulletin documenation for complete details and make sure you are familiar and comfortable with the software update process outlined there before attempting it on your own aircraft. If not, the option of seeking assistance from a dealer is still available.

I'm getting a 404 error, file not found when I click on the download button for the Service Bulletin.


Same on the image download

Databases on my gtn650 are a few months out of date. Do I need to update databases along with upgrading the software for the software to work? In other words is new software compatible with older databases?

Hello Joe,

Good question. A couple of people have asked about this.

Page 7 of the new Service Bulletin 1859 for installing GTN V6.50 says the following:

GTN Main Software Version 6.50 requires the same Navigation database format that was adopted in Version 6.21. Older format Navigation databases will NOT work with GTN Main Software Version 6.50.​

As shown in this posting, GTN V6.21 was released in September, 2016, so if your Navigation Database is newer than this date, you are good to go.

Excuse my ignorant question: The new GTN s/w (6.50) has some VNAV capabilities that won't be implemented in our G3X systems until G3X v6.20 comes out next month, but it doesn't break any capabilities the G3X has now, correct?

Thanks Garmin Team for getting this update out to us this month, as hoped. And thanks to all early adopters for trying it out and providing feedback.


Hello Craig,

You are very welcome. Here is a little more information on compatibility. We probably need to adjust the red text shown when you click on the service bulletin....

G3 Touch (GDU 4XX)
While the present G3X Touch V6.10 software does not display the new VNAV guidance provided by the GTN V6.50 software and does not support autopilot coupling to this new VNAV guidance, you may install GTN V6.50 and continue to use the GTN features you are using today. When the next G3X Touch release is available, GTN VNAV support, including autopilot coupling, will be available.​

G3X (GDU 37X)
While the present G3X V11.70 software does not display the new VNAV guidance provided by the GTN V6.50 software and does not support autopilot coupling to this new VNAV guidance, you may install GTN V6.50 and continue to use the GTN features you are using today. We don?t have a G3X software release scheduled with this capability, but hope to do so at some point.​

G5 System
A G5 system with the current software (V5.50) is fully compatible with GTN V6.50 including the display of VNAV path guidance complete with autopilot coupling.​

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Just updated...

Seems I lost the ability to transfer a flight plan from Garmin Pilot to the GTN. The G3X reacts, but the GTN does not. If I "accept" it on the G3X, the GTN reports "failed".

Hopefully this will get fixed with the G3X 6.2 update.

Has anyone upgraded to 6.50 with any other EFIS’s. Just wondering what will and won’t work with my GRT HXr.

Will it display or fly the VNAV information like it now does in VNAV approaches?
Fixed in GDU 4XX v6.20

Just updated...

Seems I lost the ability to transfer a flight plan from Garmin Pilot to the GTN. The G3X reacts, but the GTN does not. If I "accept" it on the G3X, the GTN reports "failed".

Hopefully this will get fixed with the G3X 6.2 update.


I loaded our bench with GDU 4.XX V6.10 and GTN V6.50 and confirmed the behavior you see. I can also confirm that this is fixed in GDU 4.XX V6.20.

We are pushing hard to get V6.20 out the door and expect it to be available in the next two weeks.

Ok, question.

I have a GTN 650 in both my RV-8 panel and my 185 panel.

I know I can update the RV-8 software, but as an A&P can I also update the (certified) software in my C185?

I?m guessing no, since A&Ps aren?t allowed to repair instruments, but it?d be nice if I could save the downtime and labor cost.

Dynon compatibility?

I would like to move to version 6.5 but want to make sure it will jive with my old Dynon D100/D120 efis setup. Has anyone with this setup upgrade to 6.5?
link not working for me

I only get "Not Found" when I click on the link provided to download the software. Am I missing something?