Update (sort of)

I was consistently having the audio issues mentioned here, but the last 5 times in the plane the unit worked perfectly. I have not changed anything, have not updated to the latest software, nothing. I wish I could tell you why it now works. I?ll report here if it reverts back.
Probably not related to the original complaint, but one thing that I?ve seen is that when trying to get audio to play sometimes it didnt work. after digging through menus i found that there is an option that disables music when you have the audio panel in pilot isolate mode... my wife was listening to XM music the other day and for some reason I couldn?t get my phone music to play... it looked like it was connected but i got nothing. It was this setting in config mode.

So this is a GMA-345 install in a Certified airplane.
1. Master SW ON
2. Avionics Master SW ON
3. Bluetooth connects to iPhone
4. Start MUSIC app on iPhone.
5. Press play on song.
6. Song shows playing on iPhone, streaming to GMA-345


7. PRESS and HOLD TEL button on GMA-345 until it says "BLUETOOTH DISABLED".
8. Music is PAUSED on iPhone.
9. PRESS and HOLD TEL button on GMA-345 until it says "BLUETOOTH ENABLED".
10. GMA-345 re-connects to iPhone.
11. Press play on MUSIC APP on iPhone.
12. Music starts playing on iPhone.


13. PULL BREAKER to GMA-345.
14. PUSH Breaker back in on GMA-345.
15. Once GMA-345 re-connects to iPhone.
16. Press Play on MUSIC APP on iPhone.
17. Music starts playing on iPhone


So, it takes a POWER CYCLE to get it working properly.

GOOD LUCK GARMIN, we're counting on you.
Still working on the bluetooth problem.

Everyone with the bluetooth problem in your GMA245/345,

After doing a little more troubleshooting on the GMA245 in my aircraft, and forwarding my findings to Justin, he informed me that they had found a few minor software problems that might fix the problem, but not sure, as all the units they have there work without the audio problem.

So with that, asked if I would send them mine, that way they would have a unit with the problem, so I just sent them my unit.

Since this problem only seem to come up when the unit has not been powered up for around 48 hours, it might take a few weeks to find the problem, but they are working on it, and now have a unit that has the problem.

Fingers cross that they find the problem and come up with a fix soon, so stand by as they are getting closer to the problem.

Thanks for the update Brian.

I sent Justin an email as well to see if they could use another unit.

I wonder if this is serial #/lot specific? My GMA 245 was purchased in late 2016 IIRC.
Mine was purchased only four months ago

Thanks for the update Brian.

I sent Justin an email as well to see if they could use another unit.

I wonder if this is serial #/lot specific? My GMA 245 was purchased in late 2016 IIRC.

Not sure what your serial number is, but I did an install with another GMA 245 besides mine, which has a serial number just lower and close to mine, as they were bought at the same time from the same vendor, and he does not have this problem. Also, my hanger mate bought his from the same vendor and his serial number is just a little higher than mine, and he also does not have this problem either.

Go figure.

Anyway, they have a bad unit on the way to help them find the problem, so fingers crossed, that they figure it out soon. I have no doubt they will.

Thanks Garmin.

Update with my unit

OK, first, Garmin has my old unit with the problem in it and working on it now.

Second, I received my replacement on Friday, and installed it. I powered it up with my avionics master and paired the bluetooth. Checked the audio and it worked without turning the unit OFF and back ON.

Came back almost 40 hours later to go for a quick hop, powered up with the avionics master, and after it auto paired, I checked out the audio and it worked fine again. So the problem looks to be in the unit, and not any wiring problems.

The guys at Garmin are a lot smarter than I, and I expect them to find the problem, and come up with a fix soon, so please be patient, and stand, or sit by.

Great Brian, thanks for you help. Let's hope they discover something that they can fix with a software update!!!!

I did what G3Xpert asked - disabled and then re-enabled bluetooth on the unit.

After doing so (about 3-4 weeks ago) I have flown multiple times and the issue has not repeated itself once. So far so good.

I did this before trying the reset to defaults, as it was a simpler process (and I wasn't sure what I might lose in terms of settings, etc.)
I just got a note from Garmin:
They said that they were able to replicate the poor Bluetooth connectivity on their bench equipment and have isolated the issue.
They said there will be a SOFTWARE UPDATE for the
GMA 345 (Notice this is GMA 345, I know a lot of you guys have the GMA 245, but they are so similar...) released soon.

I wonder if it was due to Brian sending his GMA 245 in so they could look into it. LETS HOPE THAT IS WHAT DID IT!!!!!

Now lets hope it comes out soon!!!!
GMA Audio Panel Bluetooth Connectivity

Good Afternoon,

We have identified a fix for the Bluetooth connectivity issue in the GMA audio panels. We will roll out software for standalone GMA 245's shortly to address the problem. A G3X update will follow to facilitate updating the GMA 245R units. Thank you for your patience as we worked through this problem. We will post here when the software is available to download.


Great news Justin

It is great news that the Garmin Gurus found a problem with the Bluetooth, and looks like they will have a fix coming out soon.

They are saying there will be a software update for both the GMA 245 and 245R, so if you are having the same problem with your GMA 345 unit, please let Justin know, so they can work on the GMA 345 units too.

Thank you Garmin guys for the quick work.

Now can you fix my spare SL-40 as easy as this? LOL

Good Afternoon,

We have identified a fix for the Bluetooth connectivity issue in the GMA audio panels. We will roll out software for standalone GMA 245's shortly to address the problem. A G3X update will follow to facilitate updating the GMA 245R units. Thank you for your patience as we worked through this problem. We will post here when the software is available to download.




Thanks for addressing this issue. Please consider adding the following features with the next firmware update:

  • Return of the button tone feature that was in the GMA-240 (the short "blip" that is heard when the buttons are pressed). This can be switchable so users can chose if they want the tone or not.
  • The annunciator lights are too dim at night. I cannot see which buttons are on. My installation uses the photocell to control brightness. I would like to be able adjust the sensitivity of the photocell similar to the way I can control the volume of the inputs in the setup mode.

Thank you for your consideration.
GMA 245 Software

We packaged GMA 245 software version 2.80, and posted it to the GMA 245 software page. This can be loaded into panel mounted GMA 245 units using the procedure listed in section 2.10 of the GMA 245 Installation Manual. A corresponding update for the remote mounted version will be available in the next GDU update.


Has anyone tried this update?
My 245 is still waiting for the rest of the aircraft to be finished so I can wait a bit.:)